- English
- Español
Place and Date : Cartagena, Colombia - April 28 to 30, 2015
Venue: Corales de Indias Hotel, Carrera 1 No 62-198, Crespo / RNT 28874 -
In compliance with the Calendar of Activities for 2014-2015
of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML), the following
events took place
� II Meeting of the Working Groups of the XVIII IACML: April 28 and
First Preparatory Meeting of the XIX IACML: April 30
� Delegates from 20 Labor Ministries, workers� and employers�
representatives and experts from ILO, PAHO, OECD, IDB, CINTERFOR, CISS and
OAS participated in the meeting to follow up on commitments of the
Declaration and Plan of Action of Medellin adopted at the XVIII IACML in 2013,
and start the preparatory process of the XIX IACML 2015
� Wide debate on how to improve inclusion in the labor market, strategies
to anticipate and design training demands and attend to populations facing major
challenges, in particular youth
� Visit to a training center of the National Training Service (SENA),
where all participants could observe some of the training courses offered, talk
with students and witness the operation of Colombia�s employment service.
� Discussion on progress on international labor cooperation, where
deepening of south-south and triangular cooperation was observed, as well as a
better management and use of resources by the Ministries.
� Analysis and exchange of experiences on compliance of labor laws and in
particular, labor inspection, where the region has had important innovations
� Presentation and discussion of the preliminary version of the Study on
bilateral and multilateral social security agreements with a view to
�identify alternatives for designing and proposing a hemispheric mechanism that
could facilitate the recognition of nominal pension contributions and pension
rights of migrant workers� (Art.6,e of Plan of Action of Medellin). Study
prepared by the CISS, with the support of the OAS. Delegations have until
August 10th to submit comments to the Secretariat.
� Decision on use of RIAL resources to improve its virtual tools (website
and portfolio of programs) and setting up of a Committee with this focus, formed
by Mexico, Colombia, United States, Argentina, Trinidad & Tobago and Guatemala.
� Dissemination of the latest developments on progress indicators of the
Protocol of San Salvador (Additional Protocol to the American Convention on
Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), and results
of the Inter-sectoral workshop on Social Protection and Employment, held
in December 2014 in Mexico City
� Negotiation and definition of slogan of the XIX IACML to be held in
November 2015 in Mexico: �Building decent work with social inclusion and
sustainable development in the Americas�, as well as the specific topics to be
List of Participants
Report of the Working Group 1
Report of the Working Group 2
Study on Social Security Agreements
Annex 4 : Questionnaire overview
Calendar of Activities of the IACML 2014-2015
Results on the Workshop on Social Protection and Employment
Report of the RIAL
(results and activities) 2006-2015
Financial Status of the Voluntary Contributions Fund
Results of the 8th Call for Proposals for Bilateral Cooperation RIAL
Status RIAL Portfolio
Information Bulletin
Declaration of Medellin, adopted in the XVIII IACML
Declaration of COSATE and CEATAL to the XVIII IACML, concerning informal economy
of Asunci�n for the 44th General Assembly of the OAS: "Development with Social
Recommendations from the Americas to the III Global Child Labor Conference
Inequality and Social Inclusion in the Americas
Meeting of Working Group 1: �Employment as a pillar in the quest for equality and development�
Enrique Deibe, Director of CINTERFOR
� OECD. David Khoudour-Cast�ras, Chief Migration and Skills Unit, OECD
Development Centre
� IDB. David
Rosas, Chief Specialist, Labor Market and Social Security Unit
� Guatemala.
Carlos Dom�nico Ulb�n, Deputy Minister for Social Welfare and Employment
� CISS. Jorge
Rodr�guez, General Coordinator of the Technical Secretariat and Valent�n Vargas,
Consultant of CISS
Meeting of Working Group 2: �Institutional Strengthening for the Protection of Workers' Rights and the Promotion of Social Dialogue
Panama. Rorix
N��ez, Director of International Technical Cooperation, Ministry of Labor and
Labor Development
� Jamaica.
Andrea Patterson-Morris, Director, Corporate Planning Department, Ministry of
Labour and Social Security
� OAS.
Activity and financial report, by Maria Claudia Camacho, RIAL Coordinator and
Carolina Ahumada, Program Officer, Labor and Employment Section, Dept. Social
Inclusion, SEDI
� ILO. Gerardina
Gonz�lez, Deputy Director for Management, ILO Regional Office for Latin America
and the Caribbean
� Trinidad y Tobago.
Farouk Mohammed, Labour Inspector, Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro
Enterprise Development
� Dominican
Republic. Valent�n Herrera, Director General of Labor, Ministry of Labor
� El Diario.es
� Photo Gallery
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