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First Working Groups Meeting within the framework of the XVI IACML


Place and Date: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, July 27 to 29, 2010
Venue: Hilton Hotel – Gran Salón Room
Ave. George Washington No. 500

In compliance with the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML) Calendar of Activities for 2010-2011, the following events took place consecutively:

•  RIAL Workshop “Labor Dimension of globalization and free trade agreements: Impacts and labor provisions”: July 27

•  First Working Groups Meeting within the framework of the XVI IACML: July 28 and 29 

These events were being organized under the auspice of the Ministries of Labor that lead the Working Groups:

WG1 Authorities   WG2 Authorities
Chair: United States Department of Labor Chair: Ministry of Labor of Dominican Republic
Vice-Chairs: Ministries of Labor of Brazil and Guyana Vice-Chairs:   Ministries of Labor of Mexico and Canada

First Working Groups Meeting within the framework of the XVI IACML
The objective of the Working Groups Meeting was to examine in greater depth the topics identified in the Plan of Action of Buenos Aires of 2009, facilitate exchange experience, provide pertinent information and studies, and follow-up on related hemispheric initiatives.

• Working Group 1 : “Decent work to face the global economic crisis with social justice for a fair globalization”
• Working Group 2 : “Strengthening of the ministries of labor to promote decent work”


Final Agenda

Final Participants List

Preliminary results and ideas of the meeting    

Progress and Finantial Report of the RIAL 2006-2010         

Calendar of Activities 2010-2011 of the IACML    

Summary of the RIAL Portafolio                

Information Bulletin

Photo Gallery

Presentations of Working Group 1

Introduction of Working Group 1

Introductory remarks by Robert Shepard, Director of the Office of International Relations, United States Department of Labor and WG1 Chair

Panel 1 - The impact of the global economic crisis on labor markets today

Jürgen Weller, Economist of the Division of Economic Development at ECLAC
Power Point Presentation  

María Elena Valenzuela, Regional Specialist on Gender of the ILO
Power Point Presentation  

Open dialogue

Panel 2 - The responses of Ministries of Labor and the perspective of social actors to the economic crisis
Introductory presentation Mario Barbosa, Special Advisor of International Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Employment of Brazil and WG1 Vice-Chair

Presentation of Saint Lucia - Edmund Estephane, Minister of Labor
Power Point Presentation

Presentation of Argentina - Marta Novick, Under-Secretary for Technical Programming and Labor Studies
Power Point Presentation  

Presentation of COSATE - Gerardo Martínez, President of COSATE, Director of International Affairs, General Labor Confederation of Argentina, and Member of the Administrative Council of the ILO
Power Point Presentation  
Audio (Spanish only)

Presentation of CEATAL - Pedro Rodríguez, Executive Director of the Employers Confederation of the Dominican Republic

Panel 3 – Economic crisis and natural disasters: A call to action to assist Haiti

Presentation of Haiti - Marie France Mondesir, Director of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Power Point Presentation  
Remarks from Hon. Max Puig, Minister of Labor of the Dominican Republic

Open dialogue

Panel 4 – Gender mainstreaming in the Ministries of Labor
Presentation by Maria Claudia Camacho, Labor Specialist, Dept. Social Development and Employment, SEDI/OAS and Maria Celina Conte, Specialist of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)
Summary of Activities Gender 
Strategic Guidelines Gender  

Remarks from Sara Manzano-Diaz, Director of the Women’s Bureau, United States Department of Labor

Open dialogue

Panel 5 - Other WG1 key issues

Remarks by Moderator Robert Shepard, WG1 Chair

April 2010 - Outcomes of the Meeting of Ministers of Labor of the G-20, presented by Robert Shepard, USDOL and Marta Novick, Ministry of Labor of Argentina

 July 2010 - Second Meeting of Ministers of Social Development of the OAS, held in Cali, Colombia, by Maria Claudia Camacho, Labor Specialist, DDSE/OAS

November 2010 - Employment and Social Protection, by Mario Barbosa of the Ministry of Labor of Brazil and Maria Claudia Camacho, OAS
Preliminary proposal Seminar on Intesectoral Public Policies

December 2010:  17th Regional Americas Meeting of the ILO, remarks from the ILO, by Maria Elena Valenzuela, Regional Specialist on Gender

Presentations of Working Group 2

Introduction of Working Group 2

Introductory remarks by Andrés Marranzini, Under-Secretary of Labor of Dominican Republic and WG2 Chair

Panel 1 - The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL): Current situation and future perspectives
Presentation by Maria Claudia Camacho, Specialist of the Dept. Social Development and Employment SEDI/OAS and RIAL Coordinator 
Power Point Presentation  
Progress and Finantial Report of the RIAL 2006-2010   

Remarks by Grace Gamboa, Director of International Affairs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Costa Rica
Power Point Presentation  

Open Dialogue

Panel 2 - Professional, technical and technological training and certification of labor skills

Presentation by Fernando Vargas, Specialist of CINTERFOR/ILO
Power Point Presentation  
Estrategia de formación CINTERFOR

Experience of the Dominican Republic, by Idionis Perez, Sub-Director of the National Institute for Technical and Professional Training (INFOTEP)
Power Point Presentation 

Experience of Brazil of the of Brazil, by Ana Paula da Silva, Director of the Training Department of the Ministry of Labor and Employment
Power Point Presentation 

Open dialogue

Panel 3 - Design and follow-up of Decent Work Country Programmes

Introductory remarks by Moderator Valentín Herrera, Director of Labor, Ministry of Labor of the Dominican Republic

Remarks by Maria Elena Valenzuela, Regional Specialist on Gender of the ILO

The experience of Bahamas, presented by Harcourt Brown, Director of Labor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development
Power Point Presentation 

Open dialogue

Panel 4 - Strengthening of the labor administration: management and planning models

The experience of Trinidad & Tobago, by Hon. Errol Mc Leod, Minister of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development
Power Point Presentation 

The experience of El Salvador, by Sandra Rivera, Director of International Relations, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Power Point Presentation 

Open dialogue

Other key topics of WG2 – Public Employment Services

Comments on the RIAL Workshop on Public Employment Services, scheduled for February or March, 2011 in Mexico and co-organized by the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES), its Vice-Chair for the Americas Region (Ministry of Labor of Argentina) and the OAS

Close of Business


Closing remarks

Hon. Max Puig, Minister of Labor of the Dominican Republic

Amb. Anibal Quiñónez, Permanent Representative of the Organization of American States in the Dominican Republic