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First Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XV IACML-2008


Place and date: Montevideo, Uruguay, April 15 to 17, 2008

This meeting of the Working Groups was held jointly with Workshop on Social Dialogue and Social Cohesion.

This meeting was attended by delegations from 27 Ministries of Labor of the Hemisphere, representatives from the advisory bodies, COSATE and CEATAL, as well as the ILO.

The main purpose of the Working Groups Meeting was to continue the discussion on the topics and tasks assigned to the Declaration and Plan of Action of Port of Spain to the Working Groups of the IACML:

  • Working Group 1 : “Decent Work as an Instrument for Development and Democracy in the Context of Globalization”, and
  • Working Group 2 : “Strengthening the Capacities of the Ministries of Labor to Respond to the Challenges of Promoting Decent Work in the Context of Globalization”
  • Relevant Documents

    • Conclusions of the meetings
    • Preliminary Agenda
    • Participants List
    • 2008-2009 Calendar of the XV IACML
    • Update of the RIAL Portfolio of Programs
    • Proposal III Hemispheric Workshop on OSH

    Presentations of Working Group 1 >>

    Presentations of Working Group 2 >>

    Presentations of Working Group 1

    Introduction of Working Group 1

    Mario Barbosa, Ministry of Labor and Employment of Brazil , WG1 Chair
    •  Audio (only available in Portuguese)

    Session 1 – Policies for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

    Brazil 's comprehensive policy that supports small enterprises, by Etel Tomaz, Advisor, Brazilian Service to Support for Micro and Small Enterprises (SEBRAE)
    •  Presentation
    •  Audio (only available in Portuguese)

    United States Department of Labor Initiatives for Supporting Small Business Development, by Kristin Lipke, International Relations Analyst , United States Department of Labo
    •  Presentation
    •  Audio (coming soon) 

    Dialogue among Member States , COSATE, CEATAL and int. agencies
    •  Audio (coming soon)

    Session 2 – National and regional plans for the creation of Decent Work

    Introduction by the ILO on the elaboration and implementation of these plans by Virgilio Levaggi, Director of the ILO for Central America, Haiti, Panama and the Dominican Republic
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    The experience of Argentina, by Martha Novick, Undersecretary for Technical Programming and Labor Studies, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security
    •  Presentation (only available in Spanish)
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    The experience of Honduras, by Juan Carlos Funes, Director of the National Plan for Decent Employment Creation, Ministry of Labor and Social Security
    • Presentation (only available in Spanish)
    • Audio (only available in Spanish)

    The experience of Bahamas, by Althea Albury, Deputy Director of Labour, Ministry of Maritime Affairs
    •  Presentation
    •  Audio

    Dialogue among Member States , COSATE, CEATAL and int. agencies
    •  Audio

    Session 3 - Informal economy and unregistered work

    Strategy of Peru to address informality, by Jorge Villasante, Vice-minister of Labor and Employment Promotion
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Strategy of Uruguay addressing informal workers, by Washington Hector Zapirain, Advisor to the Minister of Labor and Social Security
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Strategy of Paraguay for the formalization of businesses through the Unified System for the Opening of Businesses (SUAE), by Nelson Bareiro, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Justice and Labor
    •  Presentation (only available in Spanish)
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Dialogue among Member States , COSATE, CEATAL and int. agencies
    •  Audio

    Session 4– Policy articulation and alliances between Ministries of Labor and other sectors

    The Innovation Forum of the Americas (FIA 2008), which took place in Punta del Este, Uruguay from March the 20th until April 2nd, 2008 by Jorge Bruni, Deputy Secretary for Labor and Social Security of Uruguay
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    The Second America's Competitiveness Forum, to take place in Atlanta, USA, in August 2008, by Jane Richards, International Economist, United States Department of Labor
    •  Audio

    Space for questions and answers
    •  Audio

    Consideration of other WG1 topics and closing remarks by these Group authorities 

    Update on the V Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago, 2009, by the Government of Trinidad & Tobago and the OAS
    •  Audio

    RIAL Seminar on “Youth Employment”, Rio de Janeiro, May 20-21, 2008, organized jointly by the Ministry of Labor of Brazil, the US Department of Labor and the OAS
    •  Audio

    Update on Gender Project within the RIAL, by Francisco Pilotti, Director of the Department of Social Development and Employment, OAS
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Back to the top

    Presentations of Working Group 2

    Introduction of Working Group 2

    Carlos Zuniga, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of El Salvador , WG2 Chair
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Session 1 – Strengthening of labor administration

    Experience of Ecuador on institutional strengthening, by Tito Palma Caicedo , Vice-minister of Labor and Employment
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Experience of the Dominican Republic on the reorganization process of the Ministry of Labor, by Washington Gonzalez, Labor Director, Ministry of Labor
    •  Presentation (only available in Spanish)
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Experience of Chile on improvements of internal and external processes of the Ministry of Labor by Sebastián Sadá, International Relations Advisor, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
    •  Presentación (only available in Spanish)
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Experience of Argentina on Strategic Planning in the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, by Horacio Ordeix, Undersecretary for Coordination of that Ministry
    •  Presentación (only available in Spanish)
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Dialogue among Member States , COSATE, CEATAL and int. agencies (1 hour)
    •  Audio

    Session 2 – Effective enforcement of labor laws

    Experience of Trinidad and Tobago on the recent reforms in Occupational Health and Safety legislation and Labor Inspection, by Shanmatee Singh, Acting Director of Research and Planning, Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development
    •  Presentation
    •  Audio

    Experience of Colombia on the modernization of the inspection, surveillance and labor control function, by Walter Galeano, Advisor, Ministry of Social Protection
    •  Presentation (only available in Spanish)
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Experience of Costa Rica on the coordination and cooperation of the Ministry with the judicial system, by Carla Navarrete, Director of the Office of the Minister of Labor and Social Security
    •  Presentation
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Dialogue among Member States , COSATE, CEATAL and int. agencies
    •  Audio

    Session 3 – International cooperation on labor matters

    The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL): Advances, operation guide and future activities, by Maria Claudia Camacho, RIAL Coordinator, Dept. Social Development and Employment, OAS
    •  Presentation
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Experience of the Dominican Republic with the RIAL Cooperation Fund, by Washington Gonzalez, General Labor Director of the Ministry of Labor
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    The experience of Argentina on cooperation within MERCOSUR and impact of south-south cooperation, by Julio Rosales , Director of International Affairs, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    The experience of El Salvador on labor cooperation in the framework of the CAFTA-DR, by Carlos Hernandez Zuniga, Chief of the Unit for Labor Administration of FTAs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
    •  Presentación
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Dialogue among Member States , COSATE, CEATAL and int. agencies (1 hour)
    •  Audio

    Session 4 – RIAL Workshops linked to WG2

    RIAL workshop on Public Employment Services in Panama in October, 2008, by Ricardo Aguilar, International Relations Advisor, Ministry of Labor and Labor Development of Panama
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    RIAL Workshop on Occupational Health and Safety, in Peru in August, 2008, by Jorge Villasante, Vice-minister of Labor and Employment Promotion of Peru
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Dialogue among Member States , COSATE, CEATAL and int. agencies (30 minutes)
    •  Audio

    Consideration of other WG2 topics and final remarks by these Group authorities

    Jorge Bruni, Deputy Secretary for Labor and Social Security of Uruguay
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)

    Carl Francis, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise  Development of Trinidad and Tobago, Chair XV IACML
    •  Audio

    Francisco Pilotti, Director of the Department of Social Development and Employment and Maria Claudia Camacho, Labor Specialist, OAS
    •  Audio (only available in Spanish)


