First Meeting of the Working Groups of the XIX IACML
Date: June 28 and 29, 2016
Venue: Ruben Dario Room, OAS Headquarters
- 1889 F Street, NW, Washington, DC
The First Meeting of the Working Groups of the XIX IACML took place in
compliance with the Calendar of Activities for 2016-2017 of the
Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML).
To continue the discussion on the topics and tasks assigned by the
Declaration and Plan of Action of Cancun in 2015 to the Working Groups of the IACML.
Working Group 1: "Integrated public policies for productive employment
and decent work with social inclusion"
Working Group 2: "Institutional strengthening to protect workers' and
employer's rights and promote cooperation"
Gallery of Photos
Main results:
- Delegates from 22 OAS Member States, including representatives from Ministries of Labor and Permanent Missions to the OAS, experts from ILO, PAHO, OECD, IDB, CISS and OAS participated in the meeting to follow up on commitments of the Declaration and Plan of Action of Cancun, adopted at the XIX IACML in 2015.
- Analysis and discussion about the new world of work, the challenges that this poses to labor relations, worker’s rights and social protection, with input from international organizations, governments, and workers’ and employers’ representatives.
- Exchange of experiences and analysis about strategies for compliance with labor legislation and the new risks associated with the health and safety of workers.
- On-site visit to JobCorps’ program center, which is one of the United States’ Department of Labor most established programs that promotes employment of low-income youth.
- Presentation of proposal for Workshop about Youth Employment / Coordination Education and Labor. The following decisions were taken:
- Delegations will be able to send their comments to the proposal (document: CIMT-19/GT1-GT2/doc.8/16) until July 25.
- The delegation of Brazil will confirm if they can continue hosting the event by July 25. If their answer is negative, the delegations of Argentina and Guatemala, that expressed interest in sponsoring the event, will agree on which country will host the event and inform all delegations within the first 2 weeks after Brazil’s response.
- Delegations authorized that RIAL’s $25.000 for co-financing travel expenses for this event, could be used for officials from the Ministries of Labor, representatives from COSATE and CEATAL, and some Ministries of Education.
- Presentation of the new website and portfolio of programs of the Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL), which was very well received by all delegations. The Technical Secretariat will continue to update these tools, which are expected to be completed by the end of the year.
- Financial report and activities of the RIAL. The Secretariat highlighted that there have been very few contributions this year, and mentioned the financial crisis that the OAS is currently facing, which may negatively impact the RIAL.
- Presentation by OAS and CISS on the database for Bilateral and multilateral social security agreements (document: CIMT-19/GT1-GT2/doc.7/16). Delegations may send comments to this proposal until July 25.
Meeting of Working Group 1: "Integrated public policies for productive employment
and decent work with social inclusion"
- OAS. Maria Claudia Camacho, Labor and Employment Section Chief, Dpt. Human Development, Education and Employment, SEDI.
- IDB. Carmen Pages, Chief, Unit of Labor Markets and Social Security, Inter-American Development Bank.
- OECD. Juan Vazquez, Coordinator of Latin American Economic Outlook 2017, Development Center, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- ILO. Erick Zeballos, Deputy Director, ILO Washington Office.
- Chile. Eliel Hasson, Director of International Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Prevision.
- COSATE. Marta Pujadas, Chair of the Trade Union Technical Advisory Council.
- CEATAL. Ronnie Goldberg, Senior Counselor of the United States Council for International Business (USCIB) and Deputy Vice-Chair of the Business Technical Advisory Committee on Labor Matters
Meeting of Working Group 2: "Institutional strengthening to protect workers' and
employer's rights and promote cooperation"
- CIE. Amb. Abigail Castro de Perez, Technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Education: RIAL Workshop on Youth Employment / Coordination Labor and Employment.
PANEL: Strengthen Enforcement of Labor Legislation and Regulations, Beyond Labor Inspection
- Argentina. Ernesto Leguizamon, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security.
- Mexico. Alejandra Medina, Deputy Coordinator of Hemispheric Labor Policy, Secretariat for Labor and Social Welfares.
- Bahamas. Althea Albury, Deputy Director of Labour, Ministry of Labour and National Insurance.
- Costa Rica. Ana Lucia Blanco, Advisor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security.
Informative Session on the Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL)
PANEL: Occupational Safety and Health, Emphasis on New Labor Risks
- PAHO. New labor risks, non-communicable diseases and workplace stress. Julietta Rodriguez, Regional Advisor on Workers' Health.
- Canada. Alex Duff, Senior Policy Analyst, Labour Program of Employment and Social Development Canada.
- United States. MaryAnn Garrahan, Director, Directorate of Whistleblower Protection Programs, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).