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XVII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the OAS

XVII Inter-American Conference o
XVII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) of the OAS

Place and Date: San Salvador, El Salvador, October 31 to November 1, 2011
Venue: Sheraton Presidente Hotel
Avenida La Revolución, Col. San Benito
San Salvador, El Salvador



Overview and main results >>
Documents approved at the XVII IACML >>
Other relevant documents >>
Inter-Ministerial dialogue on gender equality >>
Speeches and interventions delivered during the meeting>>
Meetings of the consultative bodies >>
Logistical Information >>
Preparatory activities of the XVII IACML >>


The XVII IACML of the OAS took place under the auspice of the Government of El Salvador through its Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare under the theme “Advancing economic and social recovery with suitable development, decent work and social inclusion”. It was attended by 27 delegations of the Ministries of Labor of the Americas and the Caribbean, representatives of workers and employers, grouped in COSATE and CEATAL, and delegates from international organizations such as the International Labor Organization, Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mercosur and the Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SICA).

Among the most noteworthy results of this XVII IACML, characterized by a high level of dialogue and hemispheric consensus, are:

•The adoption of the Declaration and Plan of Action of San Salvador that will guide the work of the Conference within the next two years and which contain points of consensus that advocate for placing the issue of employment at the core of strategies for creating strong, sustainable and balanced, economies; the construction of fairer labor conditions at work and the eradication of child labor, among others;

• The adoption of a joint declaration submitted by COSATE and CEATAL on youth employment, which represents a great accomplishment given that workers and employers had not achieved hemispheric consensus in recent years;

• The ratification of the support to the Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) and the recognition of its valuable role as a mechanism for cooperation coordinated by the OAS;

• The commitment of financial resources for funding the RIAL by the governments of Canada and Barbados, for the amount of US $ 200,000 and US $ 5,000 respectively, and the sum of US $ 100,000 offered by the government of the United States to continue advancing in the labor topics in the region.

• The carrying out of the first dialogue among Ministers of Labor and Ministers of Women’s Affairs to share perspectives and set out recommendations to advance towards the achievement of greater equality between men and women in the world of work;

• The constitution of the 2 working groups and the appointment of their authorities:

        WG1: Brazil (chair), United States and Dominican Republic (Vice-chairs)
        WG2: Canada (chair), Mexico and Bahamas (Vice-chairs);

• The adoption of a resolution expressing solidarity with the peoples and governments of El Salvador and the countries of Central America as a result of the catastrophic tropical depression, and another one expressing gratitude for hosting the XVII IACML.

The preparation process of this Conference began with a First Preparatory Meeting, that took place in Washington D.C. on May 19, 2011, jointly with the Second Working Groups Meeting within the framework of the XVI IACML  and continued with the Second Preparatory Meeting held from September 7 to 9, 2011 in Washington D.C.

• Final Report of the XVII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor - OAS


• Planning Meeting 2012-2013
February 7, 2012 in Washington D.C.
>>more information


Declaration of San Salvador
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Plan of Action of San Salvador
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

• Resolution 1: Solidarity with the peoples and governments of El Salvador and the countries of Central America in light of the recent natural disasters
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

• Resolution 2: Vote of thanks to the people and Government of de El Salvador
- Versão em Português
- Version Française


Work Schedule of the XVII IACML
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- Version Française

Agenda of the XVII IACML
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Rules of Procedure of the XVII IACML
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Declaration of COSATE

Declaration of CEATAL

Joint Declaration of COSATE and CEATAL

Report of Working Group 1
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Report of Working Group 2
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Final Report of the Technical Secretariat
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Report of the RIAL 2006-2011

List of Participants

Photo Gallery

INTER-MINISTERIAL DIALOGUE ON GENDER EQUALITY - Special session between Ministers of Labor and Ministers of Women's Affairs
:00 to 16:00, November 1

Dialogue overview
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Study "Advancing Gender Equality in the context of Decent Work" - Concept paper

Executive summary "Advancing Gender Equality in the context of Decent Work"


Inaugural Session

• H.E. Mauricio Funes, President of El Salvador

Opening Session

• Humberto Centeno, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare of El Salvador
• Elizabeth Tinoco, Deputy Director General and Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Labor Organization
• Norberto Ciaravino, Chief of Staff of the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security of Argentina
• José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organization of American States

First Plenary Session
- Follow-up Reports

• Ratification of the agreements adopted during the Preparatory Session
   - Audio (coming soon)

Report of the OAS, on the follow-up of the Plan of Action of the XVI IACML, by Evelyn Jacir de Lovo, Director of the Department of Social Development and Employment, SEDI
   - Versão em Português
   - Version Française

Second Plenary Session
-Putting jobs at the heart of strategies to create a strong, sustainable and balanced economy

Lisa Raitt, Minister of Labour of Canadá
Rudecindo Vega, Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion of Peru
Errol McLeod, Minister of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development of Trinidad & Tobago
Sandra Polaski, Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs, Department of Labor of the United States
• Ministerial Dialogue
   - Audio (coming soon)

Third Plenary Session  - Advancing the construction of fairer labor conditions (Special session between Ministers of Labor and Ministers of Women's Affairs)

Sandra Piszk, Minister of Labor and Social Security of Costa Rica
Rocío García Gaytán, President of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)
Ronnie Goldberg, Executive Vice President and Senior Policy Officer of the United States Council for International Business, representing the employers’ sector 
Amando Villatoro, Executive Vice President and Senior Policy Officer of the United States Council for International Business, representing the employers’ sector 
• Inter-Ministerial Dialogue
  - Audio (coming soon)

Fourth Plenary Session - The scourge of child labor: An obstacle to the integral development of societies

Alma Lorena Cortés, Minister of Labor and Labor Development of Panama
Daniel Santalla Torrez, Minster of Labor, Employment and Social Provision of Bolivia 
Patricia Espinosa Torres, Undersecretary for Labor Inclusion, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico
• Ministerial Dialogue
  - Audio (coming soon)

Closing Session

•  Consideration and adoption of the Declaration and Plan of Action of San Salvador
  - Audio (coming soon)

Closing Remarks by Minister of Labor and Social Welfare of El Salvador, Humberto Centeno


9:00 to 13:00, October 31, for representatives of the Ministries of Labor

Agenda of COTPAL
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Organization Plan of COTPAL
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Responsibilities of the authorities of the IACML
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Results on the consultation of FEMCIDI

9:00 to 10:30, October 31

Agenda of COSATE
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Organization Plan of COSATE
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

10:30 a 12:00, October 31

Agenda of CEATAL
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Organization Plan of CEATAL
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

October 31

Agenda for Joint meeting of COSATE and CEATAL (12:00 – 13:30)
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Agenda of meeting of Ministers of Labor with members of COSATE and CEATAL (15:30 – 17:00)
- Versão em Português
- Version Française


Information Bulletin
- Versão em Português
- Version Française

Registration Form

Travel Schedule Form


• First Preparatory Meeting
May 29, 2011 in Washington D.C.
>>more information

Sign of Agreement XVII IACML
August 2, 2011 in Washington D.C.
>>more information

• Second Preparatory Meeting
September 7 to 9, 2011 in Washington D.C.
>>more information