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Second Working Groups Meeting of the XVI IACML and First Preparatory Meeting of the XVII IACML


Place and Date

Place and Date : Washington D.C., May 17 to 19, 2011

Venue: Padilla Vidal Room, OAS Headquarters, 1889 F St. NW, Washington D.C.

In compliance with the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML) Calendar of Activities for 2010-2011, the following events took place consecutively at OAS Headquarters in Washington D.C.:


• Second Working Groups Meeting within the framework of the XVI IACML: May 17 to 19
• First Preparatory Meeting of the XVII IACML: May 19


1) Continue the discussion on the topics and tasks assigned by the Declaration and Plan of Action Buenos Aires  2009 to the Working Groups of the IACML:

• Working Group 1: “Decent Work to face the global economic crisis with social justice for a fair globalization”, and

• Working Group 2: “Strengthening the Ministries of Labor to Promote Decent Work”.

2) Begin the preparatory process of the XVII IACML with the discussion of the draft agenda and work schedule of the Conference that will take place in San Salvador, El Salvador on October 31 to November 1st, 2011.


• Theme and Topics of the XVII IACML
• Information Guide
• Final Agenda
• Final List of Participants



• Updated Calendar of Activities of the IACML 
• Conclusions of the Seminar of Inter-Sectoral Public Policies: Social Protection and Employment, RIAL-RIPSO, Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 2010


• RIAL Executive Summaryof Activities and Financial Report for 2006-2011
• RIAL'S Operation Guide
• Guidelines of the RIAL Voluntary Contribution Fund
• Results of the Public Employment Services Workshop, Mexico City, March 2011


Working Group 1 meeting: “Decent work to face the global economic crisis with social justice for a fair globalization”

Panel 1 - Overview of regional developments and responses to the economic crisis/recovery
Moderator: Raquel Carvalho, Advisor for International Affairs, Ministry of Labor of Brazil

Presentation from the ILO and ECLAC on their Observatory to the crisis: current labor market situation and main policies implemented by Inés Bustillo, Director of the Washington Office of ECLAC and Virgilio Levaggi, Director of the ILO Office for Central America
Power Point Presentation

Panel 2 – Workforce and Economic Innovation: Aligning workforce, education,  and business needs to support job creation and inclusive economic growth
Moderator: William E. Spriggs, Assistant Secretary for Policy, United States Department of Labor

Presentation from the ILO by Virgilio Levaggi, Director of the ILO Office for Central America
Power Point Presentation

Experience of Perú by Javier Barreda, Vice-Minister of Employment Promotion and Workforce Development

Experience of the United States by Amy Young, Senior Advisor the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training, U.S. Department of Labor
Power Point Presentation

Comments from the trade union sector – COSATE by Sheila Katz, National Representative in the International Department, Canadian Labour Congress

Comments from the private sector – CEATAL by Adam Greene, Vice President, Labor Affairs & Corporate Responsibility, United States Council for International Business

Panel 3 – Building effective and inclusive social protection systems
Moderator: Sandra Polaski, Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs, United States Departament of Labor (USDOL)                    

Presentation from the OAS by Francisco Pilotti, Director of the Office for the Promotion and Strengthening of Social Protection, Department of Social Development and Employment, SEDI
Power Point Presentation

Presentation from the Ministry of Labour, Information and Broadcasting of St. Lucia by Hon. Edmund Estephane, Minister of Labor
Power Point Presentation

Presentation from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Colombia by Ricardo Andrés Echeverri, Vice-Minister of Labor Relations
Power Point Presentation

Comments from COSATE by Gonzalo Berrón, Technical Advisor of the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas

Comments from CEATAL by Adam Greene, Vice President, Labor Affairs & Corporate Responsibility, United States Council for International Business 

Panel 4 –Promoting equal employment opportunities and non-discrimination:  Improving employment prospects for Afro-descendents, the indigenous, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups
Moderator: William E. Spriggs, Assistant Secretary for Policy, United States Department of Labor

Presentations from the Ministries of Labor addressed to:
Persons with HIV/AIDS – Ministry of Labor and Small and Micro Enterprise Development of Trinidad and Tobago by Hon. Minister Errol Mc Leod 
Power Point Presentation

People with disabilities – Ministry of Labor of Panama by Luis Montero, Advisor of the Minister of Labor
Power Point Presentation

Note: Panel 5 – Follow-up on developments in Haiti was canceled


Panel 6 – Gender Mainstreaming and Employment Policies Update
Moderator: Raquel Carvalho, Advisor for International Affairs, Ministry of Labor of Brazil

Update on follow-up to IACML strategic guidelines by Evelyn Jacir de Lovo, Director of the Department of Social Development and Employment, SEDI, OAS and Maria José Chamorro, Gender Specialist of the ILO
Power Point Presentation by OAS
Power Point Presentation by ILO

Presentation from the President of the Inter-American Commission of Women, CIM by Rocío García Gaytán, President of this Commission 

Presentation from the Ministry of Labor of El Salvador by Minister Victoria Marina Velásquez de Avilés

Presentation from USDOL by Sara Manzano Díaz,  Director, Women’s Bureau

Working Group 2 meeting: “Strengthening of the Ministries of Labor to promote decent work” 

Panel 1 - The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL): Capacity building in the Ministries of Labor, current situation and future perspectives
Moderator: Valentin Herrera, Director of Labor, Ministry of Labor of the Dominican Republic

Presentation of the OAS: Report of Activities, impacts, creation of the RIAL Voluntary Contribution Fund, follow-up on countries’ commitments. María Claudia Camacho, Labor Specialist and RIAL Coordinator, Department of Social Development and Employment
Power Point Presentation

Panel 2 – Social Dialogue on the answer to the economic crisis and on the recovery
Moderator: David Mercier, Senior Policy Analyst, Bilateral and Regional Labour Affairs, Labour Program of Canada, HRSDC

Presentation from the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security of Argentina by Norberto Ciaravino

Presentation from the Ministry of Labor of the Dominican Republic by Manuel Robles, Advisor of the Minister
Power Point Presentation

Presentation from COSATE by Gerardo Martinez, President of COSATE

Presentation from CEATAL by John Craig, Counselor of the Canadian Employers Council

Panel 3 – Development, enforcement and promotion of labor laws 
Moderator: Eduardo Velasquillo, Director of Hemispheric Political Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of México

Presentation from the Ministry of Labor of Costa Rica by Ana Lucía Blanco, Advisor of the Minister of Labor 
Power Point Presentation

Presentation from the Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Bahamas by Harcourt Brown, Director of Labour
Power Point Presentation

Presentations of the “Better Work” Program, IFC/ILO initiative. Amy Luinstra, Senior Program Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Power Point Presentation

Panel 4 - Public Employment Services and Labor Market Information Systems
Moderator: Manuel Robles, Advisor of the Minister of Labor of the Dominican Republic

Report on the outcomes of the Workshop “Decentralized Public Employment Services and their linkage with the Business World”,that took place in March, 2011 in Mexico City by Maria Claudia Camacho, Labor Specialist OAS

Experience of Mexico’s National Employment Service – linkage of information systems and intermediation services by Eduardo Velasquillo, Director of Hemispheric Political Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare

• Photo Gallery