- English
- Español
Place and date
San José, Costa Rica, May 9 to 11, 2007
This meeting of the Working Groups was held jointly with a Technical Assistance Workshop and the First Preparatory Session of the XV IACML.
This meeting was attended by delegations from 27 Ministries of Labor of the Hemisphere. This Meeting was also attended by representatives from the advisory bodies, COSATE and CEATAL, as well as specialized international organizations such as the ILO, IOM, the IDB and the AECI.
The Meeting's main purpose was to c ontinue the discussion on the topics and tasks assigned to the Declaration and Plan of Action of Mexico to the Working Groups of the IACML:
Working Group 1: “Decent Work as an Instrument for Development and Democracy in the Context f Globalization”, and
Working Group 2: “Strengthening the Capacities of the Ministries of Labor to Respond to the Challenges of Promoting Decent Work in the Context f Globalization”.
Documents of the Meeting:
• Meeting's Agenda
• Participants List
• Summary and final Conclusions of Working Group 1 meeting
• Summary and final Conclusions of Working Group 2 meeting
Presentations of Working Group 1
Presentations of Working Group 2
Presentations of Working Group 1
Introduction to Working Group 1
Julio Rosales, Chair of WG1 and Director of International Affairs, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (MTESS) of Argentina
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Session 1: Labor rights of migrant workers
Presentation of the Workshop “Migrant Workers: Protection of Labor Rights and Labor Market Programs” held in Ottawa, Canada in November 2006.
Pierre Bouchard, Director of Inter-American Labour Cooperation, Labor Program HRSDC and Francisco Pilotti, Director DSDE, OAS
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Presentation from Trinidad and Tobago on labor migration in CARICOM. Carl Francis, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development
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Presentation Challenges of Labor Migration in Costa Rica . Johnny Ruiz Arce, Chief of Labor Migration Unit of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security
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Session 2: Informal sector: sub-regional realities and strategies to confront it
Introductory presentation “Heterogeneity of labor informality and public policies to address it”. Diego Schleser, Coordinator of Data Base and Statistic Process, MTESS of Argentina
Presentation (only available in Spanish)
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National strategies to address the informal sector, particularly those that seek to formalize the work of women and youth:
Presentation from Bolivia. Carla Trino, Director General of Employment, Ministry of Labor
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Presentation from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines . Bernadine Dublin, Labor Commissioner, Ministry of Labor and Reginald Thomas, Executive Director, National Insurance Service
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Presentation from Nicaragua . Yadira Martínez, Director of International Affairs, Ministry of Labor
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Session 3: Youth Employment Strategies
Introductory presentation. María Claudia Camacho, Specialist of the Department of Social Development and Employment, OAS
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National strategies that focus on innovative and effective approaches to promote youth employment:
Presentation from the United States. Gregg Weltz, Chief of Youth Employment Services, Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Department of Labor
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Presentation from Chile . Julio Salas, Chief of Staff, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
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Presentation from Jamaica . Errol Miller, Director, Industrial Relations and Allied Services, Ministry of Labour and Social Security
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Session 4: Promotion of micro, small and medium enterprises
Presentation from the Technical Secretariat about a document and an intersectoral meeting held on this topic. Francisco Pilotti, Director DSDE, OAS
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Presentation of innovative experiences, including one-stop shops and initiatives that promote micro-enterprises for youth and women:
Presentation from Chile . Fernanda Villegas, Social Investment Fund (FOSIS)
Presentation (only available in Spanish)
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Presentation from Ecuador . Gladys Montaluisa, Coordinator of the Unit of Disabilities, Ministry of Labor and Employment
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Presentation from Costa Rica . Alvaro Gonzalez, Vice-Minister of the Social Area, Ministry of Labor and Social Security
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Session 5: Integration of gender perspective in labor and employment policies
Ideas for a gender project within the framework of the IACML. Francisco Pilotti, Director DSDE, OAS
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Closing remarks of WG1 - Conclusions and Recommendations
Julio Rosales, Chair of WG1 and Director of International Affairs, MTESS of Argentina
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Presentations of Working Group 2
Introduction to Working Group 2
Walter Palacios, Chair of WG2 and Director of International Relations, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MTPS) of El Salvador
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Session 1: Capacity building for labor administration
The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL): Partnership for human and institutional capacity building of labor administration. Francisco Pilotti, Director DSDE and Maria Claudia Camacho, Specialist DSDE, OAS
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Labor Administration and Labor Diagnosis, the case of FORSAT. Maria Luz Vega, Specialist on the topics related to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
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Presentation from Ecuador on the Plan of Action developed by the Ministry of Labor with the support of the ILO and FORSAT Project. Gladys Montaluisa , Coordinator of the Unit of Disabilities, Ministry of Labor and Employment
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Session 2: Employment services
Conclusions of the Seminar “Employment Services and Labor Market Observatories: Opportunities and Challenges in the Hemisphere”, held in Cocoyoc, Morelos , Mexico in November 2006. Anel Valencia , Deputy Coordinator of Hemispheric Labor Policy, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico
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Conclusions of the Workshop on “Quality of public employment services” held in Buenos Aires , Argentina in April 2007. Julio Rosales, Director of International Affairs, MTESS of Argentina
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Presentation from United States on an initiative for professional training for high-growth industries. Gregg Weltz, Chief of Youth Employment Services, Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Department of Labor
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Session 3: Promotion of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at work
Introduction by United States . Jane Richards, International Economist of the Department of Labor
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Presentation on strategies to promote the ILO Declaration, by María Luz Vega, Specialist on the topics related to the ILO Declaration on FPRW
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Presentation from Argentina on the incorporation of the Declaration on the education curricula, by Julio Rosales , Director of International Affairs, MTESS.
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Presentation on tools and alternatives to promote fundamental principles and rights at work, by Natalia Alvarez, Coordinator of Outreach of the Cumple y Gana Project, Foundation for Peace and Democracy (FUNPADEM)
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Session 4: Labor relations and social dialogue
Introduction by Uruguay . Jorge Bruni, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security
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Presentation from Panama . Edwin Salamin, Vice-Minister of Labor
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Intervention from COSATE . Marta Pujadas, General Labor Confederation of Argentina (CGT) and Vice-Chair of COSATE
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Intervention from CEATAL . Octavio Carvajal, Mexican Confederation of Industrial Chambers (CONCAMIN), and Vice-Chair of CEATAL
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Session 5: Social security systems
Workshop on Social Security jointly organized by the Ministries of Labor of Chile and Uruguay . Julio Salas, Chief of Staff, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of Chile
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Closing remarks of WG2 – Conclusions and Recommendations
Walter Palacios, Chair of WG2 and Director of International Relations, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare of El Salvador
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