
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI)

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Meeting of the Working Groups of the XX IACML


Place and Date : Quito, Ecuador - December 3 - 5, 2019

Hotel Dann Carlton Quito - Av. Republica de El Salvador N34-337, Quito 170135, Ecuador

In compliance with the Work Plan 2018 - 2020 of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML), the following events will take place consecutively:

  • Meeting of the Working Groups of the XX IACML: December 3 - 4
  • First Preparatory Meeting of the XXI IACML: December 5


The objectives of the Working Groups are to examine with greater depth the themes identified in the Plan of Action of Bridgetown, approved on 2017 in the XX IACML in Barbados, facilitate the exchange of experiences, provide relevant information and studies, and follow up on related hemispheric initiatives.

Working Group 1: “Integrated public policies for productive employment and decent work with social inclusion”

Working Group 2: “Institutional strengthening to promote and protect workers’ and employers’ rights and obligations and foster cooperation”.


Documents of reference:


Meeting of Working Group 1: “Integrated public policies for productive employment and decent work with social inclusion”"

Panel 1: The Future of Work and the Platform Economy

  • ILO: Janine Berg, Senior Economist, Labour Conditions Department, ILO, Geneva (by videoconference)
  • World Bank: Truman Packard, Lead Economist, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice
  • Colombia Gloria Gaviria, Chief of Coooperation and International Relations, Ministry of Labor
  • CEATAL Ronnie Goldberg, Senior Counsel, United States Council for Internacional Business and Deputy Vice President of the Business Technical Advisory Committee on Labor Matters
  • COSATE Julio Rosales, representing the Chair of the Trade Union Technical Advisory Council on Labor Matters (in Spanish)

Discussion and information session - Inter-sectoral Workshop on "Skills for the Future"

  • OAS: Results of the RIAL Intersectoral Workshop held in Santiago, Chile, in May, 2019, by Jesús Schucry Giacoman, Director DHDEE, OAS (in Spanish)

Panel 2: Gender Equality and the institutionalization of a gender approach in the Ministries of Labor

  • OAS: Results of th estudy "The Institutionalization of a Gender Approach in the Ministries of Labor of the Americas", by Maria Claudia Camacho, Labor and Employment Section Chief, DHDEE
  • CIM: Beatriz Pineres, Specialist of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM)
  • El Salvador: Nora del Carmen Lopez, General Director of Social Protection, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
  • Paraguay: Viviana Cano, Director of Planning, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (in Spanish)

Panel 3: Equality in the Labor Market, elimination of employment discrimination, and labor inclusion for vulnerable populations

  • Ecuador: Jorge Luis Olmedo, Director for Attention to Priority Groups
  • Barbados: Claudette Hope-Greenidge, Chief Labour Officer (Ag.), Ministry of Labour and Social Partnership Relations

Meeting of Working Group 2: “Institutional Strengthening to protect workers' and employers' rights and obligations and foster cooperation”"

Panel 1: Prevention and eradication of Child Labor

  • ILO: Ana Lopez Castello, Principal Technical Advisor, Program on Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor, ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Dominican Republic: Federico Fomera, Director of Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor
  • Antigua and Barbuda: Eltonia Anthony-Rojas, Labour Commissioner, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Public Safety and Labour
  • Argentina: Marcelo Bancalari, International Affairs Advisor, Ministry of Production and Labor (in Spanish)

Discussion and information session - Reports from the Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL)

  • OAS: Presentation on RIAL's Activity by Maria Claudia Cmacho, Section Chief of Labor and Employment, DHDEE
  • OAS: Presentation on RIAL's Financial Situation (in Spanish)

Panel 2: Regular, Safe, and Orderly Labor Mobility

  • IOM: Roberto Cancel, Technical Specialist on Labor and Human Mobility, International Organization for Migration
  • OAS: Miryam Hazan, Specialist on Migration, Department of Social Inclusion
  • ILO: Adriana Hidalgo, Technical Officer on Labor Migration, ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Guatemala: Jose David Prado, Vice-Minister of Social Protection and Employment, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection
  • Ecuador: Sharian Moreno, Undersecretary of Labor, Ministry of Labor

Discussion and information session - Follow up on the RIAL Workshop on Compliance with Labor Legislation

  • Costa Rica: Presentation on the results of the RIAL Workshop “Strategies to improve compliance with Labor Legislation” held in San Jose, Costa Rica on December 2018, by Ana Lucia Blanco, International Labor Relations Advisor