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- Español
Place and Date : Bridgetown, Barbados - September 17 to 19, 2014
Venue: Hilton Barbados Resort - Needham's Point, St. Michael
In compliance with the Calendar of Activities for 2014-2015
of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML), the following
events took place
• RIAL Workshop “Social Dialogue for formalization” : September 17
• First Meeting of the Working Groups of the XVIII IACML: September 18 and
1) WG meetings - Continue the discussion on the topics and tasks
assigned by the Declaration and Plan of Action of Medellin 2013 to the Working
Groups of the IACML:
Working Group 1: “Employment as a pillar in the quest for
equality and development”
Working Group 2: “Institutional strengthening for the protection
of workers’ rights and the promotion of social dialogue”
2) RIAL Workshop - Hold a dialogue at the Americas level on the decisions made at the 103rd Session of the International Labour Conference, exchange information on policies and programs and determine actions to take at the hemispheric level to achieve the progressive formalization of informality.
Report WG1
Report WG2
List of Participants
Recommendations to address the phenomenon of informality -
resulting from the RIAL Workshop "Social Dialogue for Formalization"
Calendar of Activities 2014-2015
of the IACML
Report of Activities of the RIAL 2006-2014
Financial situation of the RIAL up to 2014
Terms of Reference of the study on agreements on Social Security
Proposal of inter-sectoral event of Social Protection and Employment
Proposal of
exchange on Labor Inspection
Results of the 7th Call for Proposals for RIAL Bilateral Cooperation
Declaration of Medellin, adopted in the XVIII IACML
Declaration of COSATE and CEATAL to the XVIII IACML, concerning informal economy
of Asunción for the 44th General Assembly of the OAS: "Development with Social
Recommendations from the Americas to the III Global Child Labor Conference
Inequality and Social Inclusion in the Americas
Meeting of Working Group 1: “Employment as a pillar in the quest for equality and development”
Guatemala. Elsa Marina Avalos, Vice Minister for Labor Administration,
Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare
Costa Rica. Enrique Sánchez, Advisor to the Minister of Labor and Social
Meeting of Working Group 2: “Institutional Strengthening for the Protection of Workers' Rights and the Promotion of Social Dialogue"
ILO. Gerardina Gonzalez-Marroquin, Deputy Director for Management, Regional
Office for Latin America and the Caribbean - Presentation on Regional
initiative launched after the III GCCL in 2013
Ecuador. Alejandra Maya, Director of International Relations, Ministry of
Labor Relations
• OAS. State of Voluntary Contribution Fund, activities and
communications strategy by Maria Claudia Camacho, RIAL Coordinator and Carolina
Ahumada, Labor program officer, Labor and Employment Section, DHDEE/SEDI
Bahamas. Althea Albury, Deputy Director of Labour, Ministry of Labour and
National Insurance
Information Bulletin
Visa requirements
• International Organization of Employers(IOE)
To view the photo gallery for these meetings,
click here. To see Tweets from
the meetings, visit