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First Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XV IACML-2008
Second Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XIV IACML - 2007
First Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XIV IACML – 2006
Second Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XIII IACML – 2005
First Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XIII IACML – 2004
Group I
Joint Meeting of Groups I and II
Group II
Second Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XII IACML – 2003
First Meeting of the Working Groups within the framework of the XII IACML – 2002
2004 Meeting of the Working Groups of the XIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML)
Date : May 11 - 14, 2004
Location : General Secretariat Building of the OAS - 1889 F St. NW, Washington D.C., Room Padilha Vidal.
Purpose : This meeting addresses the following objectives:
To participate in an informative workshop on "The Impact of Trade and Integration on Labour" on May 11.
To take action on tasks assigned by the Salvador Declaration and Plan of Action to Working Group 1: Labour Dimensions of the Summit of the Americas Process and Working Group 2: Building Capacities of Labour Ministries ; which will meet between May 12 and 14.
Report of the Joing Meeting of WG1 and WG2
Report of the Workshop on the Impacts of Trade and Integration on Labour
Workshop on the Impacts of Trade and Integration on Labour
May 11, 2004
Welcome Remarks
Julio Rosales, Ministry of Labor of Argentina (Spanish)
Jorge Perez-Lopez, Department of Labor of the United States
Report of the Troika on presentations to the FTAA Ministerial
Presentation by Minister Wagner of Brazil (Portuguese)
Presentation by Minister Bradshaw of Canada
Presentation by Minister Abascal of Mexico
Panel on Framing the Discussion
Presentation by Juan Manuel Salazar of the Trade Unit of the OAS (Spanish)
Presentation by Pablo Lazo of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile
Panel on Treatment of Labour in Free Trade Agreements
Presentation by Eduardo Velasquillo of the Secretariat of Labour and Social Protection of Mexico on the North America Free Trade Agreement (Spanish)Panel on Implications of Globalization and Integration for the Informal Sector
Presentation by William Maloney of the World Bank
Background Document by William Maloney of the World Bank
Presentation by Victor Tokman of the Presidency of Chile
Panel on Assessing the Labour Market Impacts of Integration
Presentation by Michael Abbott of the North American Commission for Labour Cooperation
Presentation by Raquel Artecona of ECLAC
Working Group 1
May 12-13, 2004
Introduction to WG1
Remarks by Julio Rosales, Ministry of Labor of Argentina (Spanish)
Recent activities of the OAS
Presentation by Sofialeticia Morales, Unit for Social Development and Education of the OAS
Declaration of Nuevo León, Summit of the Americas in Monterrey (.pdf)ILO World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization
Presentation by Virgilio Levaggi, Regional Specialist, ILO Regional Office, Lima
Discussion of Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Report "Good Jobs Wanted" by Gustavo Marquez, Principal Labour Advisor, IDB
Link to IPES 2004: Good Jobs Wanted: Labor Markets in Latin America
ILO Studies of Labour Provisions of Sub-Regional Integration Agreements by Maria Luz Vega, Specialist on the Declaration of Principles and Rights, ILO Geneva
Remarks from Lewis Karesh of the National Administrative Office on the NAALC Study
Presentation by Sandra Chacon of the Ministry of Labour of Costa Rica on the SICA Study
Mercosur Regional Conference on Employment, April 2004
Presentation by Daniel Kostzer of the Ministry of Labour of Argentina (Spanish)
Analysis of ILO-MERCOSUR Study on Decent Work by Virgilio Levaggi, Regional Specialist, ILO Regional Office, Lima
Brazil's Proposal on an Inter-American Fund for the Promotion of Decent Work
Presentation by Nilton Freitas, Ministry of Labour and Employment Brazil (Portuguese)
Joint Meeting of Working Group 1 & 2
May 13, 2004
Working Group 2
May 13-14, 2004
Presentation of two-year work plan
Horizontal cooperation to Support Modernization of Labour Ministries Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D
Challenges, lessons learned and advances on the conditions to achieve sustainable capacity building, by Leonardo Neves, Principal Technical Coordination of the ILO-IACML Project
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Presentation by Mariluz Vega of ILO
Presentation by Arnold Powers of Canada
Presentation by Victor Felix of Barbados
Document by Victor Felix of Barbados
Presentation by Jorge Nieto of El Salvador
Presentation by Pablo Veloso of Chile
Workshop on Effective Employment Services