- English
- Español
Place and Date : Cartagena, Colombia - April 28 to 30, 2015
Venue: Corales de Indias Hotel, Carrera 1 No 62-198, Crespo / RNT 28874 -
The First Preparatory Meeting sets the beginning of the negotiation process
toward the XIX Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) that will
take place on November 18 and 19, 2015, in Mexico. The main objective of the
meeting was to present and approve the Theme of the XIX IACML.
The meeting took place consecutively to the
II Meeting of the Working Groups of the XVIII IACML
held on April 28 and
List of Participants
Proposed Theme and Topics of the XIX IACML
� Proposed Work Schedule of the XIX IACML
� Schedule of Activities in preparation of the XIX IACML
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