The OAS fosters, promotes and strengthens multidimensional security in favor of peace, regional stability, social justice and integral development, international cooperation, the exchange of experiences and best practices in order to help member countries better face their challenges, as well as to prevent and address the social effects of violence generated by organized crime. In this context, the Organization will continue to direct its efforts to:
- Strengthen human-centered approaches emphasizing the link between security and social development in order to contribute to social, economic, educational and social participation causes to counteract the various challenges and challenges that exist in the Hemisphere.
- Promote greater cooperation among the member states, fostering the exchange of experiences and
best practices and their necessary adaptation to the different national realities in order to strengthen citizen security strategies and the institutional capacities of the countries, as well as to promote citizen participation in public policies, strengthening the processes of social inclusion and integration.
- Articulate OAS multidimensional security issues, projects and programs with the priorities and requirements of member countries.