Along with illegal mining, there is a chain of illicit activities that range from the irregular importation of precursors and machinery to the commercialization of illegally extracted resources.

This includes the laundering of profits that are reused in other illegal activities, or the expansion of illegal mining operations to other areas in the countries of the region.

The gaps in the regulatory frameworks and in the procedural protocols, the insufficient coordination between the authorities responsible for the detection, investigation and prosecution of illegal mining and its illicit financial flows, as well as the need to improve the mechanisms to promote international cooperation , are some of the challenges on which this project focuses.

The activities are aimed at directly benefiting civil servants and agencies from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana and Suriname.

These countries are among the largest gold producers in Latin America. Their combined production places them as the second largest producer in the world. It is estimated that between 50% and 60% of the mining industry in the region is informal, which makes it difficult for the State to supervise and control it and creates the ideal conditions for its exploitation.

  • Strengthen the prevention, detection and prosecution of illegal mining
  • Strengthen intelligence processing and analysis capabilities
  • Strengthen the processes of seizure, confiscation, administration and disposal of the assets that are the product or instrument of the crimes associated with illegal mining.
  • Strengthen the capacities of the agencies in charge of all stages of the fight against the finances of illegal mining in the participating countries

  • Preparation of a situational diagnosis of the phenomenon of illegal mining and money laundering activities in the beneficiary countries and definition of the baseline of the project
  • Dialogue sessions between experts for the exchange of good practices in denouncing operations potentially related to illegal mining
  • Creation of National Task Forces (FTN) against Illegal Mining in beneficiary countries
  • Establishment of an informal regional network of these FTNs, to promote cooperation in the fight against illegal mining
  • Training of judges and prosecutors in the application of legal frameworks for money laundering and illegal mining
  • Training and training sessions for the agencies in charge of the management of assets of illicit origin, for their correct administration and disposal
  • Strengthening regional cooperation against illegal mining: contact with other relevant regional institutions

Beneficiary Countries
More Publications
Cover with OAS logo
March, 2023
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances: Suriname
Only available in English and Dutch. For Dutch, please click on the link for "Spanish"
Cover with OAS logo
February, 2022
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances: Colombia
Cover with OAS logo
December, 2021
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances: Ecuador
Cover with OAS logo
November, 2021
On the trail of illicit gold proceeds: strengthening the fight against illegal mining finances; Peru
Picture of a person doing artisanal mining
August, 2024
On the Trail of Illicit Gold Proceeds: Strengthening the Fight against Illegal Mining Finances (Guyana)
Gastón Schulmeister
John Grajales
Technical Specialist
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