The Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials (CIFTA) is the region's main tool to address the issue of the illicit proliferation and trafficking of firearms from a coordinated and transnational perspective.
CIFTA is a binding multilateral agreement to promote the establishment of controls and regulations on the illicit manufacturing and trafficking of firearms. Adopted in 1997, it is the first regional tool of this nature and it was ratified by 31 of the 34 OAS member states.
CIFTA establishes a series of binding obligations on the States Parties, including:
- Criminalization of conducts associated with the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms
- Mandatory marking of firearms
- Licensing systems for export, import, and transit of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and related materials
- Strengthening of controls at export points
- Regional cooperation and exchange of experiences
The CIFTA structure is divided into:
Conference of States Parties:
The Conference of the States Parties is the highest organ of the Convention and brings together the highest authorities of the countries, who examine the operation and application of the Convention.
Consultative Committee:
The Consultative Committee is comprised by the national entities of the States Parties. It meets annually to exchange information, promote regional cooperation, and analyze the progress made in the implementation of the Convention and the current Course of Action.
Technical secretary:
The Technical Secretariat is exercised by the General Secretariat of the OAS through the Department against Transnational Organized Crime (DTOC) and the Department of Public Security (DPS), which implement operational programs to support the States Parties in complying with the obligations of the CIFTA and provides assistance to the Pro-Tempore Secretariat and the Presidency of the Conference of States Parties to organize the meetings of the CIFTA.
Secretariat Pro-Tempore:
The Secretariat Pro-Tempore is exercised by a State Party, elected annually by the other countries, responsible for organizing and chairing the meetings of the Consultative Committee. Currently, it is occupied by Mexico.