Through this initiative, ES-CICAD seeks to support OAS member states in establishing or strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanisms for their Drug Treatment Courts (DTCs) and other alternative to incarceration (ATI) programs, incorporating a human rights-based approach and a gender perspective.
ATI programs enable justice-involved individuals who have an underlying substance use disorder driving their criminal conduct to have access to treatment and rehabilitation options, and other alternative processes under judicial supervision. Empirical research has shown that, when implemented according to evidence-based standards, some ATI models such as DTCs are among the most effective criminal justice interventions, leading to lower recidivism, improved health and social integration outcomes, and reduced costs to the state.
Having strong monitoring and evaluation systems allows ATI programs to ensure that they can improve their operational processes, measure their outcomes and, ultimately, bring the desired benefits to users and to society. It also fosters learning and contributes to accountability.
ES-CICAD’s support for member states in this area includes training personnel, building tools, disseminating best practices, and providing tailored technical assistance.