
IV Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Cooperation Authorities, 2024

Theme: "Optimizing cooperation and partnerships for development in the Americas"

April 18 and 19, 2024, Washington, D.C. USA (in-person)

Main Documents:

  • Final Report of The Fourth Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Cooperation Authorities EN | SP | FR | PO 
  • List of Documents Textual
  • Resolution to convene the meeting (CIDI/doc. 396/23) ENSP | FR | PO
  • Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.5/24 rev.1 CIDI04867) EN |SPFR | PO 
  • Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.4/24 rev.1 CIDI04866) ENSPFRPO
  • Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.6/24 rev.2 CIDI04868) EN | SP| FR PO
  • Action Plan for Cooperation 2024-2027 (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.7/24 rev.3 CIDI04869) EN |  SP | FRPO
  • List of Observers and Special Guests (CIDI/doc. 406/24 rev.2) EN | SP | FR | PO
  • Information bulletin EN | SP | FR | PO
  • Speakers biographies: Speaker Bio List-IV Coop.pdf
  • List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.8/24 CIDI04870) TEXTUAL
  • Orden of Precedence of the Delegations of the Member States (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.2/24 CIDI04857) EN | SP | FR | PO
  • Order of Precedence of the Permanent Observers (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.3/24 CIDI04858) EN | SP | FR | PO
  • Recommendations by the Working Groups of the IACD (Approved on November 2, 2023)

- Working Group #1:  Updated Model for the CIDI Ministerial Process and the Role of the Region’s Cooperation Authorities (document:  AICD/JD/doc-219/23 rev.1) ENSP | FR | PO

- Working Group #2:  Fundraising to support partnership for development activities within OAS/SEDI. (document:  AICD/JD/doc-220/23 rev.1) ENSP | FR | PO

- Working Group #3:  Role of the IACD in the international development cooperation (document:  AICD/JD/doc-221/23 rev.1) ENSP | FR | PO

Initiatives and Cooperation Opportunities for Climate Action

  1. Sustainable Ocean Planning
  2. Supporting Water Security through Climate Adaptation
  3. Climate Impact Strategies for Critical Infrastructure in the Caribbean
  4. Science and Data for Climate Resilience Decision Making (Ukraine seed $20k)
  5. Women in Climate Diplomacy
  6. ECPA – Advancing the Hemispheric Energy Dialogue
  7. Building Capacity on Circular Economy in the Americas
  8. Climate Action Hub – A Regional Center for Technical Cooperation on Climate Action
  9. Climate-Smart Agriculture for the Americas 
  10. Protecting Forests in Central America


III Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation, 2021

Theme: "Cooperation and Partnerships as engines for post-COVID-19 socioeconomic recovery in the region"

December 2 and 3, 2021, Virtual

Main Documents:

  • Convening of the Third Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities of Cooperation (CIDI/RES. 350 (CXIV-O/21) EN | SP | FR | PO
  • Concept Note for the Third Specialized CIDI Meeting of High Cooperation Authorities (AICD/JD/doc.188/21) EN | SP 
  • List of Observers and invited guests: document CIDI/doc. 325/21 rev.2 EN | SP 

  • Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.2/21): EN | SP | FR | PO

  • Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.3/21): EN | SP | FR | PO

  • Methodology and guidelines for Speakers (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.5/21) EN | SP 

  • Meeting Logistics: INFORMATIVE BULLETIN

Final Documents:

  • Work Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.4/21.rev3) EN | SP | FR | PO 

  • Compendium of Speaker Bios TEXTUAL (Informative document in both English and Spanish, as received)

  • List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.1/21) TEXTUAL

  • Final Report (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.1/21) EN | SP | FR | PO

  • List of Documents (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.1/21) TEXTUAL

One Pagers: Initiatives and cooperation opportunities in priority areas for recovery:

*(DCF): Seed funding Grant from the OAS Development Cooperation Fund 

I. The Knowledge, Virtual, and Digital Economy

Women Economic Empowerment 

  1. Women Economic Empowerment Program 

Innovation-Driven Business Development and entrepreneurial ecosystem 

  1. HUB on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Technology Transfer and Commercialization for the Americas
  2. Centers of Excellence of Prospecta Americas on Transformative Technologies 
  3. CTI-e Virtual Interactive Center Espacio Ciencia Peru*(DCF) 

Industry-academia-government collaboration 

  1. Youth Academy on Transformative Technologies for the Americas 

II.   MSME Economic Recovery  

MSME Digitalization and e-commerce 

  1. Accelerating MSMEs Growth through Innovation & Technology, Jamaica *(DCF)
  2. Getting MSMEs Online, Saint Kitts and Nevis *(DCF)
  3. Saint Lucia’s Digital Enhancement Program *(DCF)
  4. Digital Integration for MSMEs and Entrepreneurs Ecuador *(DCF) 
  5. Development of MSMEs in the Tourism Sector Panama *(DCF)
  6. Creation and Strengthening of the National Network of Prototyping and Transfer Centers of the Dominican Republic *(DCF)  
  7. My Startup My Land SENPRENDE Honduras *(DCF)
  8. Resilience through Innovation and Technology (RIT) *(DCF)

III. Education in the Digital Era

Strengthening the Teaching Profession

  1. Center of Excellence in Teacher Education (ITEN)
  2. Hemispheric Hub for Teacher’s non-monetary incentives (H2Teach)

Digital Inclusion and Skills in Education  

  1. Increasing Equitable Educational Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the Americas

IV. The Future of Work and Job Recovery

Skills Development and Reskilling of the workforce  

  1. Tourism Sector Skills Enhancement Project, Dominica*(DCF)
  2. Guyana’s National Tourism Readiness, Recovery and Resiliency Programme*(DCF)
  3. Virtual Specialization Course on Tourism Technology Uruguay *(DCF)
  4. Talent 4.0. Innovation Labs Digital Literacy for the Knowledge Based Economy Costa Rica *(DCF)
  5. Enhancing public policies and strengthening institutional capacity on telework and work in digital platforms
  6. Strengthening gender mainstreaming in Ministries of Labor 

V. Climate Action and Building Resilience

Business continuity and resilience 

  1. Strengthening Barbados' National Innovation System *(DCF)
  2. Innovation for Resilient Development El Salvador *(DCF)
  3. Linkage and Transfer of Technology for Bio-inputs for Resilience Argentina *(DCF)
  4. Transboundary actions, ecosystems restoration, and opportunities for All
  5. Building Capacity for Sustainable Development in Urban Communities: Towards a Regional Platform 
  6. Community Disaster Preparedness and Response: Building the Resilience of those Most Vulnerable
  7. Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) 
  8. Tourism Recovery Resilience and Sustainability CARICOM Post Covid-19

Renewable and transition energies 

  1. Energy and Climate Investment Network 

Disaster Risk Management 

  1. Science-Based Decision-Making in Disaster Risk Reduction, The Bahamas  *(DCF)
  2. Building the Resilience of Small Tourism Enterprises (STE) in the Central American Isthmus 
  3. Decision Support Systems for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Adaptation to CC in the Greater Caribbean 

VI.  Health Systems

II Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation, 2018

Theme: "Strengthening capacity for development cooperation and partnerships and for building resilience to disasters"

September 20 and 21, 2018, Washington, D.C. USA

Main Documents:

      • Final Report of the Meeting (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.8/18) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • Rapporteurship (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.6/18) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.2/18 rev.1) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.3/18 rev.1) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.4/18 rev.2) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.7/18) Textual 
      • List of Documents (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.1/18) Textual

I Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation, 2009

October 26-27, 2009, Bogota, Colombia 

Main Documents:

      • Consensus of Bogota (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.8/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.2/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.3/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.4/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
      • List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.9/09) Textual 
      • Access all documents here.