Theme: "Optimizing cooperation and partnerships for development in the Americas"
April 18 and 19, 2024, Washington, D.C. USA (in-person)
Main Documents:
- Final Report of The Fourth Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Cooperation Authorities EN | SP | FR | PO
- List of Documents Textual
- Resolution to convene the meeting (CIDI/doc. 396/23) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.5/24 rev.1 CIDI04867) EN |SP| FR | PO
- Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.4/24 rev.1 CIDI04866) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.6/24 rev.2 CIDI04868) EN | SP| FR | PO
- Action Plan for Cooperation 2024-2027 (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.7/24 rev.3 CIDI04869) EN | SP | FR| PO
- List of Observers and Special Guests (CIDI/doc. 406/24 rev.2) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Information bulletin EN | SP | FR | PO
- Speakers biographies: Speaker Bio List-IV Coop.pdf
- List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.8/24 CIDI04870) TEXTUAL
- Orden of Precedence of the Delegations of the Member States (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.2/24 CIDI04857) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Order of Precedence of the Permanent Observers (CIDI/RECOOP-IV/doc.3/24 CIDI04858) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Recommendations by the Working Groups of the IACD (Approved on November 2, 2023)
- Working Group #1: Updated Model for the CIDI Ministerial Process and the Role of the Region’s Cooperation Authorities (document: AICD/JD/doc-219/23 rev.1) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Working Group #2: Fundraising to support partnership for development activities within OAS/SEDI. (document: AICD/JD/doc-220/23 rev.1) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Working Group #3: Role of the IACD in the international development cooperation (document: AICD/JD/doc-221/23 rev.1) EN | SP | FR | PO
Initiatives and Cooperation Opportunities for Climate Action
- Sustainable Ocean Planning
- Supporting Water Security through Climate Adaptation
- Climate Impact Strategies for Critical Infrastructure in the Caribbean
- Science and Data for Climate Resilience Decision Making (Ukraine seed $20k)
- Women in Climate Diplomacy
- ECPA – Advancing the Hemispheric Energy Dialogue
- Building Capacity on Circular Economy in the Americas
- Climate Action Hub – A Regional Center for Technical Cooperation on Climate Action
- Climate-Smart Agriculture for the Americas
- Protecting Forests in Central America
III Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation, 2021
Theme: "Cooperation and Partnerships as engines for post-COVID-19 socioeconomic recovery in the region"
December 2 and 3, 2021, Virtual
Main Documents:
- Convening of the Third Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities of Cooperation (CIDI/RES. 350 (CXIV-O/21) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Concept Note for the Third Specialized CIDI Meeting of High Cooperation Authorities (AICD/JD/doc.188/21) EN | SP
List of Observers and invited guests: document CIDI/doc. 325/21 rev.2 EN | SP
Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.2/21): EN | SP | FR | PO
Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.3/21): EN | SP | FR | PO
Methodology and guidelines for Speakers (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.5/21) EN | SP
Final Documents:
Work Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.4/21.rev3) EN | SP | FR | PO
Compendium of Speaker Bios TEXTUAL (Informative document in both English and Spanish, as received)
List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.1/21) TEXTUAL
Final Report (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.1/21) EN | SP | FR | PO
- List of Documents (CIDI/RECOOP-III/doc.1/21) TEXTUAL
One Pagers: Initiatives and cooperation opportunities in priority areas for recovery:
*(DCF): Seed funding Grant from the OAS Development Cooperation Fund
I. The Knowledge, Virtual, and Digital Economy
Women Economic Empowerment
- Women Economic Empowerment Program
Innovation-Driven Business Development and entrepreneurial ecosystem
- HUB on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Technology Transfer and Commercialization for the Americas
- Centers of Excellence of Prospecta Americas on Transformative Technologies
- CTI-e Virtual Interactive Center Espacio Ciencia Peru*(DCF)
Industry-academia-government collaboration
- Youth Academy on Transformative Technologies for the Americas
II. MSME Economic Recovery
MSME Digitalization and e-commerce
- Accelerating MSMEs Growth through Innovation & Technology, Jamaica *(DCF)
- Getting MSMEs Online, Saint Kitts and Nevis *(DCF)
- Saint Lucia’s Digital Enhancement Program *(DCF)
- Digital Integration for MSMEs and Entrepreneurs Ecuador *(DCF)
- Development of MSMEs in the Tourism Sector Panama *(DCF)
- Creation and Strengthening of the National Network of Prototyping and Transfer Centers of the Dominican Republic *(DCF)
- My Startup My Land SENPRENDE Honduras *(DCF)
- Resilience through Innovation and Technology (RIT) *(DCF)
III. Education in the Digital Era
Strengthening the Teaching Profession
- Center of Excellence in Teacher Education (ITEN)
- Hemispheric Hub for Teacher’s non-monetary incentives (H2Teach)
Digital Inclusion and Skills in Education
- Increasing Equitable Educational Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the Americas
IV. The Future of Work and Job Recovery
Skills Development and Reskilling of the workforce
- Tourism Sector Skills Enhancement Project, Dominica*(DCF)
- Guyana’s National Tourism Readiness, Recovery and Resiliency Programme*(DCF)
- Virtual Specialization Course on Tourism Technology Uruguay *(DCF)
- Talent 4.0. Innovation Labs Digital Literacy for the Knowledge Based Economy Costa Rica *(DCF)
- Enhancing public policies and strengthening institutional capacity on telework and work in digital platforms
- Strengthening gender mainstreaming in Ministries of Labor
V. Climate Action and Building Resilience
Business continuity and resilience
- Strengthening Barbados' National Innovation System *(DCF)
- Innovation for Resilient Development El Salvador *(DCF)
- Linkage and Transfer of Technology for Bio-inputs for Resilience Argentina *(DCF)
- Transboundary actions, ecosystems restoration, and opportunities for All
- Building Capacity for Sustainable Development in Urban Communities: Towards a Regional Platform
- Community Disaster Preparedness and Response: Building the Resilience of those Most Vulnerable
- Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
- Tourism Recovery Resilience and Sustainability CARICOM Post Covid-19
Renewable and transition energies
- Energy and Climate Investment Network
Disaster Risk Management
- Science-Based Decision-Making in Disaster Risk Reduction, The Bahamas *(DCF)
- Building the Resilience of Small Tourism Enterprises (STE) in the Central American Isthmus
- Decision Support Systems for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Adaptation to CC in the Greater Caribbean
VI. Health Systems
II Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation, 2018
Theme: "Strengthening capacity for development cooperation and partnerships and for building resilience to disasters"
September 20 and 21, 2018, Washington, D.C. USA
Main Documents:
- Final Report of the Meeting (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.8/18) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Rapporteurship (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.6/18) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.2/18 rev.1) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.3/18 rev.1) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.4/18 rev.2) EN | SP | FR | PO
- List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.7/18) Textual
- List of Documents (CIDI/RECOOP-II/doc.1/18) Textual
I Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation, 2009
October 26-27, 2009, Bogota, Colombia
Main Documents:
- Consensus of Bogota (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.8/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.2/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Annotated Agenda (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.3/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
- Schedule (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.4/09) EN | SP | FR | PO
- List of Participants (CIDI/RECOOP/doc.9/09) Textual
- Access all documents here.