The Administrative Tribunal of the Organization of American States (OAS) was established on April 22, 1971, through resolution AG/RES. 35 (I-O/71), adopted by the OAS General Assembly at its first regular session, held in San José, Costa Rica.
The Tribunal is an autonomous organ competent to hear disputes between the OAS General Secretariat (GS/OAS) and members of its staff who allege nonobservance of the conditions established in their respective appointments and contracts or violations of the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat or other applicable provisions, including those concerning the GS/OAS Retirement and Pension Plan.
The competence of the OAS Administrative Tribunal may be extended to any inter-American specialized organization as defined in the Charter of the Organization, as well as to any interested intergovernmental organization of the Americas, in accordance with the terms established by a special agreement to be concluded for the purpose by the Secretary General with each such organization. In 1976 the Administrative Tribunal’s competence was expanded to cover the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA).


• Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Administrative Tribunal of the OAS






The OAS Administrative Tribunal informs that, during the teleworking period, any consultations, applications and submissions of complaints by the staff continue to be processed through the e-mail [email protected]