
Glossary of Terms

Assigned human resources Measures the capacity of the General Secretariat in terms of human resources to carry out a mandate. Scores: from 1 to 3 people 20 points; from 3 to 5 people 45 points; more than 5, 60 points.
Available financial resources Measures the capacity of the General Secretariat in terms of human resources to carry out a mandate. Scores: from 1 to 3 people 20 points; from 3 to 5 people 45 points; more than 5, 60 points.
CAAP Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs
CAJP Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs
CISC Committee on Inter-American Summits Management and Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities
CIDI Inter-American Council for Integral Development
CSH Committee on Hemispheric Security
  • Category A: General policies or policy guidelines on the subject
  • Category B: Specific activities and measures supporting the implementation of Classification A
  • Category C: Operational mandates of an administrative or financial nature
Current Mandates

Mandates that are in force and observance and that are valid or in use at the time in question.

Duplicated Mandates Mandates whose text is repeated identically for several years.

External competitors

External competitors are defined as multilateral entities and non-governmental organizations that offer the same services as the Organization. The greater the competition, the less competitive advantage the Organization has, and perhaps the less important it is for the Organization to take the lead in the subject area. Scores: None, 30 points; Few, 20 points and Many, 10 points.
Expired Mandates Those mandates whose term for their realization has come to an end; that are valid only during the budget cycle, in accordance with art. 83 of the General Standards, or that were created for a specific event that has already concluded.

Currently, the drafting of the mandates lacks performance indicators which makes it extremely difficult to measure their impact, so a scale was adopted that measures the impact of the mandate in terms of scope: Regional (50 points), understood as a mandate that has effect in more than two countries of the region; National (30 points), when it is only to one country; Sub-national (15 points), when it is determined at departmental or municipal levels of a country and Institutional (10 points), when it has effects within the organization.

Mandate Request for action to the OAS General Secretariat, which has its origin in a resolution of the General Assembly. (CP/CAAP-2977/08 add.1
Mandates Accomplished Mandates whose actions have already been implemented.
No mandate They do not imply the development of actions by the Secretary General and do not comply with the provisions of document CP/CAAP-2977/8 add.1 where the mandate is defined “as a request for the OAS General Secretariat to undertake an action and that has its origin in a resolution of the General Assembly”.

Opportunities and reputational risks

The level at which the implementation of a particular mandate has the potential to affect the reputation or brand of the Organization, either positively or negatively, is taken into consideration when measuring how much attention and priority the Organization should give to its implementation. Scores: High, 30 points; Medium, 20 points, Low, 10 points; Null, 0 points.

PC Permanent Council
Procedural Mandates Mandates whose actions to fulfill them have been incorporated as working or reporting methods of the areas of the General Secretariat.
Priority 1 For mandates with scores between 100 and 200 on both the Operational and Strategic Axis; indicates that the mandate is duly incorporated into the strategic planning of the Organization and has adequate human and financial resources for its execution.
Priority 2 For mandates with a score between 0 and 100 in the Operational Axis and between 100 and 200 points in the Strategic Axis; the mandate is duly incorporated into the strategic planning of the Organization, but it does not have sufficient human and financial resources for its execution.
Priority 3 For mandates with scores between 100 and 200 on the Operational Axis and between 0 and 100 points on the Strategic Axis, the mandates located in this priority are not properly integrated into the strategic planning of the Organization, and they do have sufficient human and financial resources for their execution.
Priority 4 For mandates with a score between 0 and 100 on the Operational Axis and between 0 and 100 points on the Strategic Axis, the mandates located in this priority lack links with the strategic scheme of the Organization and lack the human and financial resources for their execution.
Relationship with the objectives of the Strategic Vision. It measures the relationship of the mandate to the objectives of the Strategic Vision AG/RES. 1 (XLVII-E/14) in terms of direct (60 points), indirect (0 points) or none (0 points) relationship.
Relationship with the Strategic Plan

Measures the relationship of the mandate with the strategic lines and objectives of the current Comprehensive Strategic Plan, in terms of direct relationship (60 points), indirect relationship (30 points) or none (0 points).

Relationship with projects developed by the Organization

Identifies and measures the relationship of each mandate with the existing projects being developed by the Organization, in terms of direct relationship (50 points), indirect relationship (25 points) or none (or points).