OAS Strategic Plan

Here you will find the documents related to the design process and approval of the first OAS Strategic Plan 2016-2020(*):

Official Documents

  • 2017 Draft Supplement Strategic Plan (Español/English) a first draft elaborated by the General Secretariat through the Strategic Council for Organizational Development and Management for Results (SCODMR).
  • 2018 Supplementary Information of the Strategic Plan (indicators, goals, activities and/or programs, responsible) considered by the permanent committees of the OAS and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI).

    Four Pillars:

    Two Areas of Support:

  • 2019 OAS Comprehensive Strategic Plan Compilation 2019, a document which presents the chronological process of the preparation of the plan, its structure and the matrixes by pillar and per support area: CP/doc.5469/19
  • Strategic Planning of the Organization, CP/RES. 1121 (2209/19) resolution approved by the Permanent Council on Wednesday March 13th, 2019 during its ordinary session.
  • Report regarding the Strategic Plan as of September 30, 2019
    Report of Verified Goals as of Dec 2019
  • 2020 Detailed Report: Functioning and Compliance of the Comprehensive Strategic Plan of the Organization revised  CP/INF. 8795/21 rev. 1  

    The Secretariat  for Administration and Finance (SAF) submitted the report for its distribution to Member States, in June 2021,  according to the Executive Order 21-01  which transferred planning and evaluation functions to SAF in March 2021. 
  • 2021 Report on the alignment of programs and projects considered by the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) with the Strategic Plan, prepared by the Department of Procurement Services and Management Oversight (DPMO).
    English | Español
  • Comprehensive Strategic Plan of the Organization for 2023-2025 CP/doc. 5852/23 rev. 1, adopted by the Permanent Council at its regular meeting, held on May 3, 2023.

(*) For more information regarding the Strategic Plan, please contact the Executive Office of the Secretariat for Administration and Finance (SAF).