Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation

Specialized CIDI Meeting of High-Level Authorities on Cooperation
October 26 and 27, 2009, - Bogotá, Colombia
Chair: Enrique Maruri Londoño, Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.2/09 Rev. 1 English: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.2/09  Rev. 1
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.2/09 Rev. 1 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.2/09 Rev. 1
Annotated Agenda
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.3/09 Rev. 1 English: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.3/09 Rev. 1
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.3/09 Rev. 1 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.3/09 Rev. 1
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.4/09 Rev. 2 English: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.4/09 Rev. 2
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.4/09 Rev. 2 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.4/09 Rev. 2
Concept Paper for Thematic Area No. 2: the OAS as a Coordinating Agent and Forum for hemispheric Dialogue in the Area of Cooperation
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.5/09 English: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.5/09
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.5/09 corr. 1 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.5/09
Concept Paper for Thematic Area No. 3: Study of Opportunities to Maximize Regional Cooperation, Including Alternative Modalities
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.6/09 English: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.6/09
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.6/09 corr. 1 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.6/09
Concept Paper for Thematic Area 4: the Hemispheric Cooperation Agenda and the International Players
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.7/09 English: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.7/09
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.7/09 corr. 1 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.7/09
Consensus of Bogota (Approved during the seventh plenary session held on October 27, 2009)
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.8/09 rev. 3 English: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.8/09 rev. 3 corr. 1
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.8/09 rev. 3 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.8/09 rev. 3
List of Participants
Textual: CIDI/RECOOP/doc.9/09 rev. 2
Vote of Thanks to the Government of Colombia
Español: CIDI/RECOOP/RES.1/09 English: CIDI/RECOOP/RES.1/09
Français: CIDI/RECOOP/RES.1/09 Português: CIDI/RECOOP/RES.1/09

Special Meeting of National Authorities and Experts on Cooperation, Mexico- 2008