Antigua and Barbuda |
Strengthening of the Teaching Profession |
Teacher Empowerment for Nation Building |
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology |
Strengthen teacher professional development to improve the quality of education |
Through in-service programs, build capacity among teachers to design intervention strategies to better cater to at risk students. |
Argentina |
Strengthening of the Teaching Profession |
Programa de Formación de Formadores |
Instituto Nacional de Formación Docente (INFoD) del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación |
Strengthen teacher professional development to improve the quality of education |
Implement an innovative strategy for training trainers that promotes the development of professional learning communities and pedagogical innovations in the Higher Institutes of Teacher Training throughout the country (state and/or private management with state subsidy), which dictate Primary Level Teachers and Secondary Level in the areas of language and mathematics. |
Bahamas |
Comprehensive Early Childhood Care |
Bahamas Early Start Project (BES) |
Ministry of Education |
Promote universal access to and strengthen the equitable delivery of comprehensive and quality early childhood development for all children from the earliest stages of development. |
Increase the capacities of teachers, teacher’s aides, caregivers and parents on ten islands (New Providence, Grand Bahama, Abaco, Andros, Cat island, Eleuthera, Exuma, Berry Islands, Long Island and Crooked Island) to execute appropriate practices in the education and care of young children. |
Barbados |
Strengthening of the Teaching Profession |
Strengthening of Teacher Professional Development to Improve the Quality of Education |
Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (METI) |
Strengthen teacher professional development to improve the quality of education |
Establish a Profesional Development Centre to ensure access to initial and continuous professional development that meets the emerging needs of teachers through the development of face to face, online, and blended programmes. |
Costa Rica |
Quality, Inclusive and Equitable Education |
Proyecto "Profes Comunitarios" de la Estrategia YO ME APUNTO |
Ministerio de Educacón Pública |
Promote the creation of opportunities to ensure universal access to quality, inclusive and equitable secondary education for vulnerable and low-income students. |
Contribute to increase the permanence and educational success of 540 students in the III cycle of Basic General Education who belong to 18 educational centers located in districts of priority attention, areas with unsatisfied basic needs and low family education, through the implementation of comprehensive and innovative pedagogical strategies with the student body and their families, developed by the Community Teacher. |
Ecuador |
Quality, Inclusive and Equitable Education |
Formación Docente y Prácticas Educativas Inclusivas en las Escuelas Ecuatorianas |
Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) |
Promote the creation of opportunities to ensure universal access to quality, inclusive and equitable secondary education for vulnerable and low-income students. |
Develop skills in teachers to implement innovative methodologies of educational inclusion in public institutions of initial and basic education in the provinces of Azuay, Cañar and Morona Santiago (Zone 6), replicable throughout the educational system. |
El Salvador |
Quality, Inclusive and Equitable Education |
Educación Inclusiva: Construyendo espacios de participación y aprendizaje para la vida |
Ministerio de Educación |
Promote the creation of opportunities to ensure universal access to quality, inclusive and equitable secondary education for vulnerable and low-income students. |
Improve the educational offer for the development of learning, general skills, and life skills of 5.000 adolescents and young people between 13 and 21 years of age that have some disability condition, and which are being served in the 14 departments of the country, and are at risk of exclusion and social vulnerability in the Salvadoran educational system. |
Guyana |
Quality, Inclusive and Equitable Education |
Improving Technical/Vocational Education in Secondary and Post Secondary Institutions |
Ministry of Education |
Promote the creation of opportunities to ensure universal access to quality, inclusive and equitable secondary education for vulnerable and low-income students. |
1. Enhance the capacity of six(6) teachers to deliver level one Occupational programme in Heavy Duty Equipment Maintenance and Repairs programme of the Linden Technical Institute(LTI). 2. Develop the capacity of 10-15 teachers to deliver the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Level 4 Programme in Occupational Health Environment and Safety. |
Honduras |
Comprehensive Early Childhood Care |
Padres y Madres Criando a sus Hijos con Amor |
Secretaría de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (SEDIS) |
Promote universal access to and strengthen the equitable delivery of comprehensive and quality early childhood development for all children from the earliest stages of development. |
1. Strengthen the capacities of 397 facilitators and 3,970 volunteers of the Community Strategy “Criando con Amor” to replicate their knowledge to other facilitators, parents, mothers and community actors in the promotion, knowledge and implementation of the 14 behavioral changes. 2. Create standards and the respective system for measuring results in behavioral changes in pregnant mothers, fathers, mothers and/or caregivers of children under 6 years of age. |
Jamaica |
Comprehensive Early Childhood Care |
Child Care Education and Development Intervention System (CCEADIS) |
Early Childhood Commission |
Promote universal access to and strengthen the equitable delivery of comprehensive and quality early childhood development for all children from the earliest stages of development. |
Generate updated and systematized information on key indicators to inform/strengthen policy decisions in Early Childhood Development. |
Nicaragua |
Quality, Inclusive and Equitable Education |
Fortalecimiento de las capacidades y habilidades tecnológicas de estudiantes docentes y directores de Educación Secundaria a Distancia en el Campo. |
Ministerio de Educación |
Promote the creation of opportunities to ensure universal access to quality, inclusive and equitable secondary education for vulnerable and low-income students. |
Develop capacities for the proper use of digital teaching tools in the disciplines of mathematics, English, language and literature, natural sciences and social sciences, aimed at 63 teachers, 21 directors and 3,526 students in 21 centers that impart the Distance Secondary School modality in Rural areas, specifically in the municipalities of Matagalpa, Zelaya Central (New Guinea) and Mining Sector (Siuna). |
Panama |
Comprehensive Early Childhood Care |
La Eduación de la Primera Infancia es Importante porque Primero es lo Primero |
Ministerio de Educación |
Promote universal access to and strengthen the equitable delivery of comprehensive and quality early childhood development for all children from the earliest stages of development. |
Expand the activities of the workshops of the program "La educación de la primera infancia es importante porque primero es lo primero" to 18 communities of the Province of Chiriquí, to develop the capacities of 579 parents, 111 relatives, 65 caregivers, and 61 pregnant women, to improve parenting guidelines for children to support them in their role as primary educators. |
Peru |
Strengthening of the Teaching Profession |
Fortalecimiento de capacidades de formadores de formación inicial docente en metodologías multigrado en el Perú |
Ministerio de Educación |
Strengthen teacher professional development to improve the quality of education. |
Identify and socialize sustainable models of good teaching practices that allow teachers in service to improve their performance and effectiveness in the classroom, while strengthening the social recognition of the teaching profession. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Strengthening of the Teaching Profession |
Professionalizing the Teaching Force |
Ministry of Education |
Strengthen teacher professional development to improve the quality of education |
Strengthen professional development and performance management processes for 889 teachers serving the early childhood to secondary level education. |
Saint Lucia |
Comprehensive Early Childhood Care |
Towards a more quality assured ECD sector |
Department of Education, Innovation and Gender Relations |
Promote universal access to and strengthen the equitable delivery of comprehensive and quality early childhood development for all children from the earliest stages of development. |
Strengthen the Early Childhood Sector in Saint Lucia through the implementation of regulations, adherence to minimum standards of operations, and establishment of a body for institutional support. |
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
Comprehensive Early Childhood Care |
Restructuring the Early Childhood Curriculum in SVG |
Ministry of Education, National Reconciliation and Information |
Promote universal access to and strengthen the equitable delivery of comprehensive and quality early childhood development for all children from the earliest stages of development. |
Create a unified, project- based, and student-centered curriculum that effectively integrates ICTs in Early Childhood Education. |
Uruguay |
Comprehensive Early Childhood Care |
Integración Interinstitucional de Sistemas de Información para la Atención y Educación a la Primera Infancia en Uruguay |
Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP) - Consejo de Educación Inicial y Primaria (CEIP) |
Promote universal access to and strengthen the equitable delivery of comprehensive and quality early childhood development for all children from the earliest stages of development. |
Strengthen intersectoral and inter-institutional collaboration to improve the quality of care and integral education for early childhood, through: the integration of their information systems, the inclusion of quality indicators and the legal and operational training of teachers and operators. |