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Archive 2018
The following page describes actions taken during 2018 regarding multilateral treaties.
On December 6, 2018, Ecuador informed the depository on the designation of the Fiscalía General del Estado as the central authority for the Inter -American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters.
On November 13, 2018, Mexico signed the Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On September 7, 2018, Paraguay deposited the instrument of ratification to the “Convention on Rights and Duties of the States” of December 26, 1933, through a note addressed to the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (note PVOAS-SUR/349/18).
On August 28, 2018, Suriname deposited the instrument of ratification to the Inter-American Convention on Serving Criminal Sentence Abroad of 1993, through a note addressed to the Secretary General of the Organization, Luis Almagro (note PVOAS-SUR/349/18). The instrument of ratification contains some reservations and it designates “the Attorney General at the Court of Justice" as the central authority competent to carry out the functions entrusted to in the Convention.
On June 5, 2018, Argentina
signed the Amendment of the Inter-American
Convention on International Amateur Radio Permit
at the OAS headquarters in Washington, DC,
United States. The instrument was signed by the
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of
Argentina, Ambassador Jorge Faurie and included
the following declaratory note: "signed pursuant
to article 8 b".
On June 4, 2018, Dominican Republic
signed the Amendment of the Inter-American
Convention on International Amateur Radio Permit
at the OAS headquarters in Washington, DC,
United States. The instrument was signed by the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican
Republic, Ambassador Miguel Vargas.
On June 4, 2018, the General Assembly of
the OAS adopted the
Amendment of the Inter-American Convention on
International Amateur Radio Permit at its
Forty-Eighth regular session held in Washington,
D. C. United States.
On June 1, 2018, Antigua and Barbuda deposited the instrument of ratification to the Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Forms of Intolerance, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On May 11, 2018, Uruguay deposited the instrument of ratification to the Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On April 18, 2018, the Republic of El Salvador deposited the instrument of accession to the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On February 2, 2018, Chile
informed the depository on the designation of
Unit for International Trade and Extradition of
the National Prosecutor Office of the Public
Ministry (Unidad de Comercio Internacional y
Extradiciones de la Fiscalía Nacional del
Ministerio Público) as the central authority for
the following instruments:
- The Inter -American Convention on Mutual
Assistance in Criminal Matters;
- The Inter-American Convention Against
Corruption, and
- The Inter-American Convention Against Illicit
Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms,
Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related
The location of the Unidad de Comercio
Internacional y Extradiciones de la Fiscalía
Nacional del Ministerio Público is
Catedral No. 1437, piso,
Santiago, Chile
Tel. + 56-2-29659576
[email protected] /
[email protected]
On January 5, 2018, Barbados
deposited the
instrument of ratification to the
Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, at
the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United
On January 3, 2018, the Republic of
Kazakhstan deposited the
instrument of accession to the Convention on
Extradition of 1933 at the OAS headquarters, in
Washington, D.C. United States. The instrument
contains some declarations. At the occasion the
Government of Kazakhstan reported on the
designation of the "Prosecutor
General’s Office, Department for International
Cooperation" as the central authority for
the purpose of the Convention on Extradition.