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Archive 2007
The following page describes actions taken during 2007 regarding multilateral treaties.
On December 18, 2007, El Salvador
deposited the
instrument of accession to the Inter-American
Convention on Serving Criminal Sentences Abroad.
On December 18, 2007, El Salvador
appointed the Dirección General de Centros Penales del
Ministerio de Seguridad Pública y Justicia as
the central authority for the Inter-American
Convention on Serving Criminal Sentences Abroad.
On December 3, 2007, El Salvador appointed the “Ministerio
de Relaciones Exteriores, through the Dirección
General de Asuntos Jurídicos y Derechos Humanos”
as central authority for the purposes of article
XVIII of the Inter-American Convention against
On November 12, 2007, Brazil deposited its
instrument of ratification to the Optional
Protocol related to the Inter-American
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
On November 12, 2007, Brazil deposited its
instrument of ratification to the Inter-American
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
On October 22, 2007, Canada notified the
withdrawal of the declaration made at the time
of the ratification of the Inter-American
Convention on Serving Criminal Sentences Abroad.
On August 20, 2007, Mexico deposited its
instrument of accession to the Protocol to the
American Convention on Human Rights to Abolish
the Death Penalty.
On July 20, 2007, Argentina appointed the Dirección de Asistencia Judicial Internacional
de la Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos del
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio
Internacional y Culto as central authority
according to article XVIII of the Inter-American
Convention against Corruption.
On July 20, 2007, Argentina appointed the Dirección de Asistencia Judicial Internacional
de la Dirección General de Asuntos Jurídicos del
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio
Internacional y Culto as central authority
according to article 3 of the Inter-American
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal
On June 19, 2007, Nicaragua appointed the Procuradoría General de la República for the
purposes of assistance and cooperation based on
article XVIII of the Inter-American Convention
against Corruption.
On June 5, 2007, Guyana deposited its instrument
of ratification to the Inter-American Convention
against Terrorism.
On April 20, 2007, Haiti deposited the
instrument of ratification to the Inter-American
Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of
and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition,
Explosives and Other Related Materials.
On February 5, 2007, Dominican Republic
deposited the instrument of ratification to the
Inter-American Convention on the elimination of
all forms of Discrimination against Persons with
On January 30, 2007, Uruguay deposited its
instrument of ratification to the Inter-American
Convention against Terrorism.
On January 26, 2007, Brazil appointed the Ministério da Justiça as the central authority
for the Additional Protocol to the
Inter-American Convention on Letters Rogatory.