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The following page describes actions taken during the past months regarding multilateral treaties:
On December 16, 2024, Belize deposited the instrument of accession to the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On December 12, 2024, the Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the OAS deposited the instrument of ratification to the Status Protections Agreement for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D. C., United States.
On December 6, 2024, the Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the OAS deposited the instrument of accession to the Status Protections Agreement for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D. C., United States.
On November 27, 2024, the Permanent Mission of Belize to the OAS deposited the instrument of ratification to the Status Protections Agreement for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D. C., United States.
On October 10, 2024, the General Secretariat received a Verbal Note on actions taken in accordance with article X of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption from the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the OAS, Note MPC/OEA No: 1715/2024.
On October 3, 2024, tthe Permanent Representative to the OAS Mission of El Salvador to the OAS signed the Status Protections Agreement for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D. C., United States.
On September 26, 2024, the Permanent Mission of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas to the OAS deposited the instrument of accession to the Status Protections Agreement for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D. C., United States.
On September 20, 2024, the Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the OAS deposited the instrument of accession to the Status Protections Agreement for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D. C., United States.
On August 5, 2024, the Permanent Representative to the OAS Mission of Ecuador deposited the instrument of ratification of the “Inter-American convention against all forms of discrimination and intolerance,” at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States
On July 23, 2024, the Permanent Representative to the OAS Mission of Honduras deposited the instrument of ratification of the “Inter-American convention to prevent and punish torture,” at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States
On June 28, 2024, Saint Lucia signed the "Inter-American Convention on the elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities," in Asunción, Paraguay, during the XXIV Regular Session of the General Assembly of the OAS.
On June 21, 2024, the Permanent Mission of Haiti to the OAS deposited the Status Protections Agreement for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti, signed by Haiti and Kenya, in Washington, DC.
On May 21, 2024, the Permanent Mission of Guatemala deposited the instrument of ratification of the “Revised Constitutive Agreement of the Mundo Maya Organization” at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On March 5, 2024, Qatar
deposited the
instrument of accession of the “Inter-American
Convention on Serving Criminal Sentences Abroad”, at the OAS
headquarters, in Washington, D.C., United States. The
instrument contains the following declaration and
The State of Qatar declares that the approval of
the transfer of the sentenced individual is conditional on
the payment of fines and damages issued by a court ruling.
The State of Qatar does not deem itself obliged to
the regulations of item (9) of Article V of the Convention
pertaining to being responsible for the expense of the
transfer of the sentence persons from the State of
Qatar, unless otherwise stipulated by the Qatari laws.
On November 19, 2023, the denunciation submitted by Nicaragua on November 2021 to the OAS Charter entered into effect and Nicaragua ceased to be a State Party to the OAS Charter.
On November 8, 2023, the Permanent Mission of El Salvador deposited the instrument of accession of the “Revised Constitutive Agreement of the Mundo Maya Organization” at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On July 26, 2023 the General Secretariat acknowledged receipt of a note by the Government of Uruguay, notifying the depositary about the withdrawal of the reservation to article 6 of the "Inter-American Convention on General Rules of Private International Law," adopted in Montevideo, Uruguay on April 8, 1979.
On May 8, 2023, Suriname deposited the instrument of accession to the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States. The instrument contains a reservation.
On March 28, 2023, the Permanent Mission of Mexico deposited the instrument of accession of the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons, at the OAS headquarters, in Washington, D.C. United States.
On January 5, 2023, Ukraine deposited the instrument of accession of the Convention on Extradition of 1933. The instrument contains declarations and reservations as well as the reference to the central authorities for the purpose of the Convention.