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René L. Gutiérrez vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)118
Keywords: Retirement and Pension Plan, Candidate, Contract, Statute - article VII, Statute - article II, Competencia, Debido proceso legal, Clasificación de cargos, Audiencia, Work evaluation, Reconsideración, Secretario General, Cargo vacante, Comité de Asesoramiento para casos de Reconsid., Irregularidad, Procedimiento administrativo, Indemnización, Descripción de funciones, Discrecionalidad, Servicio internacional de carrera, Contrato a término fijo, Control, Decisiones administrativas, Jerarquía normativa, Statute - article VI.1, Daños y perjuicios, Vicio procesal, Staff Rules - rule 112.2, Experiencia laboral, Reclutamiento interno, Prueba, Error de procedimiento, Falta de prueba, Valor probatorio, Comité Asesor de Selección y Ascensos, Interpretación jurídica, General Assembly - AG/RES.954 (XVIII-O/88), Secretaría General, Charter of the OAS - article 125, Proceso de clasificación, Solicitud de audiencia, Ajuste de personal, Conflicto de normas, Efecto jurídico, Error involuntario, Fuentes del derecho, Funciones de los jueces, Hecho probado, Políticas y procedimientos, Principios Generales de la OEA, Título universitario
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José Luis Pando vs. Director General del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Document Code (Number)117
Keywords: Candidate, Contract, Working relations, Salary, Appointment, Competencia, Traslado, Tribunal OIT - Sentencia No. 61, Instituto Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas, Audiencia, Reconsideración, Cargo vacante, Position of trust, Procedimiento administrativo, Notificación, Servicio internacional de carrera, Igualdad de condiciones, Acto administrativo, Retroactivity, Decisiones administrativas, Statute - article VI.1, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Vicio procesal, Plazos, Error de procedimiento, Falta de prueba, Plena prueba, Agreement, Conducta, Reglamento de Personal del IICA - art. 10.3, Reglamento de Personal del IICA - art. 10.3.5, Reglamento de Personal del IICA - art. 10.6, Reglamento de Personal del IICA - art. 10.6.1, Reglamento de Personal del IICA - art. 10.7, Reglamento de Personal del IICA - art. 10.8, Reglamento de Personal del IICA - art. 4.2.11, Solicitud de audiencia, Trato preferencial, Validez
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Inés Alonso v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)115
Keywords: Contract, Competencia, Reconsideración, Benefit, Derechos derivados, Right of staff members, Statute - article VI.1, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Staff Rules - rule 112.2, Staff Rules - rule 112.5, Staff Rules - rule 112.1 (a), Organización de los Estados Americanos, General Standards - article 58, General Standards - article 59, Silencio administrativo, Staff Rules - rule 112.1 (b), Staff Rules - rule 113.1 (a), Cónyuges divorviados, Ex-miembros del personal, Jurisdicción, Representación, Seguro de salud
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José Luis Pando v. Director General of the Inter-Amerucab Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

Document Code (Number)117
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Formal requirements, Statute - article I, Statute - article II.4, Cause of action, Costs, Equal treatment, Notification, Termination, Burden of proof, Evidence, Terms of appointment, Time limit, Statute - article VI.1 (a), Contract, Law of contract, Priority, Qualifications, Vacancy, ILO Administrative Tribunal - Judg. 61 (1962), Administration, Statute - article VII, Action, Statute - article II, IICA - Staff Administration Manual, Statute - article VI, Internal remedies, Statute, International civil service, Employment, Employment relationship, Retroactivity, Tribunal, Statute - article VI.1, Award, IICA, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 60, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art.59, Agreement, Appointment criteria, Statute of limitations, Director General, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 39, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 14, Inter-Agency Agreement
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Carmen Saghy v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)116
Keywords: Decision, Post classification, Competence, Statute - article VI.4, Interpretation, Breach, Complaint allowed in part, Damages, Discretion, Equal treatment, Notification, Organization's interests, Time limit, Classification standards, Post description, Testimony, Nullity, Candidate, Competition, Qualifications, Seniority, Vacancy, Negligence, Statute - article VII, Administrative delay, Disciplinary measure, Procedure, Transfer, Work appraisal, Due process, General Standards - article 40, Statute - article II, Consent, Right, Internal remedies, Staff member, Audit of post, Career, Misconduct, International civil service, Staff regulations and rules, Special post allowance, Employment, Supervisor, Waiver, Benefit, Tribunal, Right of staff members, Statute - article VI.1, Professional category, Staff Rules - rule 104.5 (e), Personnel file, Staff Rules - rule 112.2, Fraud, Disciplinary Committee, Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (a), Staff Rules - rule 102.3 (b), Appointment criteria, Charter of the OAS - article 118, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Hearing, Academic requirements, Administrative decision, Attorney's fees, Authenticity of documents, Charter of the OAS - article 125, Disqualification, Duties, General Standards - article 18 (a)(vi), General Standards - article 18 (c), General Standards - article 37, Irregularity, Reconsideration Committee, Selection Committee, Selection criteria, Selection process, Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (b), Staff Rules - rule 102.1 (c), Staff Rules - rule 105.2 (b), Subjective right
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Inés Alonso v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)115
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Statute - article I, Cause of action, Costs, Notification, Terms of appointment, Time limit, Statute - article VII, Flaw, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, Complainant, Right, Internal remedies, Staff Rules, Statute, General Standards, Status of complainant, Benefit, Tribunal, Statute - article VI.1, Statute - article VI.1 (b), Award, Absence, Direct appeal, Final decision, Staff Rules - rule 112.1, Staff Rules - rule 112.2, Staff Rules - rule 112.5, Staff Rules - rule 112.1 (a), Staff Rules - rule 112, General Standards - article 58, General Standards - article 59, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Hearing, Insurance, Right of spouse, Staff Rules - rule 112.1 (b), Staff Rules - rule 113.1 (a), Statute - article II.2 (b)
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Horacio Palmieri vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)106
Keywords: Candidate, Contract, Salary, Appointment, Statute - article VI, Reducción de personal, Terminación de servicios, Competencia, Debido proceso legal, Contrato permanente, Reforma normativa, Cargo vacante, Indemnización, Discrecionalidad, General Standards - article 56 (d), Contrato a término fijo, Extensión del contrato, General Standards - article 16, Aportes, Fondo de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Funciones, Recurso, Benefit, Condiciones, Duración del contrato, Renuncia, Oferta de empleo, Consentimiento, Statute - article VI.1, Daños y perjuicios, Equidad, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Carga de la prueba, Silencio administrativo, General Standards - article 55, Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (d)(iii), Carrera administrativa, Negligencia, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V.2, Staff Rules - rule 104.3 (c), Apelación, Demora administrativa
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Horacio Palmieri v. the Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)106
Keywords: Competence, Right of appeal, Offer, Cause of action, Costs, Discretion, Executive Head, Extension of services, Injury, Notification, Retirement, Retirement and Pension Plan, Termination, Burden of proof, Internal remedies exhausted, Staff reduction, Amendment, Pension, Terms of appointment, Contract, Conversion, Non-renewal, Permanent appointment, Competition, Acceptance, Salary, Negligence, Administrative delay, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Permanent, Due process, Equity, Consent, Statute - article VI, Staff Rules - rule 110.7, Terminal entitlements, Right, Internal remedies, Fringe benefits, Staff Rules, Statute, General Standards, Career, General Standards - article 56 (d), General Standards - article 1, Own contribution, General Standards - article 16, Permanent functions, Waiver, Tribunal, Staff Rules - rule 104.3, Duration, Statute - article VI.1, Statute - article VI.1 (b), Award, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V, Direct appeal, Extension, General Standards - article 56, General Standards - article 55, Staff Rules - rule 104.3 (c), Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (d)(ii)
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Patricio Duarte, Rosa Romero de Conrad, Alberto Rojas, Aldo Patricio Auda Jelvez y Patricio Fernández vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)104
Keywords: General Assembly - AG/RES.35 (I-O/71), Abuse of authority, Limits, Appointment, Effective date, Reducción de personal, Terminación de servicios, Competencia, Debido proceso legal, General Standards - article 16 (a), Reforma normativa, Presupuesto, Staff Rules - rule 110.7, Indemnización, Discrecionalidad, Servicio internacional de carrera, General Standards - article 56 (d), General Standards - article 17, Contrato a término fijo, General Standards - article 16, Funciones, Recurso, Condiciones, Contrato de tracto sucesivo, Decisiones administrativas, Jerarquía normativa, Violación de derechos, Destitución del cargo, Statute - article VI.1, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Principios Generales del Derecho, Acumulación de recursos, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), Staff Rules - rule 112.1, Organización de los Estados Americanos, Carga de la prueba, General Standards - article 18, General Standards - article 56, General Assembly - AG/RES.629 (XII-O/82), General Standards - article 55, Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (a), Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (d)(iii), Carrera administrativa, Imparcialidad, Deberes, Provisión, Recurrentes
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Patricia Duarte, Rosa Romera de Conrad, Alberto Rojas, Aldo Patricio Auda Jelvez, and Patricio Fernández v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)104
Keywords: Competence, Formal requirements, Judgment, General Assembly - AG/RES.35 (I-O/71), Successive contracts, Breach, Cause of action, Costs, Damages, Discretion, Executive Head, Burden of proof, Internal remedies exhausted, Organization's duties, Staff reduction, Amendment, Precedence of rules, Terms of appointment, Language of rule, Statute - article VI.1 (a), Joinder, Bias, Conversion, Non-renewal, Permanent appointment, Grounds, Limits, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Permanent, Due process, Effective date, Budgetary reasons, Statute - article VI, General Standards - article 16 (a), No provision, General Assembly, Staff Rules - rule 110.7, Terminal entitlements, Internal remedies, Staff Rules, Statute, Duty to comply, General Standards, Career, Status of complainant, General Standards - article 56 (d), General principle, Claim, General Standards - article 1, General Standards - article 17, International civil service, Staff regulations and rules, General Standards - article 16, Permanent functions, Duration, Statute - article VI.1, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), Staff Rules - rule 112.1, Misuse of authority, Budget, Organization, Staff Rules - rule 112, General Standards - article 18, General Standards - article 56, General Assembly - AG/RES.629 (XII-O/82), General Standards - article 55, Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (a), Staff Rules - rule 110.7 (d)(iii)
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