

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

Two metres or one: what is the evidence for physical distancing in COVID-19?/BMJ

  • 29 September 2020

Physical distancing is an important part of measures to control covid-19, but exactly how far away and for how long contact is safe in different contexts is unclear. Rules that stipulate a single specific physical distance (1 or 2 metres) between individuals to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing covid-19, are based on an outdated, dichotomous notion of respiratory droplet size. This overlooks the physics of respiratory emissions, where droplets of all sizes are trapped and moved by the exhaled moist and hot turbulent gas cloud that keeps them concentrated as it carries them over metres in a few seconds.12 After the cloud slows sufficiently, ventilation, specific patterns of airflow, and type of activity become important. Viral load of the emitter, duration of exposure, and susceptibility of an individual to infection are also important.

GUATEMALA - Prórroga por 30 días del estado de calamidad púbica

  • 27 July 2020

La prórroga del estado de calamidad pública antes referida se decreta en virtud que a la fecha continúa la propagación y efectos de la epidemia COVID-19 y sus consecuencias de riesgos a la vida y salud de las personas.

REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA – Estado de emergencia nacional por rebrote de COVID-19

  • 23 July 2020

El Señor Presidente de la República Dominicana Lic. Danilo Medina, ha declarado el Estado de Emergencia Nacional por un periodo de cuarenta y cinco ( 45 ) días debido al brote de coronavirus (COVID-19), en virtud de la autorización dada por el Congreso Nacional mediante la Resolución Núm.70-20 de fecha 19 de julio de 2020 , de acuerdo a lo dispuesto por la Constitución de la República Dominicana y en la Ley núm. 21-18 sobre la Regulación de los Estados de Excepción dispuestos en la Constitución de la República Dominicana, del 25 de mayo del 2018.

IDB report envisions devastating tourism shocks to Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 1 July 2020

The report – Extreme Outlier: The Pandemic’s Unprecedented Shock to Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean – launches a new global Tourism Dependency Index for countries, including 35 Latin American and Caribbean economies. It urges governments to take unprecedented measures to prevent the spread of the virus, and to support citizens and economies through this shock to the most tourism-dependent region in the world. 

GUATEMALA - Aprobación del Estado de Calamidad y disposiciones presidenciales

  • 29 June 2020

Las medidas de observancia general por el bienestar de los habitantes son de aplicabilidad en todo el territorio de la República de Guatemala, en los lugares y transportes de cualquier clase sometidos a la jurisdicción nacional, siempre dentro del marco legal y con el respeto de todas las formas de organización social reconocidas en nuestra Nación.

WHO - Coronavirus: 10 Million Infections Milestone Looms – WHO's Tedros

  • 24 June 2020

WHO chief and former health minister of Ethiopia said many countries are finding it difficult to obtain concentrators, as 80 per cent of the market is owned by just a few companies.  Demand is outstripping supply.

To ease shortages, WHO is buying them for countries that need them most, he said, and ongoing talks with suppliers have led to the purchase of 14,000 concentrators, which WHO will send to 120 countries in the coming weeks.  WHO has identified a further 170,000 that can be available over the next six months, at a value of $100 million. 

WHO Reports Largest Single Day Increase in COVID-19 Cases

  • 23 June 2020

The largest single-day increase in coronavirus cases was reported over the course of Sunday, registering more than 183,000 new infections in 24 hours, bringing the total to some 8.8 million cases worldwide, with more than 465,000 deaths.

“It seems that almost every day we reach a new and grim record”, said Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, addressing journalists on Monday at the UN health agency’s latest media briefing. 

WHO - IOC Joins Forces with WHO and the United Nations to Fight COVID-19

  • 23 June 2020

Olympic athletes will help deliver important public health information, to inspire people to adopt or continue behaviours that will curtail the pandemic and provide information that promotes physical and mental health. The partnership kicks off today with Olympians around the world showcasing various exercises to stay healthy during this time.

WHO - The World Health Organization Reminds Public to Remain Vigilant Through Mr Bean’s Essential COVID-19 Checklist

  • 22 June 2020

With cases of COVID-19 continuing to rise globally, “Mr Bean’s Essential COVID-19 Checklist” is a reminder to people about the importance of washing hands, physical distancing and demonstrating kindness to their neighbours. The PSA features a cartoon sketch of Mr Bean comically tackling a pesky roller blind to finally reveal a number of essential tips to protect people against COVID-19.  

OMS - El COVID-19 no se detiene, países que habían suprimido la transmisión ven aumentar los casos

  • 22 June 2020

Los casos repuntan en países como Estados Unidos, Brasil, Rusia, India, Chile y México, y en América Latina en general no paran de subir. En naciones que habían logrado contener el coronavirus, como Alemania y Corea del Sur, este vuelve a resurgir. La agencia de salud de la ONU advierte que todos los gobiernos se enfrentan a un delicado equilibrio entre proteger a su gente y minimizar el daño social y económico: la clave está en ser creativos y mantener las intervenciones básicas de salud pública.

OMS - La pandemia de coronavirus se acelera y rompe el récord de casos en un solo día con 150.000

  • 19 June 2020

“El mundo se encuentra en una etapa nueva y peligrosa, lógicamente son muchas las personas que están cansadas de estar en casa y los países desean, con razón, abrir sus sociedades y economías, pero el virus sigue propagándose con rapidez, continúa siendo mortífero y la mayoría de las personas sigue siendo susceptible a él”, explico el director de la Organización, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

WHO - COVID-19: UN Health Agency Warns of ‘New and Dangerous Phase’ as Cases Mount

  • 19 June 2020

“The world is in a new and dangerous phase. Many people are understandably fed up with being at home. Countries are understandably eager to open up their societies and economies”, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told journalists.

“But the virus is still spreading fast, it’s still deadly, and most people are still susceptible.”

CEPAL - Alicia Bárcena: En el mundo post-COVID el bienestar social no será posible sin la transformación digital

  • 17 June 2020

“La innovación digital trae muchas ventajas para luchar contra el COVID-19 y facilitar el distanciamiento social, pero también involucra algunos riesgos. El surgimiento de la pandemia ha puesto de manifiesto problemas estructurales en los ámbitos económico y social, a los que se suman la exclusión digital, y otros problemas relacionados con la privacidad y seguridad”, aseguró Alicia Bárcena.

UKRAINE - Operation of all Border Checkpoints in Ukrainian Airports Have Been Restored

  • 15 June 2020

In accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 477 of June 12, 2020, the operation of 15 checkpoints for air communication has been resumed.

As of today, June 15, all checkpoints across the State Border of Ukraine for air transportation are open. Shifts in border patrols have entered the service in sufficient amount to ensure the admission of persons both to depart from Ukraine and to arrive in our country.

Social Distancing, Surveillance, and Stronger Health Systems as Keys to Controlling COVID-19 Pandemic, PAHO Director Says

  • 2 June 2020

Just in the past week there were 732,000 new cases globally, and of these, more than 250,000 new cases were in Latin American countries, “a serious concern that should serve as a clarion call to redouble our efforts,” Dr. Carissa Etienne said at a press briefing. “The situation we face is dire, but not hopeless – as long as our approach to defeating the virus is based on solidarity. We must work together, share resources and apply the proven strategies we have learned along the way.” 

Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: The World Should Face the Reality

  • 1 June 2020
Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: The World Should Face the Reality

Hand washing and maintaining social distance are the main measures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to avoid contracting COVID-19. Unfortunately, these measured do not prevent infection by inhalation of small droplets exhaled by an infected person that can travel distance of meters or tens of meters in the air and carry their viral content. Science explains the mechanisms of such transport and there is evidence that this is a significant route of infection in indoor environments. Despite this, no countries or authorities consider airborne spread of COVID-19 in their regulations to prevent infections transmission indoors. It is therefore extremely important, that the national authorities acknowledge the reality that the virus spreads through air, and recommend that adequate control measures be implemented to prevent further spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in particularly removal of the virus-laden droplets from indoor air by ventilation.

Ukraine – Quarantine in Ukraine will be Extended Until June 22, While Relaxation Process Will Take Place in Five Stages

  • 20 May 2020

Quarantine measures introduced in Ukraine due to coronavirus COVID-19 will be extended until June 22. Adaptive quarantine will be in effect, ie restrictive measures will be gradually eased depending on the epidemical situation in each region. There will be a total of 5 stages of quarantine relaxation.

Italy - Italy’s “Phase 2” Officially Starts. PM Conte’s Press Conference (in IT)

  • 19 May 2020

“Phase two starts now. Let us face it with a desire to restart, but also with caution (...) this is a 'calculated risk'”. Please find provisions regulating entry to Italy here.

México: Acciones e iniciativas de México frente a la pandemia

  • 19 May 2020

Relación de las acciones e iniciativas más destacadas que México, como una respuesta de Estado, ha puesto en marcha para hacer frente a la pandemia.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - Prime Minister’s Media Conference

  • 16 May 2020

Prime Minister Dr the Hon. Keith Rowley announced further relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions at a media conference at the Diplomatic Center, St Anns.