

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

IDB to Support Latin America and the Caribbean to Negotiate Faster Access to Vaccines

  • 11 March 2021

On March 11, 2021, the IDB announced an initiative which would help Latin American and Caribbean countries better compete to obtain COVID-19 vaccines. The instrument would help both countries and vaccine makers resolve indemnity obligations, thus removing key obstacles to vaccine contract negotiations. The initiative also aims at helping design and implement regulatory reforms that facilitate their acquisition and distribution.

This initiative aims at empowering developing nations in their vaccine discussions and provide them with a guarantee instrument aimed at improving the terms on which vaccines are delivered.

BID provee US$1.000 millones para financiar vacunas contra el COVID-19

  • 16 December 2020

El BID anunció el 16 de diciembre de 2020 movilizaría US$1.000 millones para apoyar a los países de América Latina y el Caribe a comprar vacunas contra el COVID-19. Los fondos complementarán los US$1.200 millones en recursos que el ya provistos en 2020 y programados para 2021, destinados a apoyar a los Estados en sus medidas de salud pública, como pruebas y rastreos efectivos, y una mejor gestión clínica de pacientes con COVID-19.

Préstamo del BID para apoyar a los países de la OECO en su respuesta a las consecuencias sanitarias y socioeconómicas del COVID-19

  • 26 November 2020

El préstamo al Banco de Desarrollo del Caribe aportará recursos a los miembros de la OECO, compuesta por Antigua y Barbuda, Dominica, Granada, Saint Kitts y Nevis, Santa Lucía, y San Vicente y las Granadinas.

El programa contribuirá a reducir la mortalidad por COVID-19; asegurar niveles de calidad de vida para las personas vulnerables; proveerá apoyo a PYMES.

Los países de la OECO continúan siendo muy vulnerables a los riesgos sanitarios, sociales y económicos causados por la pandemia. Antes de la crisis, recibían alrededor de un millón de visitantes al año, por lo que son más vulnerables ante factores que afecten al turismo y representa un riesgo económico y social para la población residente.

Como respuesta a la crisis del COVID-19, el préstamo buscará consolidar capacidades de los países, mejorar la capacidad de suministro de servicios, apoyar las iniciativas para evitar la transmisión de la enfermedad, y mejorar la detección y manejo de los contagios.

Brasil otorgará garantías para la sostenibilidad de las PyME ante el COVID-19 con el BID

  • 14 October 2020

Brasil, a través del Programa de Emergencia de Acceso a Crédito – el FGI-PEAC, apoyará a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyME) frente a la crisis generada por el COVID-19 como sostén del empleo con un préstamo de US$200 millones aprobado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID).

El programa facilitará el acceso de las PyME al crédito por medio de la concesión de garantías y así contribuir a que las firmas puedan superar problemas temporales de liquidez, dar continuidad a sus operaciones y fortalecer su sostenibilidad financiera.

IDB - ALIDE Will Evaluate the Response of Latin American Development Banks to COVID-19

  • 5 October 2020

The ALIDE General Assembly will bring the Development Bank System of Latin America and the Caribbean to evaluate in a digital meeting the performance in mitigating the COVID-19 crisis and the path to economic recovery. High level representatives from the financial institutions will discuss the various experiences faced during the pandemic.

IDB - ALIDE Will Evaluate the Response of Latin American Development Banks to COVID-19

  • 5 October 2020

The ALIDE General Assembly will bring the Development Bank System of Latin America and the Caribbean to evaluate in a digital meeting the performance in mitigating the COVID-19 crisis and the path to economic recovery. High level representatives from the financial institutions will discuss the various experiences faced during the pandemic.

IDB Supports Jamaica’s Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases Program

  • 21 September 2020

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a programmatic policy-based loan of $100 million to support the strengthening of Jamaica’s health systems to better prevent and manage the care of non-communicable diseases.

The main objective of this program is to contribute to the improvement of the health of Jamaica’s population by bolstering comprehensive policies for the reduction of Non-Communicable (Chronic) Diseases (NCDs) risk factors.  It also aims to improve access to an upgraded and integrated primary and secondary health network in prioritized areas, with an emphasis on chronic disease management. The idea is to provide more efficient and higher quality care.

IDB Helps Uruguay Protect Vulnerable Population Amid COVID-19 Crisis

  • 2 September 2020

The program will finance special money transfers to households that hold the Uruguay Social Card (Tarjeta Uruguay Social in Spanish) and people that benefit from the Equity Plan Family Allocations (Asignaciones Familiares-Plan Equidad). As part of this effort, the plan will also support the creation of a One-Stop Digital Window designed to improve the efficiency of selecting and recertifying those who receive such money transfers.

The Uruguay Social Card seeks to guarantee basic access to food and other essentials for people living in extreme poverty. Equity Plan Family Allocations provide economic assistance to complement the income of families that live in precarious conditions and are raising children. They also seek to keep children in school and provide incentives to ensure that they get health check-ups.

Citizen engagement and civil society

  • 31 August 2020

The IDB group maximizes the value and sustainability of operations and governance in the region by engaging with civil society organizations (CSO) that are technically or geographically relevant for each initiative.

IDB supports health care system of Nicaragua as it responds to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • 1 August 2020

With the goal of boosting the response capacity of the Nicaraguan health care system, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) reiterates its support to the country providing USD$43 million from its Immediate Response of Public Health to Contain and Control Coronavirus and Mitigate its Effect on the Provision of the Service in Nicaragua. The actions of the program will contribute to reduce the rates of morbidity and mortality from the coronavirus and ease the indirect health care effects of the pandemic, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable populations. The project will focus on three areas: boosting detection and monitoring of COVID-19 cases, strengthening efforts to break the chain of transmission of the disease, and enhancing the country's ability to provide services.

IDB Supports Argentina's Crisis Response and Strategic Priorities Management

  • 30 July 2020

The program will help organize and more efficiently execute policies and programs that support government priorities for crisis management and preparing for economic recovery in response to the impacts of COVID-19. In addition, it will improve the management and performance of priority government policies with a direct impact on the services provided to citizens.

In this sense, it will focus on the quality of planning, monitoring, decision-making and evaluation of strategic government programs, and will contribute to strengthening innovation capacities and promoting innovative practices on public policies in public administration, with the participation of the private sector and civil society.

Reporte del BID analiza la preparación y resistencia de las empresas andinas ante pandemia

  • 29 July 2020

Entre los principales hallazgos destacan que, dentro de la región andina, las empresas de Perú y Colombia se encontraban mejor posicionadas para enfrentar el choque del COVID-19, mientras que las de Ecuador y Bolivia estaban menos preparadas.  En todos los casos, las empresas grandes y medianas son las que tenían mayor preparación, en comparación con las pequeñas y, sobre todo, con las microempresas debido a diferencias importantes en aspectos como el acceso a crédito, el uso de tecnologías, la propiedad del espacio en el que operan, el peso de los costos fijos y la productividad laboral.

UN Women, IDB Urge Caribbean to Integrate Gender as Catalyst for Economic Recovery

  • 29 July 2020

“This conversation was an important opportunity to discuss how the Caribbean will build back better from the COVID-19 crisis. We heard about timely and comprehensive social protection interventions by the region’s governments – many with the support of the private sector – to address economic hardship and job losses, as well as initiatives to support families. At UN Women, we are committed to continuing to support the Governments and the people of the Caribbean in developing policies and programmes that address the needs of women, both in the private sector and in the informal sector, to ensure no one is left behind in the rebuilding of the region’s economies,” said Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women.

Bolivia respaldará la sostenibilidad de las MiPyME ante crisis COVID-19 con apoyo del BID

  • 23 July 2020

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) aprobó un préstamo de US$130 millones para apoyar la sostenibilidad financiera de corto plazo de las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MiPyME) como sostén del empleo en Bolivia frente a la crisis del COVID-19 y sus efectos en el tejido productivo.

El programa espera beneficiar como mínimo a aproximadamente 12.000 MiPyME afectadas por la crisis, mediante créditos que se otorgarán a través de las Instituciones Financieras elegibles, destinándose un monto superior al 30 por ciento del total de los recursos a empresas propiedad de mujeres.

Haití dará asistencia a sectores más vulnerables golpeados por COVID con apoyo BID

  • 10 July 2020

El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) aprobó una asistencia no reembolsable de US$60 millones para apoyar a los sectores más vulnerables de Haití frente a la crisis causada por la COVID-19.

La ayuda será administrada por el Fondo de Asistencia Económica y Social (FAES), un organismo autónomo dependiente del Ministerio de Finanzas, que se encarga de implementar los programas de asistencia social en Haití, donde 59 por ciento de la población vive bajo la línea de pobreza.

IDB - Honduras Tackles COVID-19 and Ensure Stability with IDB Support

  • 10 July 2020

A $76.2 million loan from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will help finance efforts to contain the pandemic, mitigate its effect on poor households, and promote counter-cyclical policies that will ease the crisis' short-term effect on the economy.

IDB report envisions devastating tourism shocks to Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 1 July 2020

The report – Extreme Outlier: The Pandemic’s Unprecedented Shock to Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean – launches a new global Tourism Dependency Index for countries, including 35 Latin American and Caribbean economies. It urges governments to take unprecedented measures to prevent the spread of the virus, and to support citizens and economies through this shock to the most tourism-dependent region in the world. 

IDB Supports Sustainability of Uruguay’s MSMEs Impacted by COVID-19 Crisis

  • 24 June 2020

MSMEs are a key component of Uruguay’s production and employment capabilities, accounting for more than 99 percent of the private sector companies and more than 67 percent of the jobs. Their activities are mostly concentrated on services and commerce – two sectors badly affected by the coronavirus crisis.

IDB Panama Receives IDB Support to Contain the Sanitary Crisis and its Macroeconomic Impact

  • 22 June 2020

The budget-support loan will provide Panama’s government with rapid disbursement funds to finance emergency current expenses and generate a mid-term fiscal policy strategic framework to recover fiscal sustainability and ensure macroeconomic stability.

IDB supports Strengthen Colombia’s Productive Development

  • 19 June 2020

The project includes the adoption of public policies that promote innovation, entrepreneurship and business productivity, all of which are considered essential to help the country recuperate from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.