

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

COVID-19 en la vida de las mujeres: Emergencia global de los cuidados

  • 17 August 2020

La Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM) de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), con la cooperación de la Unión Europea a través de su programa EUROsociAL+, presenta y pone a disposición de los Estados Miembros de la OEA, de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y sector privado el documento COVID-19 en la vida de las mujeres: Emergencia global de los cuidados, en respuesta a la profundización de la desigualdad en la distribución de las tareas domésticas y de cuidado y al incremento de la carga de trabajo no remunerado que están realizando las mujeres. El texto analiza el rol de las mujeres en el funcionamiento de la vida doméstica y productiva y los impactos en sus vidas y en la economía.

UNHCR Warns of Increased COVID-19-Related Trafficking Risks for Refugees, Displaced and Stateless

  • 30 July 2020

With COVID-19 increasing needs and vulnerabilities of refugees and internally displaced and stateless people, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is concerned that the impacts of the pandemic are also heightening their risks to trafficking and exploitation. “Enforced measures to control the pandemic and worsening socio-economic conditions are having serious implications for those forcibly displaced. Those now faced with lost livelihoods and abject poverty can be targets for traffickers that are unscrupulously exploiting and profiteering from their vulnerabilities,” said UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Gillian Triggs.

IOM, UNICEF Assist Migrant Children Affected by Pandemic

  • 24 July 2020

Through a joint project— #YoCamino (I March) campaign—the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have provided specialized kits to more than 60 migrant children and adolescents like Alejandro and his brother, including many Nicaraguans.

The assistance kits contain hygiene supplies for personal use, food, and recreational and informative materials on preventing COVID-19 and irregular migration. In some cases, specific items to cover a child's special needs also have been delivered. In this case, Alejandro and his brother received the clothing and suitcases they lacked for their return.

UNHCR Expands Support to Refugees and Host Communities in Brazil as COVID-19 Takes its Toll

  • 24 July 2020

Brazil is host to more than 345,000 refugees and asylum seekers, for whom the consequences of the pandemic are especially harsh.

In an effort to limit the spread and impact of the virus, UNHCR is enhancing community awareness efforts, including through information campaigns and preventive information sessions in the different indigenous languages. Hygiene promotion has also been scaled up in temporary shelters: hand-washing stations have been installed and soap distribution continue to take place since the beginning of March.

UNHCR is also addressing rising humanitarian and health needs among refugees living on the streets, and in overcrowded shelters and unsanitary conditions in the northern regions of Brazil, including in Amazonas, Roraima and Para states.

WB - Productivity Growth, Key Driver of Poverty Reduction, Threatened by COVID-19 Disruptions

  • 14 July 2020

“Productivity levels in emerging markets and developing economies remain less than 20 percent of the average in advanced economies, and only 2 percent in low income countries,” said World Bank Vice President for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions, Ceyla Pazarbasioglu. “A possible silver lining may be that changes in behavior from the pandemic will accelerate the adoption of new technologies, greater efficiencies among businesses, and the pace of scientific innovation. However, it is vital to ensure that these gains are widely distributed and that technology-driven labor market disruptions are well managed.”

IOM - Migrants in Temporary Housing in Northern Mexico Get Constant Medical Observation

  • 10 July 2020

"What we do is a benefit to the community: migrants have suffered, like many of us, from this pandemic. With this support, we make sure they are not out in the street," said Leticia Chavarría Villa, a doctor who coordinates a six-person medical team in Ciudad Juárez. 

UN - Address ‘Unprecedented’ Impact of Coronavirus on Latin America and the Caribbean, Urges Guterres

  • 9 July 2020

Broader structural challenges must be addressed to build back better and transform the region’s development model.

Against the backdrop of pervasive inequality, accessible and comprehensive welfare systems must be developed, fair taxation systems created, decent jobs promoted, environmental sustainability strengthened, and social protection mechanisms reinforced, according to the UN chief. Moreover, regional economic integration is required, with “women participating fully and safely in public and economic life”, he stressed.

ECLAC Presents Five Proposals to Increase Fiscal Space in Caribbean Countries

  • 9 July 2020

Alicia Bárcena explained that ECLAC is proposing five, very concrete recommendations: a debt relief initiative through a debt for climate change adaptation swap, which includes the creation of a resilience fund; a debt service standstill and a change in international financial institutions’ (IFIs) eligibility criteria for granting concessional funding; stage contingency bonds, especially with hurricane clauses; green and blue bonds; and liquidity support via the issuance of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).

ILO Welcomes COVID-19 Seafarers’ Rights Agreement

  • 9 July 2020

A joint statement signed by more than a dozen countries that gives seafarers enhanced rights as key workers. The new measures, also supported by other UN agencies and international organizations, enable seafarers to be repatriated and move more freely during the pandemic.

European Union - Venezuela: Press release on EU dialogue with stakeholders in Caracas

  • 1 July 2020

As the world continues to combat COVID-19, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is calling on the German Presidency of the European Union (EU) to keep refugee protection high on the agenda. UNHCR is proposing concrete ways the EU can ensure a bold and robust response to forced displacement during the pandemic as well as long term. The envisaged EU Pact on Migration and Asylum also provides an opportunity for the EU to better protect forcibly displaced people in Europe and abroad, and support host countries.

IOM - Global Diaspora Coalition: Message of Solidarity with Victims of COVID-19 Related Xenophobia, Discrimination

  • 1 July 2020

“Now more than ever, the safety of our society as a whole depends on the effective protection of the most vulnerable. Xenophobia and discrimination undermine our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to address the socio-economic impacts that disproportionately burden the most vulnerable and marginalized elements of our societies including migrants”, said IOM Director General António Vitorino.

UNHCR Issues Recommendations for EU to Ensure Refugee Protection During the Pandemic and Beyond

  • 1 July 2020

As the world continues to combat COVID-19, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is calling on the German Presidency of the European Union (EU) to keep refugee protection high on the agenda. UNHCR is proposing concrete ways the EU can ensure a bold and robust response to forced displacement during the pandemic as well as long term. The envisaged EU Pact on Migration and Asylum also provides an opportunity for the EU to better protect forcibly displaced people in Europe and abroad, and support host countries.

UN to Extend Enhanced Support to the National Human Rights Institutions

  • 26 June 2020

“In these challenging times we need to reinforce, support and work in partnership with NHRIs to address COVID-19. We also need to support member states to ‘recover back better’ - to use inclusive approaches in their recovery towards achieving the SDGs and securing the social contract,” stated Asako Okai, UN Assistant Secretary General and Director of UNDP’s Crisis Bureau.

PAHO - Countries Should Prepare to Manage COVID-19 Closely for the Next 2 Years

  • 24 June 2020

PAHO’s director Carissa Etienne said countries must adjust and coordinate their COVID-19 response based on increasingly detailed data. “Governments will have to make decisions, considering simultaneously health, economic, and social indicators. This will allow health officials to understand where transmission is accelerating, and which groups are at greater risk so as to better target their efforts,” she added.

IOM - IOM/OCHA: UN Humanitarian Chief Releases USD 25 Million in CERF Funding to IOM for NGO COVID-19 Responses

  • 23 June 2020

This multi-country allocation will be channelled to NGOs at a country level and help address the most pressing humanitarian needs based on the in-country priorities in health (including mental health and psychosocial support), and water and sanitation outlined in the Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19. Focus will be given to gender issues, including gender-based violence, and the needs of people living with disabilities. 

WHO - The World Health Organization Reminds Public to Remain Vigilant Through Mr Bean’s Essential COVID-19 Checklist

  • 22 June 2020

With cases of COVID-19 continuing to rise globally, “Mr Bean’s Essential COVID-19 Checklist” is a reminder to people about the importance of washing hands, physical distancing and demonstrating kindness to their neighbours. The PSA features a cartoon sketch of Mr Bean comically tackling a pesky roller blind to finally reveal a number of essential tips to protect people against COVID-19.  

OMS - El COVID-19 no se detiene, países que habían suprimido la transmisión ven aumentar los casos

  • 22 June 2020

Los casos repuntan en países como Estados Unidos, Brasil, Rusia, India, Chile y México, y en América Latina en general no paran de subir. En naciones que habían logrado contener el coronavirus, como Alemania y Corea del Sur, este vuelve a resurgir. La agencia de salud de la ONU advierte que todos los gobiernos se enfrentan a un delicado equilibrio entre proteger a su gente y minimizar el daño social y económico: la clave está en ser creativos y mantener las intervenciones básicas de salud pública.

New UN Report Offers Blueprint for Greener, More Resilient World of Work

  • 19 June 2020

Jobs, livelihoods and the well-being of workers, families and businesses across the globe, continue to take a hit from the COVID-19 pandemic; with micro, small and medium enterprises in particular, suffering the dire economic consequences, according to a new policy brief released by the UN on Friday.

PAHO/WHO - Countries Failing to Prevent Violence Against Children, Agencies Warn

  • 19 June 2020

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, and the related school closures, we have seen a rise in violence and hate online – and this includes bullying. Now, as schools begin to re-open, children are expressing their fears about going back to school,” said Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General. “It is our collective responsibility to ensure that schools are safe environments for all children. We need to think and act collectively to stop violence at school and in our societies at large.”

OMS - La pandemia de coronavirus se acelera y rompe el récord de casos en un solo día con 150.000

  • 19 June 2020

“El mundo se encuentra en una etapa nueva y peligrosa, lógicamente son muchas las personas que están cansadas de estar en casa y los países desean, con razón, abrir sus sociedades y economías, pero el virus sigue propagándose con rapidez, continúa siendo mortífero y la mayoría de las personas sigue siendo susceptible a él”, explico el director de la Organización, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.