
Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices

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  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 3951
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Mathematics
Type of device: Laptop
Description: The teacher will ask the pupils to recite the multiplication song just to make sure they master it well. The also explains that multiplication is repeated addition. The teacher then demonstrates how the work is done as the pupils watches and asks questions.Displays the chart to the pupils and explains the steps. Give one on the board and allow every student to give it atrial. The teacher goes round helping those with difficulty.The teacher asks one student to explain how he or she got the answer, teacher makes necessary corrections.

The Skeletal System

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Beulahmae Ferguson
  • Number of views: 5110
The Skeletal System
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Health
Topic: The Skeletal System
Type of device: Laptop
Description: Teacher will begin lesson by having student singing and dancing to the song " Dry Bones" ?Project on the Active Board the online article What are Bones Made Of HTTP://kidshealth.org/PageManager.jsp?lic=1&article_set=54029&cat_id=20607 ?Read the article to the students stopping and discussing the information presented. ?Model using the Active Board and access the animated diagram of a bone by clicking on the name of each bone part and reading the explanation of that bone part to the rest of the class. ? Have a blank diagram of a bone on the flipchart. ? Students will come to the Active Board and label the parts by moving the label with the interactive pen. ? Explain to the students that they will be given clay to construct a model of the bone. Give each child a paper plate on which to build their model, and 4 different colors of clay or play dough. Day 3 &4` PREPARATION ?Use your best judgment to select a student leader who you think will make the conversation a benefit for all students. ?Establish the discussion topic with the students ahead of time so everyone has time to prepare.Question ? Be sure that the preparation materials are open-ended enough that students can really challenge the topic later on in the discussion. ?Be sure to push for evidence and connection between ideas. ?Prepare questions for the student leader to help guide the discussion ?Schedule time to explain to the students on how the activity works. ?Read through the activity to help them get a good sense of the protocol FISHBOWL DISCUSSION ?Invite the representatives to sit up front, explain to the group how the process will work, and open the floor with a provocative question Can the human body survive without the skeletal system? ?Inviting the representatives in the fishbowl to comment." Allow about 5-10 minutes for discussions in the core group, before opening up the floor for questions for another 10 minutes. ?Give the core group a time limit after which the observers can then ask a question or comment on a particular part of the discussion. ?Invite observers to join the discussion or switch places with one of the core group so that the participants are rotating. ?After a certain amount of time (e.g. 5mins), swap the groups so that observers now discuss while the participants  now observe. After the second group has discussed, get them to reflect on each other discussions. WRAPUP ?Student leader addresses wrap up questions before closure ?Students complete their accountability sheets individually. Teacher gives feedback.