
Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices

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Problem Solving-Errors

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Mona-Lisa Roberts
  • Number of views: 4071
 Problem Solving-Errors
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Programming Errors
Type of device: Smartphone
Description: The teacher write a statement on the board that does not agree with the rules of the English language. ‘In yesterday’s class documentation is done.’ Students will be asked to analysis this statement, a brief discussion will ensue. Development 1. The discussion from the statement made in the introduction should bring out the syntax error concept. The students from their assignment given in the previous class will pose various definitions for the term Syntax and Syntax Errors. 2. A standardized definition of Syntax error will be given. Pascal statements will be written on the board with Syntax errors. The students from their interaction with programming should be able to highlight and correct these errors. 3. The students will again from their homework activity give definitions for Logic Errors and Runtime Errors. 4. The teacher will provide standardized definitions for the concepts and explain each clearly. 5. The students will attempt examples given on the board highlighting the type of error they have identified and the possible fix for same.

It is intended to develop the students’ ability to use selected resources around them to create brochure, without the use of technology so they will develop n appreciation for manual labour.

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shanee Peters-Henry
  • Number of views: 3938
It is intended to develop the students’ ability to use selected resources around them to create brochure, without the use of technology so they will develop n appreciation for manual labour.
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Creating brochure
Type of device: Audio and portable media player
Description: Engagement: Students will be asked read to watch a four (4) minutes YouTube video entitled “Creating brochures”. They will watch and listen keenly, after which they will be asked to correctly define the term brochure. Exploration: Students will be asked to work in groups of four (4) where they will review the hand-out. The students will use the tip sheet to go over their brochure planner. The teacher will explain to the students that this will help them organize and present their information more effectively. Explanation: Students will be asked to work in pairs to discuss the importance of creating brochure, they will be allotted three minutes to complete this task after which they will explain and share with the rest of the class. The teacher will clear up any misconception. Elaboration: Student will be asked to work in groups of four (4) where they will use the resource/material given to properly create. Evaluation: Teacher will observe and assess the students’ final product (brochure) over the next two weeks.