
Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices

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subject verb agreement

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Maira Yadicenia Garcia
  • Number of views: 4258
subject verb agreement
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Subjectverb agreement. Use of the verbs correctly with singular and plural nouns
Type of device: Other
Description: Introduction: Students play the verbs song and act it out the verbs of the song Students listen the sentences and identify the verbs in each Students review the meaning of verbs Instruction: Teacher modeling Students get flash card of subject to identify them and get the meaning. Students tell is the flash cards show singular or plural subject Students discuss the verb agreement for each subject shown by the teacher Students come to the board and match the subject with the correct verb agreement Students play a game to review subject verb agreement the team with the most correct answer wins. Students discuss and correct answer that are wrong, and explain why they are wrong Independent working time: Students practice Students get the subject and verb agreement worksheet Students match the subject with the correct verb according to the singular or plural noun


  • 20 October 2017
  • Posted by: Ried Iten
  • Number of views: 3376
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Take care of the environment using the three Rs.
Type of device: Laptop
Description: -Organize students in groups of no more than six.
-Give them information about the three Rs.
-Propose a clear line for the plan of action and execution of the project.
-Get infographics about the subject.
-Arming the project in the group.
-Encourage students to create ideas to develop more activities for the benefit of the project.
Students create an action plan.
They will make a massive recycling campaign.
All school will help to collect plastic bottles and CDs that are in disuse.
-Encourage students to create ideas to develop more activities for the benefit of the project.
Propose ideas to make new objects with the collected material
Search for recycling centers and identify their characteristics
Select products from the recycles centers to implement
Reuse the material obtained to create new objects as home decorations.