
Teaching Practices Using Mobile Devices

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  • 22 April 2018
  • Posted by: Victoria Salazar
  • Number of views: 6858
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Type of device: Laptop
Description: KEY VOCABULARY: Food Pyramid, Expensive, cheap, Pounds(lb), cents (¢), a quarter (25 cents), a dime (10 cents), a nickel (5 cents), a penny (1 cent), a bill, a coin, dollar (US$), Dominican peso (RD$), I’d like…, I’ll take…, give me, Colors: red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, white, black, brown, pink. Fruits: peach, apples, kiwi, pear, lemon, grapes, avocado, strawberry, mango, cherries, pineapples, lime, cantaloupes, strawberry, star fruit, orange, coconut, raspberries, watermelon, plum, banana, mango, blueberries, nectarines, tangerines, cranberries. Vegetables: carrots, red cabbage, celery, artichoke, asparagus, spinach, couliflower, okra, corn, garlic, beets, broccoli, red onion, radishes, turnip, green onions, sweet potato, lettuce, brussels sprouts, red pepper, green pepper, mushrooms, celery, salad. Foods:, cheese, milk, coconut milk, cream cheese, eggs, mozzarella, sour cream, yogurt, cereal, bread cereal, oatmeal, tortillas, bottled water, coffee, iced tea, juice, lemon juice, orange juice, soda, tea, french fries, frozen veggies, ice cream, pizza, waffles, beef, chicken, chicken breast, fish, hot dog, pork, pork chops, sausage, american cheese, honey, jam, jelly, ketchup, mustard, olive oil, peanut butter, salsa vegetable oil, black beans, chickpeas, oats, rice, white beans, sugar, salt, vegetarian food, dessert, sushi, soup, butter. MOTIVATION: Building Background Teacher talks about the importance of eating healthy food using a Food Pyramid (describe four basic groups of food). *Differentiated Instruction: Teacher can request some activities or assigned some worksheets for understanding and application according to Bloom’s taxonomy in which students’ can demonstrate their acquisition among the topic in a creative manner. PRESENTATION: Teacher introduces the grammar structure about: Demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those. How much is/are… How much does/do it cost? Indefinite Article: a/an Some and any Countable/ Uncountable nouns PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: Talk about favorite foods: Answer these questions after the reading of a magazine article. 1. Name three kinds of fruit. 2. Name three vegetables. 3. Which of the foods in the article do you eat? Which of these foods don’t you eat? 4. Which of these foods do you think are good for you? Which ones do you think are bad for you? NOTE: The students will have a Forum Discussion on FACEBOOK with this question (Importance of eating healthy food (describe four basic groups of food). They are requested to search on different sources and write a simple comment on the topic previously showed in the class. In the same aspect, they must give a feedback on their peers’ comments. *Teacher checks their understanding and acquisition from the prior knowledge to the new knowledge acquired inside and outside the classroom setting. *Teacher provides feedback on their opinions and give suggestions and advices. *Teacher posts the Netiquette rules for behavio...