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The Case for Conchservation

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Bodine V Johnson
  • Number of views: 11282
The Case for Conchservation
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasive Writing: Saving the Conch
Description: *Context* Conch in The Bahamas is slowly becoming endangered due to overfishing and poor regulation of fishing laws. The conch aerates sand, allowing smaller animals to live underwater, provides a source of food for larger organisms, appears on The Bahamas' Coat of Arms and is part of the cultural diet of Bahamians as an internationally acclaimed delicacy. Furthermore, conch shells are used to create jewelry and craft items, and are ground up for calcium carbonate and used in natural supplements. When conch is endangered so is the livelihood of many Bahamians. (lesson can be adapted for any culturally appropriate animal or organism).

Teacher plays the Conch Gone Music Video for students.
CONCH GONE [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCsTSjc4N8
Teacher asks students about the characters represented, which words, phrases or images stood out and why, and what is the message of the song, i.e. how effective is the music video.

Explanation of Objectives:
Teacher outlines the objectives of the lesson and explains what will happen during each of the 3 parts of the course.

Teacher Lecture:
Teacher explains persuasive writing, using the Conch Gone Music video as a guide.

Literary Appreciation:
Teacher provides students the song lyrics, students underline key words and phrases. Students should be able to identify the appeal to logic (industries affected – creative, restaurant, fishing), emotions (loss of income and work, sense of purpose), expert opinion (explaining why the conch is important to the ecosystem)

Teacher divides students into groups of four and explains the purpose of the survey. Surveys are distributed to students. Students are asked to canvas their schoolmates during the break time.

Lesson Two:

Group Presentation: 10 mins
Students share the findings of their survey. They should be able to explain what people know and identify what their presentations should focus on. Teacher facilitates the conversation.

Interviews: 30 mins
BNT Education Officer Agnessa Lundy and Businesswoman, Gandhi Pinder make presentations on Conch and the Bahamian ecosystem and Conch and Bahamian businesses. Student ask additional questions.

Fishbowl Discussion: 10 mins
Students discuss different aspects of the growing conch shortage and implications for Bahamians.

Wrap Up: 5 mins
Students share one sentence/phrase that convinces others to preserve conch which focuses on one of the three forms of persuasion.

Lesson Three:

In Groups students refine the main issue that they want to present on and complete their poems, speeches, presentations, videos, etc.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Julia Moore
  • Number of views: 14084
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Recalling details
Description: Students will be encouraged to listen to the story as they would be questioned at intervals.
The teacher will tell the students the title and proceed to read the story.
The story will be read with the teacher stopping at intervals to check listening skills. The following questions will be asked:
- What is the name of the story?
- How do you think the goats got their names?
- Where did they live?
- Why were they moving from one place to another?
- Who lived under the bridge?
- What happened when the little Billy Goat Gruff tried to cross the bridge?
- What did the little Billy Goat Gruff say?
- Was he/she allowed to go on the other side of the bridge?
- Who came along next?
- What happened to the second Billy Goat Gruff?
- Was he/she allowed to cross over the bridge?
Students will be called to dramatize parts of the story.
At the end of the story’s reading, students will be asked to propose a different ending to the story by responding to the questions below using the fish bowl strategy. There will be three groups and each group will be given one of the questions below. They will follow the structure of the fish bowl strategy. However, instead of tapping to enter the circle, there will be a time factor involved and each group will respond to all the questions.
- If you were the troll how would you feel about the goats using your bridge?
- If you were one of the goats would you have tried to go on the other side knowing that a troll lived under the bridge?
- If you were big Billy Goat Gruff would you butt the troll?
Students will begin to illustrate their favourite part of the story.


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Devin Saunds-Dunkley
  • Number of views: 9975
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Understanding Text Features
Description: There are two classes consisting of thirty-six studnets each that were taught the lesson over six sessions. The groups are being taught the curriculum for City and Guilds English Language which comes with core units that students must cover. Sessions were 80 minustes long and the lesson was covered in 6 sessions.
The lesson began with the students placed in small groups and the distribution of City and Guilds source documents to all students. The source documents which were colourful and had various text features on them that spanned the five categories. Students were asked to focus on questions related to the source document and the various features on it in their groups and select a reporter to respond to the questions and any other ideas they had about the source document.
Groups gave their responses and their points which ranged from having seen the some of the features before to knowing why some were used were note don the board for further discussion. Class is then led into a discussion where they are given the names of the categories under which the features fall and allowed to research each type of features and find examples on the source documents as well as from their research under each category. They will also look at the function of each of the features. Groups made their presentations to the class where they were critiqued by their peers and the teacher.
The students were then given an article on drugs taken from an English Language text and guided Reading followed. This was done to get the students understanding of the content as well as for them to identify the áreas for which they could use the text features to make the document more reader-friendly without losing the salient points from the article. Students were allowed to re-create their source document as a group homeowrk assignment and present their new source document for whole critiquing.
Students were allowed to interact with documents individually and in pairs where they recreated documents using text features and written assignments that involved them naming the features highlighted by the functions. Lesson ended with students individually completing a mini quizz involing matching and identifying text features that could be used in various areas of a given article

Homonyms in action

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Carolyn Barker
  • Number of views: 12573
Homonyms in action
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The definition and use of Homonyms
Description: Play a game of charades.
Teacher will do the dramatization in order to elicit from students, words which could end up having a different meaning. For example the use of the word watch. By the end of the set induction, students should be able to decipher that the one word given has two meanings called homonyms.
? Establish with students that we are talking about words which are spelt the same but have different meaning based on the context. Give the example sentences using a word in the sentence which has the different meaning and ask students to give the meaning of the word when used in both context.
? Present students with a sentence using the word sea and see and elicit from them the response that the words are used as homophones and ask the students to state the meaning of homophones. The same will be done using a sentence with a synonym and antonym where students will state that the highlighted words are used as such.
? Ask students to think of words which if given in a different context would have a different meaning, for example the watch from earlier discussion.

Critical Thinking

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: karen cash
  • Number of views: 22097
Critical Thinking
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Reading Comprehension and Writing Skills
Description: Introduce the topic of finding the main idea in a story by showing Reading Strategies. After watching, discuss what students learned about main ideas and supporting details. Ask them: What was the main idea of the pyramid segment? What are supporting details? How are they used in a story? Talk about books the students have read or movies they have seen in the classroom. What were the main ideas of these stories? What information did supporting details provide?
Read a news story to the class. First, ask students to listen for the main idea and supporting details. Discuss the story with the students. What was the main idea? What were some supporting details?
Divide students into small groups and give each one several newspapers. Tell students that they will choose at least four stories that everyone in the group will read. If newspapers are unavailable have students choose stories from the online news sources or from your newspaper's Web site. Explain to students that they should identify the main idea and at least two supporting details in each of the stories. Have students number and cut out the stories, and give each group member a different story to read; tell students to write the number and the story headline on their writing paper. Explain that students should write the main idea and at least two supporting details directly under the number and headline. Once students finish with their own story, have them switch with a member of their group and repeat the process. They will to repeat the process until all members of the group have read all four stories.
Hold a group discussion about the stories. Ask students to share some main ideas and supporting details. What kinds of information did they learn? If students identified different main ideas for the same story, have them explain their choice and ask the group to reread that particular story. Make sure all students have a firm understanding of a story's main idea.
Ask volunteers to share some information their group learned from reading the news stories. Talk about the stories and the main ideas. For stories that may have been particularly difficult to read or understand, read them aloud have the class try to identify the main ideas.