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Main Idea in Informational Text

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Deidre Bourne
  • Number of views: 9923
Main Idea in Informational Text
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Main Idea and Supporting Details
Description: The teacher will ask the students to write four lines about something they did over the weekend. When they are finished underline what line they think best describes the main idea of their paragraph. When we think of a main idea, we ask ourselves what is this mostly about? While we are asking ourselves that think to yourself, we can actually answer some important questions about main idea. When we know the main idea we can more than just identify what the passage or story is mostly about. We can also identify the topic, can create a new title, and can write a sentence that supports why you have chosen your main idea. When we have a clear vision of our main idea we are able to state three things that show we have a strong understanding as readers. Today we will learn how to declare the main idea of a passage, article, book, or reading, and then be able to state the topic, create new or main idea centered title, and then write a sentence the supports our choice in a main idea. When we can support our main idea we can confirm our findings and support our thinking that is what makes us good readers.
The teacher will choose a passage for the students. Distribute the passage, do a simple read aloud with the students. The students will read silently at first. Then they will read aloud the passage. The teacher and the students would read it once thoroughly and then read it again using out loud thinking, jotting down notes, questions, and highlighting important information. Then talk about how you would generate a main idea. Have an anchor chart that looks as the model below. Fill in each area and model thinking aloud how you are to create each object.
Then do another reading, have students do think aloud, highlight, add questions and talk through information. Have them come up with the topic, title, and sentence to support.
Anchor Chart
Title of Passage:
My Main Idea:
Topic of my passage:
New Title:
Sentence to support:
S-1 Thinking Independently
Rather than having students discuss only those ideas mentioned in their in their text, the teacher can have them brainstorm ideas and argue among themselves.
S-6 Developing Intellectual Courage
Intellectual courage is fostered through a consistently open-minded atmosphere. Students who disagree with or doubt their peers or text should be given support. The teacher should raise probing questions regarding unpopular ideas which the students have.
S-21 Reading Critically: Clarifying and Critiquing Texts
Critical thinkers read with a healthy scepticism but they do not doubt or deny until they understand. They clarify before they judge.
S-31 Distinguishing Relevant Facts from Irrelevant Facts
Students will read the passage with one or more issues in mind and note relevant details. Students could then share and discuss their lists. Students can then discover that sometimes they must argue for the relevance o...

Persuasive Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: CARLENE BRYAN
  • Number of views: 8035
Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: the persuasive speech
Description: Introductory Activity (Engagement) o Through activation of schema, the teacher will facilitate a brainstorming sessión of the concept of language as a tool for persuasión. o Students will be asked to contemplate upon the purpose of persuavive texts, various types of persuasive texts and how they are used to enhance our daily lives. o The responses will be jotted down on the white board. o The teacher will then inform students the persuasion is intended to convince us to feel, think or act a certain way. Developmental Activities (Exploration, Explanation & Elaboration) Exploration o Students will then be encouraged to relate from their experiencial backgrounds, any memorable/ impactful speakers and speeches they have heard and state what made the speeches impactful. o Next, an excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s’ ‘I have a dream’ speech will be played using an audio visual médium and students will listen keenly and follow the written text on a handout. o Volunteers will be guided into commenting on the speech and its effect in illuminating the issue of brotherhood and peace. Explanation o From the discussion and presentation, students will be guided into formulating a comprehensive definition for the term ‘persuasive speech’ through discovery learning. o Students had previously learned about persuasive techniques and devices. As a measure of memory retention and critical thinking, they will engage in an activity using the fishing bowl. o A fishing bowl with ten persuasive techniques will be presented and students will select one piece of paper with a technique. Each student will be asked to orally explain his/ her persuasive technique selected to the class. o Students’ questions and responses with then be accommodated. Elaboration o Next, students will work in pairs to find and circle as many examples of persuasive devices as they can from the Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech. o Additionally, they will use a graphic organiser to comment on the effectiveness of each device which will be shared with the class. o The teacher will model the activity by giving them the following example: Text: I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. Effectiveness: this is a metaphor. It compares the racially unjust state of Mississippi to an unwelcoming place overcome by unjust and inhumane practices. He desires to see a transformation where it becomes a safe haven and place of freedom for all. The metaphor highlights the seriousness of the issue and evokes strong emotions of hurt and pain in the reader towards the system of injustice. o The responses will be shared with the class and students will comment on the varying responses given. o Through the use of probing questions and reader’s response, students will be inclined to actively participate in the process.

Poetry - Night of the Scorpion

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Davina Bethel
  • Number of views: 14475
Poetry - Night of the Scorpion
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Literature Poetry - Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel
Description: 4. Development:Teacher Identifies the criteria for analyzing a poem at BJC level. You must always keep in mind An awareness or appreciation of: Content, Language, Style, Tone, Structure 5. Teacher Instructs students to read the poem night of the scorpion. First line by line. Secondly sentence by sentence following stanza by stanza. 6. Teacher -In 4 groups students are instructed to find the figurative devices used. Indicate and quote the line. (Personification, Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia) 7. Student find indicate and quote the line (written). 8. Teacher instructs 3 groups student to locate from computer/ internet brief information on Hindu belief of reincarnation and discusses religions in the Bahamas and superstitions of Bahamians.. Students Each group report their findings. 10. Teacher Instruct students to watch power point which gives information on the poet and analyses the poem almost line by line. 11. Students at this time will be able to see if their group predictions and quotes were correct. 12. Teacher instructs student to complete the Compass Point (Active Learning Strategy) the poet has made use of various types of imagery: Visual imagery • scorpion crawling beneath a sack of rice • peasants came like swarms of flies Smell imagery • smell of candles • smell of burning oil in the lanterns Tactile experience • scorpion biting the mother • father pouring paraffin on the toe. Internal sensation • fear • pain Sound imagery • buzzed the name of god a hundred times • they clicked their tongues 13. Student Excitement – I can detect the images created by the poet to bring the characters in the poem to life. I can identify figurative language used in poetry. Needs – Need to be clear on what imagery is and the different types of figurative language used in poetry. Stance/Steps – Research the use of imagery and figurative language in poetry in order to analyze the poem. Worries - Not being able to identify the images and figurative language used in the poem. Development Days 2 go to three if needed 3 14. Teacher Instructs students to now arrange themselves into a Fish Bowl (Active Learning Strategy) to discuss the full analysis of a poem. Content - Subject matter of the poem or what it is about; • Also includes the message of the poem and its tone. (The poem is about the night when a woman (the poet's mother) in a poor village in India is stung by a scorpion. Concerned neighbours pour into her hut to offer advice and help. All sorts of cures are tried by the neighbours, her husband and the local holy man, but time proves to be the best healer - 'After twenty hours / it lost its sting.') Language • The poet’s choice of vocabulary; • Must comment on choice of words and how effective they are. (The poem is written in first person, should be able to pick out clue words that awake diction) Style • How the poet chooses to write; • The devices that they use. (The poem is written in first person, using lots of figurative language) Tone...

Communicable diseases

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Lelleith Nembhard
  • Number of views: 10137
Communicable diseases
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Communicable diseases
Description: To engage students,use questioning e.g.when last they had a cold. Did you get it from someone else or did you give it to someone else
Class will watch a video on the topic.
Using a Scenario, students will explain their understanding of a comunicable/non communicable disease, pandemic, epidemic
Present a list of communicable disease
Each group will be assigned a disease. They will research its causes and effects then write about it.

Geography as a branch of Social Studies

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jonnett Johnson
  • Number of views: 7111
Geography as a branch of Social Studies
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Introduction to Geography
Description: Engagement:
Students will be shown a video entitled ‘Geography Matters’. They will be asked to deduce the meaning of geography after watching the video. Teacher and students will then work together in order to create a working definition of the concept; this will be noted on the w/board.

Students will be placed in groups; they will be asked to re-watch the video. As a group they will identify and discuss the different aspects/ branches of geography showcased in the video. The groups will ask a representative to share their findings. These will be captured on the w/board. A discussion will ensue, and the non-responses will be eliminated.

Students will be asked to explain the importance of geography in helping human beings to manage their environment properly in order to have a clean and safe place to live, work and grow their families. Teacher and students will be engaged in discussion in order to justify the student’s findings.

Students will be given blank graphic organizers and use relevant pictorial evidence to complete the graphic organizers highlighting the branches of geography from the class discussion. They will be asked to write a paragraph to explain their graphic organizers. The teacher will supervise them as they work collaboratively.