
Lessons Plans

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  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: jose antonio patiño basantes
  • Number of views: 10443
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: -Motivación inicial. -Repaso de la clase anterior. -Enunciación e Introducción al tema de aprendizaje. -Análisis y desarrollo del contenido. -Lectura del Folleto. -Ejemplificación -Formulación de preg
Description: - Motivación inicial.
- Prentacion del tema
- Análisis del contenido
- Presentación del material didáctico (cartel tabla de Código de colores).

- Ejemplificación y utilización de la tabla de colores
- Formación de grupos de trabajo
- Identificación del valor de las resistencias según la tabla.
- Ejercicios de prueba.

Cause/effect Item/category Part/whole of a text

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Andrea Romero
  • Number of views: 10359
Cause/effect Item/category Part/whole of a text
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Cause/effect Item/category Part/whole
Description: Step 1: Warm Up Socratic Semminar Ask students to get together in 4 and hand out randomly small lectures with each category inplicitinto them. Cause/effect, part/hole, Item/category Present pictures from internet for giving examples about brainstormings.
Students read the lectures comprehensively (Pre-lecture, lecture, post-lecture), enclosing, underlining, writing down meanings, and main and general ideas. (10 minutes)
Make a Brainstorming for each category and represent each key-word with drawings. (15 minutes)
Step 2: Context / Presentation Teacher’s Activities Show them a video about what a Socratic Seminar is and an example. Present a poster with rules of coexistence into a classroom. Time: 20 minutes Student’s Activities Time: 20 minutes
Ask students to share their information.
Stablish rules of coexistence.
Ask them to make questions one another Answer questions with your own ideas and examples.
They can use their notes and brainstorms.
Step 3: Guided Practice Teacher’s Activities Elaborate a Mental Map

Living Together

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nathalee Copeland-Mitchell
  • Number of views: 12190
Living Together
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Rights and responsibilities of a Jamaican Citizen
Description: ENGAGEMENT
Students will view a short clip on the united nations convention on the rights of a child. https://youtube/TFMqTDIYI2U
Students will be asked the following questions. A discussion will then ensue.
1. What is the convention of the rights of a child?
2. What are some of the rights identified in the film?
3. Do you think that Jamaican citizens are able to practice their rights?
4. What are some of the ways in which a child’s right can be breached?
Students (selected) will write responses in the board. These will be copied in their notebooks.
Students will be given a handout showing the rights of a child. This will be read in the groups.
Students will discuss what they understand about each right using the Fish Bowl Discussion.
Students will also discuss how 3 of the rights could help them to be good citizens.
Students will use Smart devices to research how any individual may qualify to be a Jamaican citizen.
Students will discuss what they have learnt about how one may qualify to become a Jamaican citizen.
Students will role play being citizenship advisors and advise their client, informing him or her on how to gain Jamaican citizenship.

Students will discuss their rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the rights of a child. (Handouts)

Learning and Discussing about Climate Change

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Maria Isabel Estevez
  • Number of views: 9622
Learning and Discussing about Climate Change
Students’ age range: 18+
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Climate Change
Description: The first step of the lesson will consist in preparing the classroom for the Fish Bowl activity with the help of the students. Chairs will be arranged in two circles: the small inner circle and the big outer circle. At this point, it is necessary to make sure to include one or two empty chairs in the inner circle. All the class is requested to sit before the teacher describes the topic of the discussion and provide information about the dynamic of the activity. Six to seven students will be invited and asked to participate voluntarily to start the Fish Bowl conversation while the rest of the class will be requested to become active observers and listeners. Only the inner circle can speak and share the ideas during the discussion. After about 8-10 minutes, students will start to leave and join the inner circle and so on until the whole group has participated. Students are allowed to take notes in a notebook as well in their phones. The teacher will be the moderator and will take notes in a notebook or the class’ blackboard although this last one is suggested since students can take notes or take a picture of the ideas written by the teacher on it at the end of the class. Links or documents with information about climate change will be provided to the students, so they can complement or learn more about the topic discussed in class.

Internet safety

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shermin Warrican
  • Number of views: 9869
Internet safety
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: The Internet
Description: • Teacher presents the following question as a springboard for the lesson: Which social media platform is your favorite? Why?
• Teacher guides the ensuing oral discussion as students provide responses to the stimuli questions.
• Teacher provides website for the reading passage and asks students to find the passage using their electronic device.
• Teacher instructs students to read and complete the cloze passage in pairs.
• Whole class discussion of passage follows
• Students are placed in small groups and instructed to identify the pros and cons of using the internet, writing their responses in a pros and cons grid (PCG) template provided by the teacher. Teacher instructs students on how to use the PCG.
• Students work on developing the PCG in small groups.
• After students have developed the grid they are invited to share their views and reasons with the class, and identify the major arguments as compared to the minor arguments.