
Lessons Plans

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Day if the week

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Douglas Palma
  • Number of views: 7754
Day if the week
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: The Days
Description: The first thing was to write down each day and then It was provide a sheet of paper with the song on.

Mis Vacaciones de Verano

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Kerry-Ann Bell Fearon
  • Number of views: 9637
Mis Vacaciones de Verano
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Mis Vacaciones de Verano
Description: ENGAGEMENT: The teacher will greet the students in Spanish and then instruct them to listen to a Spanish song about the summer holiday. The song is entitled “Verano y Sol”. Students will be encouraged to dance and sing along with the song.
-The students will say what the song is about, as they respond to the question, “De qué se trata esta canción?”
-The teacher will proceed to ask students general questions about the summer vacation, using the present tense. Eg. ¿Cuándo son las vacaciones de verano?, Normalmente, ¿qué hace la gente durante las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Normalmente, qué haces tú durante las vacaciones de verano?, /Por lo general, ¿cómo pasas las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Te gustan las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Por qué?, ¿Qué prefieres?, ¿Las vacaciones de verano o La Navidad?, ¿Por qué?, ¿Qué te gusta más de las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Qué piensas de las vacaciones de verano en Jamaica?

EXPLORATION: The teacher will give students a template of a concept map. Individually or in groups, they will explore different expressions in Spanish that can be used to talk about their last summer vacation. In the first box, they will jot down adjectives that can be used to describe the vacation. In box 2, they will jot down places where they spent the holiday. In box 3, they will jot down persons with whom they spent the holiday. In box 4, they will jot down activities done in the holiday and in box 5, they will jot down things they liked/disliked most about the holiday.
EXPLANATION: Using the think-pair-share technique, the students will share their findings. At this point corrections, clarifications, explanations and justifications will be made by both students and teacher (NB.The teacher will visit each group). The teacher may also give additional expressions.
a) The students will use the information found in the exploration stage to talk about how they spent the recent summer vacation, using both the preterite and imperfect tenses. The teacher will write down five questions to guide the students. N.B. Each question relates to one of the boxes on the concept map. The teacher will allow students to pass around a ball and whoever has the ball when she says “paren”, will stand and talk about how he/she spent the holiday, using the questions along with the information on their concept maps.


  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Devin Saunds-Dunkley
  • Number of views: 9572
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Understanding Text Features
Description: There are two classes consisting of thirty-six studnets each that were taught the lesson over six sessions. The groups are being taught the curriculum for City and Guilds English Language which comes with core units that students must cover. Sessions were 80 minustes long and the lesson was covered in 6 sessions.
The lesson began with the students placed in small groups and the distribution of City and Guilds source documents to all students. The source documents which were colourful and had various text features on them that spanned the five categories. Students were asked to focus on questions related to the source document and the various features on it in their groups and select a reporter to respond to the questions and any other ideas they had about the source document.
Groups gave their responses and their points which ranged from having seen the some of the features before to knowing why some were used were note don the board for further discussion. Class is then led into a discussion where they are given the names of the categories under which the features fall and allowed to research each type of features and find examples on the source documents as well as from their research under each category. They will also look at the function of each of the features. Groups made their presentations to the class where they were critiqued by their peers and the teacher.
The students were then given an article on drugs taken from an English Language text and guided Reading followed. This was done to get the students understanding of the content as well as for them to identify the áreas for which they could use the text features to make the document more reader-friendly without losing the salient points from the article. Students were allowed to re-create their source document as a group homeowrk assignment and present their new source document for whole critiquing.
Students were allowed to interact with documents individually and in pairs where they recreated documents using text features and written assignments that involved them naming the features highlighted by the functions. Lesson ended with students individually completing a mini quizz involing matching and identifying text features that could be used in various areas of a given article

Persuasive Writing

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Sylbena Scott
  • Number of views: 8670
Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Many students have part -time jobs after school .It has been suggested that businesses should employ only those students who are successful in their studies .Is it a fair suggestion?
Description: I wrote the prompt for the essay on the whiteboard. Then ,I wrote a question derived from the topic on the board. Question :' Do you think that students with a G.P.A below 2:00 , should be allowed to work in business establishments ?' I asked students to indicate their responses to the question by standing in either the left or right hand side of the room.Next, I divided he class into small groups (about six(6) in each group) and assigned each member of the group the task of writing three reasons to support his/her stance. Each group member was given five( 5) minutes to prepare three (3) pros or three( 3) cons based on his/her group assignment.Group members were given an opportunity to share their arguments with the other members , select ,and record the three (3) major arguments presented.I moved around to each group so as to listen to the responses and to provide feedback . ( I had prepared a list of pros and cons before the lesson began) Class discussion ( debate)followed.(I called on students of each group to share their responses )

Que estas haciendo?

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Odette Christian-Samuels
  • Number of views: 10104
Que estas haciendo?
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Present Continuous tense
Description: Engagement: Song with content for introduction.
Exploration: elicit information from students based on content of the song for forming the progressive tense in Spanish.
Explanation: explain how the estate verb is conjugated.
Extension: dramatise actions for students to describe in the present Continuous tense.
Evaluation: work in pairs to describe actions in picture handout.