Lesson Plans - Details

Internet safety

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Shermin Warrican
  • Number of views: 10264
Internet safety
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Life skills
Topic: The Internet
Description: • Teacher presents the following question as a springboard for the lesson: Which social media platform is your favorite? Why?
• Teacher guides the ensuing oral discussion as students provide responses to the stimuli questions.
• Teacher provides website for the reading passage and asks students to find the passage using their electronic device.
• Teacher instructs students to read and complete the cloze passage in pairs.
• Whole class discussion of passage follows
• Students are placed in small groups and instructed to identify the pros and cons of using the internet, writing their responses in a pros and cons grid (PCG) template provided by the teacher. Teacher instructs students on how to use the PCG.
• Students work on developing the PCG in small groups.
• After students have developed the grid they are invited to share their views and reasons with the class, and identify the major arguments as compared to the minor arguments.

Characterization in Emil and the Detectives

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Marritta Stephenson
  • Number of views: 9735
Characterization in Emil and the Detectives
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Understanding the main characters
Description: 1. Students form relay teams. First persons on teams run up, select pre-prepared question from pool, read, write answer on card,then tag another team member who does the same thing. At the end, answers are checked. Team with all correct answer gets prize.
2.Teacher introduces lesson with learning objectives and content to be explored.
3. Separate class into two groups. Divide each half into five groups.
4. Brainstorm previous knowledge about how the writer lets reader learn about the characters. Place information on semantic map.
5. Each group on either side gets one area of the STEAL to exploe one main charácter (Emil/Grundeis). Students find evidence in the text to support.
6. The five groups get into one large group and make a charácter sketch of their designated charácter. Students place information on charts for exhibition.
7. Representatives from each character group speak about their charácter.
8. Students compare their personality to Grundeis or Emil.

¿Qué tiene Vd.?

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jorge Alejandro Hernandez Perez
  • Number of views: 8399
¿Qué tiene Vd.?
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: ¿Qué tiene Vd.?
Description: ENGAGEMENT
The teacher will:
?Greet the students in Spanish: Buenas tardes estudiantes, ¿cómo están?
?Respond: Muy bien gracias. Siéntese por favor.
The teacher will:
?Greet the students in Spanish: Buenas tardes chicas, ¿cómo están?

?Respond: Muy bien gracias. Siéntese por favor.

?Select a random student and ask her:¿ Qué te duele?
?Verbally appraise the student by saying: Muy bien/Excellente/ bien.
?Tell the same student to pose the question to another student.
?Emphasize pronunciation and help students where necessary.
The teacher will allow four to five sets of students to ask and answer the question. After each response, the teacher will verbally appraise each students participate
?pair some students and some will be in groups of three.
?Give each group a handout on how to form the expression “tener + dolor” and the conjugation of tener.
?Visit and listen each group and pair discussions.
?Collect the handouts from each the group and ask all students to close their books.
?Place an empty chart and two students to tape and paste in on the board.
?Instruct students to choose a representative from each group.
Place the strips of card (with the conjugated forms of tener) on the table.
Allow the class to look on the chart and decide if the strips of cards (of the verb tener) were placed at the correct pronouns.
?Test how much the students have learnt by play the game Charades.
?Ask students to place themselves in groups of six and choose a representative.
?From that same group, members of the team will pose the question…. ¿Que te duele?

Christopher Columbus Voyages and its Impact

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nekishair Gordon
  • Number of views: 10601
Christopher Columbus Voyages and its Impact
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Eurpoean Exploration ( Christopher Columbus)
Description: To introduce lesson using students previous knowledge teacher places some broad headings in the class one is marked , Villain, Hero and Neutral.. Students will stand under which heading they think Columbus belongs to. Inform students that they will discuss their feelings about Christopher Columbus in the lesson.
Have each student read a few pages from their E-Text books on the life of and journey of Christopher Columbus.
Briefly discuss Discuss this reading with the students and ask them if they still feel the same way about Columbus based on the text. Using their response inform them that we will use the fishbowl method to discuss the changes this one event from history would have on the entire future of the world.
Place 4 students in the middle of the class these students will take their position at the round table. The students would have given mixed reviews on how they feel about Christopher Columbus and his impact. The other 7 Students will remain on the outside and listen carefully to what is taking place in the inner circle , once one person in the fishbowl is ready to leave he or she indicates as such and leaves. The fishbowl ends when everyone has contributed.
In closing the teacher summarize the discussion.

Reading Comprehension using the fish bowl technique

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Susan Rolston
  • Number of views: 9210
Reading Comprehension using the fish bowl technique
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Is it ever okay to lie and steal?
Description: Set the purpose: Form an opinion and supply evidence to address the question: Is it ever okay to lie and steal?
Demonstrate listening behaviors (track the speaker, don’t interrupt, use a friendly facial expression).
Demonstrate discussion behaviors, and remind students of sentence frames we have been using. (For example, I agree/disagree with ____ because ____. I would like to add on to ____’s idea ____. Can you tell us more about your idea?)
Guide and Scaffold: Questions to ask
Central question: The heroes in these two fairytales lied and stole. Is it ever okay to lie and steal? Why or why not?
Are there times when rules should be broken?
Is a good intention enough?
However, if a misconception arises that they can’t resolve on their own, focusing questions will be asked to come to an understanding of the concept or idea.
the moderators for this discussion. A list of possible clarifying questions will be provided to ask when needed. the moderators will keep time (5 minutes per circle session) until all students have participated in the inner circle. I will sit with the outer circle to encourage student leadership of this discussion and listen and watch for any students who are having difficulty in explaining
Moderators will summarize the fishbowl discussion at the end and provide a list of points, pro and con, that were discussed.
Closure: I will then review the learning intention and success criteria for the lesson, and move students back to their tables for independent writing.