Lesson Plans - Details

Reading Comprehension and Literary Device- Imagery

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Veniese Brennan
  • Number of views: 9867
Reading Comprehension and Literary Device- Imagery
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Reading for Understanding and Critical Thinking ; Imagery in literature
Description: Prior to the introductory activity students will randomly select their compass assignment via Hat Pick.
Introductory Activity : Students will watch a 10 minutes animated video production of the Princess and the Frog downloaded from You tube
They willl then engage in a brief discusión as they share their thoughts on the video presentation.
Step 1. Teacher will guide the class to focus on the requirements of the compass activity and using the video they will orally suggest answers to compass questions/ requirements.
Step 2. Teacher will then read aloud the Poem “A Story Wet as Tears” by Marge Piercy from the Smart Board. ( This may be done twice) Final time ( third time)by the students them selves.
Step 3. Class will the discuss the literal ad interpretative meaning to the poem
Step 4. Using their notebooks students will revise and refresh their memories what is Imagery and see how it is brought out in poem
Step 5-6. GROUP SESSION Students will conduct their own individual reading of the poem first aloud and then silently. This will be conducted while in their groups to facilítate team discussion and the writing of brief responses to the focus questions. Teacher will walk around and provide assistance to groups
Step 7-8: Teacher open Compass Discussion and introduce ‘yhello ball ‘ to maintain attention and keep the discourse singular centered ( one group at a time will speak) when ball is on the table of group.
Step 9: Sudents will orally justify the evidence of Imagery in the poem.
Step 10; Wrap up

Adolescent use of internet - Les avantages et inconvénients de l'usage de l'internet par les adolescents

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Neekaie Beckles-Clarke
  • Number of views: 6714
Adolescent use of internet - Les avantages et inconvénients de l'usage de l'internet par les adolescents
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Students will learn the vocabulary for media related issues, specifically related to internet usage in order to be able to express themselves orally and in written form on this topic.
Description: Students will view a YouTube video of two students discussing their use of the internet to find out which student uses it in a positive way and which student uses it negatively. Students will
Work in pairs to write in French a pros and cons list of how the students in the Youtube video use the internet for positive gains as opposed to in a negative way.
Work in pairs to brainstorm additional ways that teenagers use the internet in positve and negative ways.
Work collaboratively to express orally the pros and cons of adolescents using the internet paying careful attention to expression and fluency.
Discuss orally a potential cause and effect of one positive use of the internet by adolescents.
Write a short paragraph outlining a potential cause and effect of one negative use of the internet by adolescents.

My Life Project

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Hilda Lokpez de George
  • Number of views: 8379
My Life Project
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: My Life Project
In the first session, they students are instructed on how to write their Life Project and they do so individually, using the Compass Points questions.

In the next session, the students are organized in groups of 3 where they will read to the other people in the group, their life project. The other students can comment and voice their opinion.

Reading Comprehension Skill:Summarizing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Nikera Culmer
  • Number of views: 8392
Reading Comprehension Skill:Summarizing
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Summarizing means just telling the main ideas/ events of an article, situation or plot of a story. A good summary is brief it does not include unnecessary details, repeated information, thoughts.
Description: Class Discussion: As we go through the PowerPoint the teacher will discuss each slide and probe the students.
(see appendix to view each slide)
The students will read together each slide and answer questions when asked. The teacher will pick these students to answer questions to ensure they understand.

Modeling: The teacher will model the summarizing strategy.
(see content and/or appendi The students will watch. Group leaders will collect their group’s papers. The teacher will model the chart and think out loud as the students watch. As she models, she will perform proper phonemic strategies.

The teacher will watch the students perform the summarizing strategy. The teacher will instruct the students to use the summarizing strategy to complete the worksheet given.
The students will do the summarizing strategy. The students will be given a worksheet.

Role-play: The teacher will role-play with the students. Each group will be given one part of the summarizing strategy and they will have to give details about their part.
For Example:
Rangers will be given one part of summarizing strategy “somebody”.
Teacher: “Hey Rangers, I missed iCarly last night who were the characters in that episode?” Culminating Activity: The students will watch clips of their favorite T.V. shows and use the summarizing strategy to summarize what happened, through role-playing.

A member from Rangers: The characters were Carly, Sam and Spencer. The students will be encouraged to answer in a complete sentence and stand up as they present. They will also be reminded to speak clearly so that all can hear.

Exploring elements of design

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sirica Thomas
  • Number of views: 11190
 Exploring elements of design
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Arts education
Topic: Exploring Design
Description: Exploration
Students will
1. Explore careers in Picture Making, appreciating various work of art
2. Using a variety of media to create interesting pictures
Once a student in the circle has spoken, a student from outside the circle may come and tap that seat and return to the outside observation seats. The new entrant may not be tapped until he or she has spoken at least once.
- Students will be involve in a discussion about picture Making technique and the variety of resources that are suitable to utilize.

Students will draw an animal on ½ sheet of coloured cartridge paper based on demonstration and explanation
