Lesson Plans - Details

Types of families

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Julie Anne Phillips-Castello
  • Number of views: 17066
 Types of families
Students’ age range: 06-08
Main subject: Social studies
Topic: Identifying types of families
Description: Briefly describe the lesson including the steps you followed during implementation. (700 words max):

The students viewed a short video about types of families. Students were asked to give insight to what the video was about.
They were asked for a defintion of a family. They were then asked to identify the types of families they knew. The teacher informed them that over the next two weeks they will be exploring different types of families.
The teacher showed students pictures with varying types of families. Students were asked to identify each family which was shown.
Four students were selected and asked to identify the persons who lived in their family. The class was asked to identify the type of family that the four students belonged to.
The teacher asked the students to give reasons why they think some of these families were formed. The other students were given the opportunity to state the type of family they belonged to if it was different than the families already identified.
Students were placed into groups of four’s according to their varying abilities.The teacher distributed worksheets to three groups and the remaining group was given drawing paper..
Teacher instructed first three groups to complete the worksheet. The teacher instructed students in the last group to draw a picture of their family. The teacher told the class tan the can work collaboratively with their classmates to complete the task.
Students in the first three groups were asked questions about their given assignment. The final group was allowed to explain the pictures which they drew with the members of their families.
Students were instructed to copy the note which was written on the chalkboard.
The teacher ended the lesson by reviewing and teaching the children a short song about the family.

Using the Fish Bowl Strategy to teach Persuasive Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Lucia Jones
  • Number of views: 8656
Using the Fish Bowl Strategy to teach Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: “Cell phones , A Teaching tool or a Distraction.”
Description: 1. I reviewed the concept and purposes of persuasive writing with students. Reminded them that the primary aim of persuasive writing is to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action.
2. I explained that persuasive writing is often used to promote a product or service, in print and online advertisements as well as in television and radio commercials. Since the primary aim is to influence others, this type of writing focuses on the reader. I explained that, in an attempt to influence a person's viewpoint or actions, advertisements concentrate on winning the attention of their targeted audience by engaging them with appealing verbal or visual material.
3.I engaged students in a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of the use of cell phones in school. Have volunteers gave experiences they have observed that the use of cell phones was a distraction or teaching tool.

Wonder by R. J. Palacio

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Yasmín Montás
  • Number of views: 9682
Wonder by R. J. Palacio
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: How the physical appearance influences on the actitude of people.
Description: Students make some cards and write questions about the characters. Then, they discuss about the answers. Later, they write pros and cons about the principal character and how his physical appearence affects him and the people around him.

Expository Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: JANICE CLARKE
  • Number of views: 13591
Expository Writing
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Expository Writing: Sequencing
Students will engage in a brainstorming exercise relating to the term ‘sequence’.
Stimulus questions:
What is sequencing?
Have you ever given directions to anyone?
How did you give it? (Expected response = in order/sequence)

Students’ responses will be written in a concept map on the board. Students will volunteer to orally form a logical/sensible definition from the information/ideas on the board. Definitions will be written on the board. Students will copy the correct definition into their notebooks.
Students will view a small part of a picture that is projected on the board. Base don their viewing students will say what they see and predict what they think the accompanying/relating story will be (about). A larger portion of the picture will be revealed after which students will say if their original idea/stance has changed or remain the same. Using the new information students will volunteer to outline logically (in sequence) how the story will unfold and provide a relevant title. The entire picture will be revealed for students to confirm their ideas or interpretations as well as the sequencing of their story.

From a list of given activities, students will select and draw pictures to show the logical sequence/order of the selected activity. They will volunteer to share with the class and orally outline how each activity is to be carried out.
ACTIVITY: Draw pictures to show the sequencing of:
a. Brushing ones teeth
b. Climbing a tree
c. Boiling water

From handouts, students in pairs will read a paragraph that refers to the sequencing of a particular activity. Students will examine the process of what is to be done in the event of a tire blowout. They will respond to the following questions:
a. What process is being explained?
b. What steps are mentioned in the piece?
c. What cue words are given in the piece to show the process of sequencing?
Students attention will be drawn to the cue words for which they will make a list of the ones in the passage. Students will be provided with additional cue words and phrases which they will copy in their notebooks.
Students will be given a paragraph that is jumbled. They will unscramble the paragraph to show the logical sequence of how a particular process is to be completed.
Students with teacher facilitating, will create a flowchart to outline a typical day at school. Using ideas from the flowchart, students will write a paragraph to outline the sequence of their day at school. Students will ensure that cue words are used to show the sequencing of events. Students will volunteer to orally share their written piece with the class.
Students will examine selected pieces from the text, “English for Jamaica” and comment on the sequence of information presented.
In pairs, students will write the method, in se...

thing happened to me

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Jorge Luis Arturo Lugo
  • Number of views: 7841
thing happened to me
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Comprehensive reading
Description: Read the title of the text
Predict the content
Write the predictions
Read quickly
Answer the questions presented by the text
Meet in groups
Answer the questions to form the compass
Draw the compass answering the questions
Record a video with the presentation of the compass
Watch the videos
Verify predictions
Fix errors
Draw conclusions