Chair: Ambassador Luis Guardia, Alternate Representative of Costa Rica
Vice-Chair: Starret D. Greene, Alternate Representative of Antigua and Barbuda
April 5, 2002
February 15, 2002
February 8, 2002
January 29, 2002
May 2, 2001
April 25, 2001
April 11, 2001
March 15, 2001
March 5, 2001
February 20, 2001
February 2, 2001
November 4, 2000
November 28, 2000
November 7, 2000
Order of Business:
Meeting of May 6, 2002
Meeting of April 15, 2002
Meeting of March 4, 2002
Meeting of February 19, 2002
Meeting of January 31, 2002
Meeting of December 11, 2001
Meeting of November 1, 2001
Meeting of May 1, 2001
Meeting of April 4, 2001
Meeting of March 12, 2001
Meeting of February 23, 2001
Meeting of January 23, 2001
Meeting of December 5, 2000 Special Meeting
Meeting of December 4, 2000
Meeting of October 17, 2000
Meeting of September 26, 2000
Promotion of Democracy
· AG/RES. 1721 (XXX-O/00) (Resolution)
Report of the Chair on regarding consideration of summits process-related topics and initiatives CP/CAJP-1685/00
The Organization of American States: Support for the implementation of democracy-related summit mandates CP/CAJP-1692/00
Draft work plan of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy - 2001 CP/CAJP-1693/00 rev. 3 corr. 1
Presentation by the Acting Director of the OAS Unit for Social Development and Education CP/CAJP-1696/00
Presentation by the Director of the OAS Office of Summit Follow-up CP/CAJP-1699/00
Note from the Chair to the Chair of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs containing the contributions of the Working Group on the topic of democracy CP/CAJP-1705/00
Annotated agenda for the First Special Meeting of the Working Group - The issue of representation: Political parties, electoral systems, and citizen participation" CP/CAJP-1717/00
Schedule of the First Special Meeting of the Working Group CP/CAJP-1718/00
Reports on the activities of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy: Frequency and procedures CP/CAJP-1736/01 corr. 1
Quarterly report on the work of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy - third quarter, 2000 CP/CAJP-1757/01
Quarterly report on the work of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy - fourth quarter, 2000 CP/CAJP-1759/01
Second Special Meeting - Institutional Shortcomings and Governance
Special Meeting on institutional weaknesses and governability CP/CAJP-1786/01
Draft inventory of activities defense and promotion of representative democracy 2000-2001 CP/CAJP-1793/01
Report of the Chair of the Working Group on the topic "Inter-Parliamentary Forum of the Americas" CP/CAJP-1797/01 rev. 2
Report of the Chair on the Special Meetings held on December 5, 2000 and April 12, 2001 pursuant to operative paragraph 5.d of resolution AG/RES. 1721 (XXX-O/00), "Promotion of Democracy" CP/CAJP-1800/01 rev. 1
Draft report on the activities of the Working Group CP/CAJP-1805/01 rev. 2
Draft schedule and work program (2001-2002) (Presented by the Chair) CP/CAJP-1840/01 rev. 2
Draft Work Plan from the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy CP/CAJP-1860/02 rev. 2
Quarterly report of the General Secretariat to the OAS Permanent Council on the activities of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Third Quarter 2001 CP/CAJP-1861/02 corr. 1
Report of the Chair of the Working Group on the third quarterly report of the UPD (2001) and the draft UPD work plan (2002) CP/CAJP-1882/02 rev. 1 corr. 1
Report of the Chair of the CAJP regarding the report of the Chair of the Working Group on Representative DemocracyCP/CAJP-1889/02
Draft resolution: Promotion of democracy CAJP/GT/DR-2/02 rev. 2
Draft resolution: Promotion of democratic culture CAJP/GT/DR-4/02 rev. 2
Quarterly report of the General Secretariat to the OAS Permanent Council on the activities of the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Fourth Quarter 2001 CAJP/GT/DR-8/02
Draft resolution: OAS Special Program of Support for Strengthening Democratic Institutions in GuatemalaCAJP/GT/DR-9/02