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José Zapata v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)136
Keywords: Decision, Post classification, Competence, Statute - article I, Offer, Costs, Damages, Equal treatment, Procedural flaw, Termination, Burden of proof, Staff reduction, Time limit, Candidate, Contract, Good faith, Competition, Priority, Qualifications, Seniority, Vacancy, General Standards - article 53, Due process, Flaw, Statute - article II, Statute - article VI, Right, Internal remedies, Post, Staff Rules, Statute, General Standards, Staff Rules - rule 110.4 (b)(i), Staff Rules - rule 110.6, General Standards - article 1, Employment, Reduction, Tribunal, Statute - article VI.1, Statute - article VI.1 (b), Award, Staff Rules - rule 110.4, General Standards - article 18, Secretary General, Administrative decision, Attorney's fees, Reconsideration Committee, Selection process, Reconsideration, Career service personnel, Compensatory damages, General Standards - article 12 (b), General Standards - article 18 (a)(v), General Standards - article 41, General Standards - article 53 (b), Right to employment security, Staff Reduction Committee, Staff Rules - rule 110.4 (i)(v), Staff Rules - rule 110.6 (d)
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Hugo Valverde vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)125
Keywords: Statute - article II.1, Contract, General Standards - article 53, Reintegro del cargo, Terminación de servicios, Competencia, Indemnización, Juramento de lealtad, Staff Rules - rule 110.5, Jerarquía normativa, Statute - article VI.1, Equidad, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Sentencias, Principios Generales del Derecho, IICA Rules of Proced of the Gen. Direct - art. 54, Statute - article II.2, Destitución sumaria, Funcionario de carrera internacional, Conducta, Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, Staff Rules - rule 101.4 (e)(i), Staff Rules - rule 110.5 (b), Strike, Charter of the OAS - article 31, Declaración Am. de los Der. y Deb. del Hombre, Falta grave, Incumplimiento, Libertad de opinión y expresión, Staff Rules - rule 106.3
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Janet Ector v. Secretary General of the Organization of Amercian States

Document Code (Number)121
Keywords: Decision, Admissibility, Competence, Exception, Judgment, Res judicata, Statute - article I, Statute - article VI.4, Cause of action, Costs, Receivability, Burden of proof, Evidence, Terms of appointment, Time limit, Negligence, Statute - article VII, Judicial economy, General Standards - article 53, Procedure, Transfer, Due process, Flaw, Action, Equity, Consent, Statute - article VI, Right, Statute, General Standards, Separation from service, Claim, Tribunal, Award, Certainty, Statute - article IX, Suspension, Statute - article IX.1, Rules of Procedure, Salary difference, Order, Identical claims, Identical facts, Extinguishment of rights, Secretary General, Statute of limitations, Inadmissible grounds for review, Review of jugments, Facts, Facts overlooked, Failure to exercise a right, General Standards - article 53 (f), Groundless expectation, New evidence, Order of suspension, Review, Rules of Procedure - article 21, Statute - article VIII.2, Subsequent fact
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Miguel Tejada Bailly vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)102
Keywords: Contract, Working relations, General Standards - article 53, Terminación de servicios, Debido proceso legal, Traslado, Medida disciplinaria, Work evaluation, Abuse of law, Irregularidad, Procedimiento administrativo, Discrecionalidad, Recurso infundado, Principios Generales del Derecho Laboral, Recurso, Deberes del funcionario, Supervisión, Nulidad, Renuncia, Staff Rules - rule 110.5, Right of staff members, Jerarquía normativa, Violación de derechos, Destitución del cargo, Disciplina, Agotamiento de la vía administrative previa, Principios Generales del Derecho, Acumulación de recursos, Staff Rules - rule 110.5 (a), Derecho de defensa, Destitución sumaria, Ejecución, Causal, Plazos, Falta de prueba, Valor probatorio, Derecho a recurrir, Economía procesal, Carga de la prueba, Mala conducta, General Standards - article 20, Staff Rules - rule 105.2 (e), Staff Rules - rule 105.9 (f), Staff Rules - rule 107.1 (a)(viii), Staff Rules - rule 110.4 (c), Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, Imparcialidad, Insubordinación, Intereses, Negligencia, Omisión, Opinión asesora, Revisión judicial, Servicio deficiente
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Miguel Tejada Bailly v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)102
Keywords: Decision, Competence, Formal requirements, Judicial review, Right of appeal, Interpretation, Quashing, Breach, Costs, Definition, Discretion, Executive Head, Organization's interests, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Burden of proof, Evidence, Internal Appeal Body, Internal remedies exhausted, Lack of evidence, Precedence of rules, Health reasons, Time bar, Joinder, Nullity, Omission, Bias, Contract, Decision-maker, Formal flaw, Working relations, Grounds, Administration, Limits, Negligence, Disciplinary measure, Judicial economy, General Standards - article 53, Internal appeal, Transfer, Work appraisal, Due process, Resignation, Abuse of process, Staff member's duties, Right, Staff member's right, Right to replay, Duty to comply, Disciplinary Body, Disciplinary procedure, General principle, Misconduct, Summary dismissal, Unsatisfactory service, Staff regulations and rules, Dissenting opinion, Employment relationship, Supervisor, Staff Rules - rule 110.5, Headquarters, Enforcement, Vexatious complaint, Serious misconduct, Insubordination, Staff Rules - rule 110.5 (a), Expert opinion, Identical claims, Identical facts, Identical parties, General Standards - article 20, American Convention on Human Rights, Like circumstances, Staff Rules - rule 105.2 (e), Staff Rules - rule 105.9, Staff Rules - rule 105.9 (f), Staff Rules - rule 107.1 (a)(viii), Staff Rules - rule 110.4 (c)
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