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Norma Repetto de Dulce vs. Secretario General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)111
Keywords: Candidate, Contract, Salary, Appointment, Statute - article VII.1, Action, Terminación de servicios, Competencia, Debido proceso legal, Ajuste salarial por lugar de destino, Work evaluation, Reforma normativa, Indemnización, Igualdad de condiciones, General Standards - article 17, Contrato a término fijo, Extensión del contrato, General Standards - article 11 (b), Working hours, Legislación nacional, Ley aplicable, Aportes, Fondo de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Funciones, Principios Generales del Derecho Laboral, Recurso, Condiciones, Contrato de término indefinido, Contrato de tracto sucesivo, Subordinación, Supervisión, Certeza jurídica, Renuncia, Consentimiento, Jerarquía normativa, Daños y perjuicios, Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Principios Generales del Derecho, Prueba, Voluntad, Causal, Plazos, Derecho a recurrir, Organización de los Estados Americanos, General Standards - article 57, General Standards - article 58, Carga de la prueba, General Standards - article 56, General Standards - article 59, General Assembly - AG/RES.629 (XII-O/82), Carrera administrativa, Negligencia, Revisión judicial, Deberes, General Standards - article 45, Apelación, Buena fe, Ausencia de normas, Funcionario local, Organo legislativo, Sede principal, Seguridad social
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Norma Repetto de Dulce v. Secretary General of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)111
Keywords: Competence, Judicial review, Right of appeal, Successive contracts, Cause of action, Complaint allowed, Complaint allowed in part, Damages, Equal treatment, Extension of services, Retirement, Termination, Burden of proof, Evidence, International civil service principles, Organization's duties, Amendment, Domestic law, Pension, Precedence of rules, Field, Time bar, Time limit, Contract, Good faith, Non-renewal, Competition, Qualifications, Acceptance, Currency of payment, Local status, Salary, Negligence, Statute - article VII, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Permanent, Statute - article VII.1, Work appraisal, Due process, General Standards - article 11, Contribution, Retirement and Pension Fund, Consent, Statute - article VI, No provision, General Assembly, Staff Rules - rule 103.1, Terminal entitlements, Right, Staff Rules, Statute, General Standards, Career, Applicable law, General principle, General Standards - article 1, General Standards - article 17, International civil service, Complaint, Equal pay for equal work, Employment, Employment relationship, General Standards - article 11 (b), Performance contract, Permanent functions, Subordination, Supervisor, Working hours, Statement of intent, Waiver, Benefit, Working conditions, Headquarters, Tribunal, Duration, Legislative Body, Certainty, Base salary, Staff Rules - rule 103.11, Organization, Salary difference, General Standards - article 57, General Standards - article 58, Extension, General Standards - article 56, General Standards - article 59, General Assembly - AG/RES.629 (XII-O/82), Adjustment, Charter of the OAS - article 118, General Standards - article 45, Local locals, Statement of intention
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