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Yacsire Cutler y otros, Doris Rodríguez y otros y Don C. Eller vs.Comisión de Jubilaciones y Pensiones de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)103
Keywords: Retirement and Pension Plan, Candidate, Contract, Appointment, Action, Reducción de personal, Terminación de servicios, Reforma normativa, Position of trust, Indemnización, Servicio internacional de carrera, General Standards - article 17, Contrato a término fijo, Aportes, Condiciones, Staff Rules - rule 104.3, Pago ex-gratia, Acumulación de recursos, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), General Assembly - AG/RES.728 (XIV-O/84), Causal, Economía procesal, Staff Rules - rule 110.2, Reestructuración, General Assembly - AG/RES.830 (XVI-O/86), Carrera administrativa, Criterio de selección, Exhibición de la prueba, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V.2, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V.5, Separación del servicio
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Yacsire Cutler et al., Doris Rodríguez et al., and Don C. Eller v. Retirement and Pension Committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)103
Keywords: Interpretation, Cause of action, Contributory service, Costs, Retirement and Pension Plan, Termination, Payment, International civil service principles, Staff reduction, Amendment, Terms of appointment, Joinder, Contract, Non-renewal, Competition, Disclosure of evidence, Qualifications, Reorganization, Fixed term, Judicial economy, Permanent, Contribution, Terminal entitlements, Position of trust, International career service, Warning of Tribunal, Career, Separation from service, General Standards - article 17, Ex gratia, Staff Rules - rule 104.3, Duration, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), General Assembly - AG/RES.728 (XIV-O/84), Provident plan, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V, Staff Rules - rule 110.2, General Assembly - AG/RES.830 (XVI-O/86)
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Guillermo J. McGough vs. Comisión de Jubilaciones y Pensiones de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

Document Code (Number)84
Keywords: Contract, Appointment, Statute - article II, Terminación de servicios, Despido, Audiencia, Comisión de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Secretario General, General Standards - article 16 (d), Position of trust, Staff Rules - rule 104.5, Cesación de servicios, Contrato a término fijo, Expiración del contrato, Discriminación, Recurso infundado, Recurso temerario, Aportes, Fondo de Jubilaciones y Pensiones, Condiciones, Contrato a corto plazo, Renuncia, Right of staff members, Jerarquía normativa, Violación de derechos, Destitución del cargo, Equidad, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), General Assembly - AG/RES.728 (XIV-O/84), Permanent Council - CP/RES.388 (544/83), Retirement and Pension Plan - section II, Retirement and Pension Plan - section III, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V, Contribuciones, Statute - article IX.1, Plan de previsión, Staff Rules - rule 104.1 (a)(iii)
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Guillermo J. McGough v. Retirement and Pension Committee of the Organization of American States

Document Code (Number)84
Keywords: Offer, Cause of action, Damages, Retirement and Pension Committee, Retirement and Pension Plan, Termination, Appraisal of evidence, Lack of evidence, Domestic law, Terms of appointment, Non-renewal, Acceptance, Fixed term, Internal appeal, Contribution, Resignation, Terminal entitlements, General Standards - article 16 (d), Position of trust, Staff Rules - rule 104.5, General Standards, Separation from service, Own contribution, Executive Order No. 83-2, General Assembly - AG/RES.671 (XIII-O/83), General Assembly - AG/RES.728 (XIV-O/84), Permanent Council - CP/RES.388 (544/83), Provident plan, Retirement and Pension Plan - section II, Retirement and Pension Plan - section III, Retirement and Pension Plan - section IV, Retirement and Pension Plan - section V, Rules of Procedure - article 9.1, Staff Rules - rule 104.1
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