

The topics for discussion on this portal have already been analyzed by multiple actors. In this repository, the GS / OAS brings together some of them, as one more contribution to the discussion. This repository has two sections: In the Policy section, we will integrate information on policies relevant to the issues under discussion that are being implemented by Member States, Observer States and other States of the world. In Studies we will include analyzes, reports and reports published by academic institutions, think tanks, international and multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private entities, all of them of recognized prestige, which are relevant to the conversation. The OAS will publish these articles and reports in their original language.

IMF - Uruguay’s Secret to Success in Combating COVID-19

  • 4 August 2020

The speed at which measures were adopted and the scientific guidance were two main characteristics of Uruguay’s COVID-19 response. It started testing early and in large scale, developing its own diagnostic tests and contagion tracking technologies. Combined with community tracing in outbreak areas, this facilitated timely detection of the virus spread.

GUATEMALA - Prórroga por 30 días del estado de calamidad púbica

  • 27 July 2020

La prórroga del estado de calamidad pública antes referida se decreta en virtud que a la fecha continúa la propagación y efectos de la epidemia COVID-19 y sus consecuencias de riesgos a la vida y salud de las personas.

REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA – Estado de emergencia nacional por rebrote de COVID-19

  • 23 July 2020

El Señor Presidente de la República Dominicana Lic. Danilo Medina, ha declarado el Estado de Emergencia Nacional por un periodo de cuarenta y cinco ( 45 ) días debido al brote de coronavirus (COVID-19), en virtud de la autorización dada por el Congreso Nacional mediante la Resolución Núm.70-20 de fecha 19 de julio de 2020 , de acuerdo a lo dispuesto por la Constitución de la República Dominicana y en la Ley núm. 21-18 sobre la Regulación de los Estados de Excepción dispuestos en la Constitución de la República Dominicana, del 25 de mayo del 2018.

ILO Welcomes COVID-19 Seafarers’ Rights Agreement

  • 9 July 2020

A joint statement signed by more than a dozen countries that gives seafarers enhanced rights as key workers. The new measures, also supported by other UN agencies and international organizations, enable seafarers to be repatriated and move more freely during the pandemic.

UNCTAD - Coronavirus Will Cost Global Tourism at Least $1.2 Trillion

  • 1 July 2020

The UN’s trade and development body warned that the loss could rise to $2.2 trillion or 2.8% of the world’s GDP if the break in international tourism lasts for eight months, in line with the expected decline in tourism as projected by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

IDB report envisions devastating tourism shocks to Latin America and the Caribbean

  • 1 July 2020

The report – Extreme Outlier: The Pandemic’s Unprecedented Shock to Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean – launches a new global Tourism Dependency Index for countries, including 35 Latin American and Caribbean economies. It urges governments to take unprecedented measures to prevent the spread of the virus, and to support citizens and economies through this shock to the most tourism-dependent region in the world. 

GUATEMALA - Aprobación del Estado de Calamidad y disposiciones presidenciales

  • 29 June 2020

Las medidas de observancia general por el bienestar de los habitantes son de aplicabilidad en todo el territorio de la República de Guatemala, en los lugares y transportes de cualquier clase sometidos a la jurisdicción nacional, siempre dentro del marco legal y con el respeto de todas las formas de organización social reconocidas en nuestra Nación.

COVID-19 Causes Unprecedented Jobs Crisis, Almost All Workers and Businesses Affected by Lockdown Measures

  • 19 June 2020

Massive losses in working hours, equivalent to 305 million full-time jobs, are predicted for the second quarter of 2020, while 38 percent of the workforce – some 1.25 billion workers – is employed in high-risk sectors.

The Policy Brief, which is based on data and analysis from the International Labour Organization (ILO), warns that many of those people who have lost their jobs and livelihoods in recent months will not be able to re-enter labour markets any time soon.

Livelihoods of More than 55 Million Domestic Workers at Risk due to COVID-19

  • 16 June 2020

In countries with strict levels of lockdown, domestic workers, whether formally or informally employed, have been unable to go to work. But while some of those formally employed still had access to unemployment insurance, for domestic workers in informal employment staying home has meant losing their livelihoods with no safety net to fall back on, making it difficult for them to put food on the table.

ILO/UNICEF - COVID-19 May Push Millions More Children into Child Labour

  • 12 June 2020

Millions more children risk being pushed into child labour as a result of the COVID-19 crisis , which could lead to the first rise in child labour after 20 years of progress, according to a new brief from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF.

According to COVID-19 and child labour: A time of crisis, a time to act, child labour decreased by 94 million since 2000, but that gain is now at risk.

Child Labour Gains Since 2000 ‘Could be Wiped out by COVID’, UN Warns

  • 12 June 2020

Existing global estimates indicate that 152 million children are being put to work, but the figure is due to be updated next year, once the wider impact of coronavirus lockdown precautions become clearer.

“As the pandemic wreaks havoc on family incomes, without support, many could resort to child labour”, said Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), marking the World Day Against Child Labour.

ILO - Covid-19 Prevention Mitigation Measures: Ten Action Points for Trade Unions

  • 10 June 2020

Across the globe, Governments are now confronted with the major challenge of putting in place appropriate exit strategies to come out of COVID-19 pandemic. What is the role of trade unions during lockdowns, shutdowns and re-opening? Learn more here...

Coyuntura laboral en América Latina y el Caribe. El trabajo en tiempos de pandemia: desafíos frente a la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • 31 May 2020

Durante 2019 la escasa dinámica de la economía regional se puso de manifiesto en la debilidad de la generación de empleo asalariado —específicamente, de empleo registrado— y en el leve aumento interanual de la tasa de desocupación como promedio ponderado a nivel nacional. Los primeros meses de 2020 están marcados por la irrupción de la pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), que hizo necesaria la aplicación de políticas de confinamiento. Esta situación redundó en la interrupción de las actividades económicas a una escala nunca antes vista a nivel mundial. Los países de América Latina y el Caribe deberán enfrentar grandes caídas de su producto interno bruto con importantes consecuencias en sus mercados laborales, en un contexto de debilidad y vulnerabilidad macroeconómica.

Belize: “Statutory Instrument No. 65 of 2020, the Belize Constitution (Emergency Powers) Regulations, 2020”

  • 7 May 2020

Regulations made by the Governor-General in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 18(9) of the Belize Constitution, Chapter 4 of the Substantive Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2011, and all other powers thereunto him enabling.

Guyana: COVID-19 Emergency Measures (N°3)

  • 7 May 2020

The measures shall take effect from the 4th May 2020 and last until the 3rd June, 2020 unless earlier terminated, extended or amended by notice of the Minister of Public Health after an assessment of the prevailing public health conditions.

Aceptémoslo, el estilo de vida que conocíamos no va a volver nunca/ MIT

  • 24 April 2020
Aceptémoslo, el estilo de vida que conocíamos no va a volver nunca/ MIT

Este artículo de MIT Technology Review indica que la mejor estrategia para frenar la pandemia de coronavirus requiere que nos confinemos durante dos de cada tres meses, según un modelo del Imperial College de Londres. Y el mes que podamos salir, las normas sociales deberán cambiar drásticamente, algo que afectará principalmente a los más vulnerables.

Latvia: Government Extends State of Emergency Until 12 May

  • 17 April 2020

In order to limit the spread of Covid-19, the Cabinet of Ministers has extended the state of emergency until 12 May this year, thereby extending the validity of the government's Order “Regarding the Declaration of Emergency Situation” of 12 March.

Cybercrime: Threats During the Covid-19 Pandemic/ Global Initiative

  • 8 April 2020

As COVID-19 spreads quickly, so does the threat of cybercrime. Hackers are taking advantage of the current uncertainty to send out even more phishing messages than usual, with varying degrees of sophistication.

The sector which is most crucial to containing the spread of COVID-19 – healthcare – is perhaps also the most vulnerable to ransomware attack.

Security experts are increasingly concerned about cybercrime because it currently benefits from favourable external conditions: a massive and uncoordinated shift to working from home offices in both public and private sectors, nationwide lockdowns which require increasing use of electronic transactions, and a rush for basic necessities, which fractures any semblance of ‘civil’ society. In the long run, economic recession will likely trigger tectonic changes in how young people sustain themselves. An increased reliance on criminality, both online and offline, is to be expected, particularly in regions where youth unemployment was already high.

On-again, off-again looks to be best social-distancing option/ The Harvard Gazette

  • 27 March 2020

With global coronavirus cases heading toward half a million, Harvard infectious disease experts said recent modeling shows that — absent the development of a vaccine or other intervention — a staggered pattern of social distancing would save more lives than a one-and-done strategy and avoid overwhelming hospitals while allowing immunity to build in the population.