
Lessons Plans

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The chinampa mexica, antecedent of hydroponics

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Marcela Domínguez
  • Number of views: 8888
The chinampa mexica, antecedent of hydroponics
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Food self-sufficiency does not depend only on the food industries. The population can generate their own food through urban agriculture with organic resources
Description: Students analyze the type of substrate necessary to germinate each seed, and contrast in which the fastest germination occurs
Put seeds to germinate on different substrates
in the meantime
Research information
Transplant and wait for the harvest
Make the presentation of their project

Persuasive Writing

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Yvette Sweeting
  • Number of views: 7872
Persuasive Writing
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Techniques in Persuasive Writing
Description: Discussion of the topic is allowed for 5 minutes where individual students will provide definitions of the topic after quick look up on their tablets. Teacher will write some techniques on the board while there is a focused moment when excerpts from essays on the topic are handed out for silent reading. Then, students will state their views on the material read, citing the examples of techniques used. Groups of three will then assemble for discussion (5 mins) on the topic and then one person will present their views.
The other students will listen as each group presents, making notes for further discussion

Reproduction and growth

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Chevon Blake
  • Number of views: 8240
Reproduction and growth
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Contraceptive methods
Description: Introduction (10mins)
Teacher will brainstorm students (what do you think the term birth control or contraception mean? Give an example of a contraceptive method.

Step 1 (30mins)
Students will watch a role play done by students. After which a discussion will be facilitated.
- What were the main ideas carried out in the roleplay?
- Where there contraceptive methods used or discusses? What were they?
- What would happen if no contraceptives were used?
- As young people what are your views?

Step 2 (30mins)
Teacher will explain that there are two types of contraceptive methods; natural and artificial. Students will be asked to use their tablets and Google “ different birth control methods”, and view pictures. Students will name the contraceptive methods that they are aware of. List will be written on the board. Teacher will further explain and describe the natural methods in details along with the advantages and disadvantages.

Step 3 (30mins)
Students will be shown some samples at least 3 artificial contraceptive methods. Students will be ask to explain or do an illustration of how each method should be used( using provided materials) . The disadvantages and advantages will also be listed.

Step 4 (20 mins)
Students will make notes from on birth control methods

Prose Comprehension

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Vanessa Kelly
  • Number of views: 8652
Prose Comprehension
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: The Effects of Smoking
Description: INTRODUCTION:
- Have students engage in a game.
- Two sets of 4 pieces of paper with the following words will be written on them.
SMOKING, THE, EFFECTS, OF (The Effects of Smoking)

Place students in two groups of two.
One student will be blindfolded then asked to pick one piece of paper from a bag.
The student will then be spun around and asked to walk in a straight line to their partners on the other end of the classroom.
After collecting all four papers, the first group to sick the papers in the correct order on the board will win.

Step 1
- Present students with copies of the KWHL charts and explain how it is used.

- Draw KWHL chart on the board.
- Ask students what they know about the topic: Effects of Smoking.
- Write appropriate student responses o the board under the “K” column.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Step 2
- Have students formulate questions about what they want to know about the topic.
- Write appropriate student responses in the KWHL chart on the board.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Step 3
- Have students state how or where they can find information on smoking and its effects.
- Write appropriate student responses on the board in the “H” column of the KWHL chart on the board.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Expected Response:
- reading books, articles, advertisements (newspapers, magazines)
- looking at videos, online, campaigns, advertisements
Step 4
- Have students view two short YouTube videos.
(Title- “quit smoking” commercial, Channel- bo0fhead)
(Title- Tips from Former Smokers – Terrie, Channel- CDC)
- Have students orally state what they learned from about the effects of smoking from the videos.
- Write appropriate student responses in the “L” column of the KWHL chart on the board.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Step 5
- Have each student read a segment of the comprehension passage taken from the VIDE app.

Main Idea

  • 23 April 2018
  • Posted by: Samantha Anderson
  • Number of views: 7428
Main Idea
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Should a boy be considered a man because of his age? (Reading Comprehension)
Description: Before the lesson starts teacher will prepare students with background knowledge and tools for a discussion of the text. They will talk about different types of questions, practice writing open-ended questions and how they are to be answered. Students will be paired with a partner so that they can practice writing, asking and answering open-ended questions. The students will read the text “Should a boy be considered a man because of his age?” to get the main idea of the text. They will also prepare a higher-level question before discussing it with a partner. The class will then be arranged in two circles, each pair will send up one person to participate in the seminar. Students outside of the circle can use the “fire seat” which is in the circle, where they will be allowed to briefly participate in the discussion. Students are allowed to ask any question which pertains to the text and refer that question to anyone in the circle. There will be ten minutes for each session allowing students to switch partners within the seminar. During the seminar students are allowed to take notes and formulate more open-ended question which they are free to ask. Students will be to evaluate themselves and to keep track of their level of questions, making sure that they are giving other students the opportunity to ask and answer questions. Some of the rules are: Students are to stay on the topic being discussed. They must also speak so that others can hear them. Listen closely. Talk to others not just the teacher. Ask for clarification so that they do not stay confused, and know that they are responsible for the quality of the seminar. While the seminar is going on the teacher will evaluate each student making sure that they stick to the text. Give new insight and knowledgeable information. Ask questions and respond. Support others. Make real world connections and wait for their turn to speak. Students are not allowed to be distracted, joking for attention, speaking out of turn or repeating what others have said. After the seminar partners will share what they have learned with each other.