Students’ age range: 12-14
Topic: The Effects of Smoking
Description: INTRODUCTION:
- Have students engage in a game.
- Two sets of 4 pieces of paper with the following words will be written on them.
SMOKING, THE, EFFECTS, OF (The Effects of Smoking)
Place students in two groups of two.
One student will be blindfolded then asked to pick one piece of paper from a bag.
The student will then be spun around and asked to walk in a straight line to their partners on the other end of the classroom.
After collecting all four papers, the first group to sick the papers in the correct order on the board will win.
Step 1
- Present students with copies of the KWHL charts and explain how it is used.
- Draw KWHL chart on the board.
- Ask students what they know about the topic: Effects of Smoking.
- Write appropriate student responses o the board under the “K” column.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Step 2
- Have students formulate questions about what they want to know about the topic.
- Write appropriate student responses in the KWHL chart on the board.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Step 3
- Have students state how or where they can find information on smoking and its effects.
- Write appropriate student responses on the board in the “H” column of the KWHL chart on the board.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Expected Response:
- reading books, articles, advertisements (newspapers, magazines)
- looking at videos, online, campaigns, advertisements
Step 4
- Have students view two short YouTube videos.
(Title- “quit smoking” commercial, Channel- bo0fhead)
(Title- Tips from Former Smokers – Terrie, Channel- CDC)
- Have students orally state what they learned from about the effects of smoking from the videos.
- Write appropriate student responses in the “L” column of the KWHL chart on the board.
- Have students copy information to their own charts.
Step 5
- Have each student read a segment of the comprehension passage taken from the VIDE app.