
Lessons Plans

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Vowel Diagraph

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Dainty Hannah
  • Number of views: 10794
Vowel Diagraph
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Helping students to understand word pronunciation wit two vowels walking together
Description: • Students will visit the football field and observe the outdoor environment. After observing they will make a list of all the things they see in their books. The students will be asked to share their findings with the class.
• The teacher will ask the students what a vowel digraph is and give them time to respond. The students responses will be analysis and the students will be encouraged for their participation.
• The teacher will write the definition on the board and students will copy it in their books. The students will then observe each word in their books and take out the one that has a vowel digraph.
• Students will work in groups and create a list of 10 words with vowel digraph. These 10 words will be use to make a presentation for the previous class. The students will find the meaning of each word, atleast 3 synonyms and 3 antonyms of each word then use the word in a sentence.
• The grade 8 and 9 students will use their prior knowledge of the meaning of the word vowel digraph and create a word list of adjectives with vowel digraph. These words will be use to help students to understand adjectives better as well as to be able to identify adjectives.
• The students will think of a word write it down and then use the dictionary to find out if the word is an adjective. The students will write the meaning of each adjective they find. Students will get familiar with each adjective by playing tag.
• Each child will be tagged with a word and they will have to tell the meaning of that word and use it in a sentence on the spot with the use of dictionary. The teacher will tag each child.
• The students will create a song or poem with each word for home work.

Consonant Blends

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Dainty Hannah
  • Number of views: 12074
Consonant Blends
Students’ age range: 10-12
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Understanding words and the different sound they make when the come together
Description: • Pupils will listen to a short passage with several “ph” and “f” sounding words. They will tell one unique sound that they heard repeating in the passage.
• Pupils will repeat this sound. They will give the letters that gives this unique sound.
• Pupils will be given word cards (strips) with the consonant “f” words and the diagraph “ph”words.
• For example:
Developmental Activities
• Pupils will say each word and identify the initial sound heard. For example: The “f” sound.
• Through guided discussion, pupil will understand that the digraph ‘ph’ gives an ‘f’ sound.
• Pupils will list all the ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words that were mentioned in the passage (Phillip, phone, pharmacy, wife, float, fish, father, shelf, photograph etc).
• Pupils will give other ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words that they know or see around the classroom. These words will be written on the board highlighting the initial, medial and final sound.
• Pupil will then look at a picture from their work sheet and match the picture with the correct ‘ph or ‘f’ words given.
• Teacher will show pupils a video with the ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words to further concretize the lesson.
Culminating Activity
• In small groups, with the guidance of teacher pupils will create a rhyme, jingle or a poem with atleast ten ‘ph’ and ‘f’ words. They will then perform it to the class the best one will be the winner.
• Pupils will create ten sentences ensuring:
1. Two initial ‘ph’ and two ‘f’ sentences
2. Two medial ‘ph’ and two ‘f’ sentences
3. One final ‘ph’ and one ‘f’ sentences

Characteristics of the 4 Gospels in the Catholic Bible

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Luis Coronado Vielman
  • Number of views: 10808
Characteristics of the 4 Gospels in the Catholic Bible
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Religious education
Topic: The evangelists
Description: By completing the cycle of six five-minute interventions, which will have been done circulate all the sheets, orderly and once for each of the participants, eighteen ideas will be available on each sheet, which can mean one hundred and eight ideas in only half an hour.

Theme: Market Structure and Market Failure

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Maureen Rowe-Campbell
  • Number of views: 10639
Theme: Market Structure and Market Failure
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: Market Failure. This occurs when there is an inefficient allocation of goods and services in a free market.
Description: The topic of the lesson will be written on a whiteboard.
Objectives will be communicated to students orally and will also be written on a whiteboard.
Introduction: As a student state some market failure you have experienced/is experiencing
Ex. Too few buses on route so you have to get up extra early and this may also cause security risk

Students will be asked to define the term Market failure using any available source in the class. (Mainly smartphones, tablets and textbooks. They will then discuss this definition with a pair. Students will next randomly share the meaning of Market failure with the entire class (10 Minutes)

Students will watch a video on the causes of Market Failure, they will be required to take notes during the watching of the video. At the end of the video students will be given a worksheet to complete reinforcing the causes of Market failure. Pairs wil look at the answered worksheet, discuss and then this will be handed to the teacher for marking. (30 Minutes)

Role play, The consequences of Market failure. a rubric will be given to students outlining the expectations. (15 minutes)
Each CRITERIA will be judge using a 5 point scale 5 4 3 2 1
Speech was clear with appropriate volume and tone
Role was played in a convincing and consistent manner
Viewpoints and information presented are accurate
Costumes/props/etc are properly used
Role-play was well-prepared and organized
Role-play captured and maintained audience interest

Students will be placed in FIVE groups. They will be given 15 minutes to prepare for the presentations. each group will be give 5 minutes to complete their prsentation.

The Fish bowl strategy will be used as a whole group discussion to bring out the salient points in Market Failure. Emphasis will be placed on the explanation of the various consequences of Market filure and how it may be applied to their society. One person from each group previously formed will be a part of the fish bowl to start the discussion. After that person has given two points they will be replaced by someone else from that group. This will last for approximately (30 minutes)

Conjunctions: (and, but, or , because)

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Stacy Perch
  • Number of views: 16149
Conjunctions: (and, but, or , because)
Students’ age range: 08-10
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Identify the correct use of the conjunctions and, but, or , because in sentences
Description: 1.Students will be shown a box reminiscent of a lucky dip marked ‘word dip’
2.Students will be informed that they will assist the teacher in selecting words from the box.
3.Selected students will be asked to place their hand in the box and pull out a word.
4.Students will be allowed to stick chosen words on the chalkboard.
5.Students will be asked to read the display of words placed on the chalkboard.
6.Students will then be asked, “Can anyone give ‘one word’ that we can use to classify all of these
7.Select a few students to answer and give appropriate feedback.
8.Students will be informed that today we will be looking at ‘Conjunctions’.
9.At this point, the classroom would be rearranged to facilitate the ‘fishbowl’ seating.
10.Students will be informed that they would use the ‘fishbowl’ strategy to discuss all their prior
knowledge relating to conjunctions.
11.Through peer facilitated questions, students would discuss suitable definitions for the term
‘conjunctions’, as well as ways in which the aforementioned conjunctions displayed on the board
could be used.
12.Through discussion, students would formulate sentences with which the highlighted conjunctions
could be used. Special attention would be paid to the effect the conjunctions have on the sentences.