
Lessons Plans

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Analyzing Poetry using Critical Thinking Skills

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Marshalee Laing
  • Number of views: 7984
Analyzing Poetry  using Critical Thinking Skills
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Themes for English B by Langston Huges
Description: Students were asked to :
1. Read the poem prior to being taught as well as do a research on the author Langston Huges
2. Identify the image of Langston Hughes during delivery of the lesson and share information found about him as a result of their research.
3. Teacher will review the poem in the form of whole group discussion
4. Students guided by teacher will share their opinion on at least one literary device coming from the poem


  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 11403
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Sexual Reproduction in Humans
Complete human life cycle diagram (5 marks)

INTRODUCTION (1) Teacher will review diagram and then ask for a volunteer to summarize the
process of Sexual Reproduction. (5 mins)
(2) Students will be asked to suggest what happens in gametogenesis. (3 mins)
(3) Teacher will write suggestions on board and use suggestions to introduce topic
and outline objectives (2 mins)
DEVELOPMENT (1) Teacher will describe the process of gametogenesis and use pause reflection to
clarify concepts (5 mins)
(2) Students will then be placed in cooperative groups to construct models of
spermatogenesis and oogenesis using information from a fact sheet as well as
information researched using their smart phones. Teacher will move around room
to assist and clarify as necessary. (20 mins)
(3) Teacher and students will review models for accuracy (5 mins)
(4) Students will then compare spermatogenesis and oogenesis. (5 mins)
CULMINATING ACTIVITY: Teacher will use PowerPoint to cement concepts (5 minutes)

Map Reading – Describing Drainage on a Map

  • 25 May 2018
  • Number of views: 11174
Map Reading – Describing Drainage on a Map
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Sciences
Topic: Describing Drainage on an Ordinance Survey Map
Description: Development
Riddle me this, riddle me that, guess this riddle and perhaps not!
What always run but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleep, has a mouth but does not eat, has a head but does not weep?
Brain Teaser
How do three lions and three wildebeests, fleeing from a wildfire, cross over to the left bank of a crocodile-infested river to escape the flames? There’s a raft! But there are a few rules that must be followed in order to solve the puzzle: The raft can only hold two animals at a time, at least one animal is needed to row, if lions ever outnumber a wildebeest they’ll eat it, and there’s no swimming.
STEP 1 – engage and explore
Teacher distribute maps to students;
Instruct students to study the map
Students becomes familiar with the map
Teacher Asks the following questions:
What do you think is meant by drainage on the map?
What symbols on the map would indicate drainage?
Students Respond to questions

STEP 2 – explain and elaborate
Teacher What would you include in your description of drainage on a map?
Students identify the main river and its tributaries; drainage pattern developed, direction of flow, drainage of density, stage of the river, length and width of the river, speed of the river; features that develop along the rivers.
Teacher How do we go about getting this information from the map?
Directs students’ attention to the power point
Teacher & Students discuss information in the presentation and identify relevant examples on the map extract being used.

The Case for Conchservation

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Bodine V Johnson
  • Number of views: 11209
The Case for Conchservation
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Persuasive Writing: Saving the Conch
Description: *Context* Conch in The Bahamas is slowly becoming endangered due to overfishing and poor regulation of fishing laws. The conch aerates sand, allowing smaller animals to live underwater, provides a source of food for larger organisms, appears on The Bahamas' Coat of Arms and is part of the cultural diet of Bahamians as an internationally acclaimed delicacy. Furthermore, conch shells are used to create jewelry and craft items, and are ground up for calcium carbonate and used in natural supplements. When conch is endangered so is the livelihood of many Bahamians. (lesson can be adapted for any culturally appropriate animal or organism).

Teacher plays the Conch Gone Music Video for students.
CONCH GONE [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCsTSjc4N8
Teacher asks students about the characters represented, which words, phrases or images stood out and why, and what is the message of the song, i.e. how effective is the music video.

Explanation of Objectives:
Teacher outlines the objectives of the lesson and explains what will happen during each of the 3 parts of the course.

Teacher Lecture:
Teacher explains persuasive writing, using the Conch Gone Music video as a guide.

Literary Appreciation:
Teacher provides students the song lyrics, students underline key words and phrases. Students should be able to identify the appeal to logic (industries affected – creative, restaurant, fishing), emotions (loss of income and work, sense of purpose), expert opinion (explaining why the conch is important to the ecosystem)

Teacher divides students into groups of four and explains the purpose of the survey. Surveys are distributed to students. Students are asked to canvas their schoolmates during the break time.

Lesson Two:

Group Presentation: 10 mins
Students share the findings of their survey. They should be able to explain what people know and identify what their presentations should focus on. Teacher facilitates the conversation.

Interviews: 30 mins
BNT Education Officer Agnessa Lundy and Businesswoman, Gandhi Pinder make presentations on Conch and the Bahamian ecosystem and Conch and Bahamian businesses. Student ask additional questions.

Fishbowl Discussion: 10 mins
Students discuss different aspects of the growing conch shortage and implications for Bahamians.

Wrap Up: 5 mins
Students share one sentence/phrase that convinces others to preserve conch which focuses on one of the three forms of persuasion.

Lesson Three:

In Groups students refine the main issue that they want to present on and complete their poems, speeches, presentations, videos, etc.

The Slave Trade

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Stephaney Bodley
  • Number of views: 11531
The Slave Trade
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Not specified
Topic: The Experiences of Enslave Africans on the Middle Passage
Description: Engage - The teacher will introduce the lesson by asking the students to state how they would feel if they were taken from their home without knowledge of where they are going, why they were taken and the possibility of never seeing their family members again. A short discussion will ensue based on the responses.

Explore- In order to grasp the conditions and experiences of the enslaved Africans on the Middle Passage, the students will be placed in groups of three to read the documents about the Middle Passage. They will then be required to complete a graphic organizer with headings such as: Documents, Identify 2-3 ways people experienced the Middle Passage, How is this account similar or different from the other documents and why might this be a reliable source to understand the Middle Passage.
Explain - In their respective groups the students will be required to share their responses and critique each others work

Elaborate- Using the Fish Bowl strategy, the students will be required to debate the extent to which the Africans are largely responsible for the fate of their fellowmen on the Middle Passage.