Students’ age range: 14-16
Topic: Describing Drainage on an Ordinance Survey Map
Description: Development
Riddle me this, riddle me that, guess this riddle and perhaps not!
What always run but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleep, has a mouth but does not eat, has a head but does not weep?
Brain Teaser
How do three lions and three wildebeests, fleeing from a wildfire, cross over to the left bank of a crocodile-infested river to escape the flames? There’s a raft! But there are a few rules that must be followed in order to solve the puzzle: The raft can only hold two animals at a time, at least one animal is needed to row, if lions ever outnumber a wildebeest they’ll eat it, and there’s no swimming.
STEP 1 – engage and explore
Teacher distribute maps to students;
Instruct students to study the map
Students becomes familiar with the map
Teacher Asks the following questions:
What do you think is meant by drainage on the map?
What symbols on the map would indicate drainage?
Students Respond to questions
STEP 2 – explain and elaborate
Teacher What would you include in your description of drainage on a map?
Students identify the main river and its tributaries; drainage pattern developed, direction of flow, drainage of density, stage of the river, length and width of the river, speed of the river; features that develop along the rivers.
Teacher How do we go about getting this information from the map?
Directs students’ attention to the power point
Teacher & Students discuss information in the presentation and identify relevant examples on the map extract being used.