Lesson Plans - Details

Biblical Messages

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Sandy Edwards
  • Number of views: 8140
Biblical Messages
Students’ age range: 18+
Main subject: Religious education
Topic: John's Witness of Jesus
Description: The scripture selected for this lesson was 1 John 1:1-4 (NIV). 1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. 2 The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. 3 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 4 We write this to make our joy complete
This passage tells about the witness of Jesus’ manifestation to his followers and the early church. We know that everywhere Jesus went there were crowds that followed Him. There may have been some differences of opinion as to what occurred as he healed, taught or performed miracles. But for John and the apostles, this manifestation was unmistakable because they walked with Him; they ate with Him and watched Him suffer.

To help the audience understand, I projected a video on background information on the author and the culture in that day. After that we read the passage of scripture-1 John 1:1-4 (NIV). From that passage the topic and an outline were given- MAIN IDEA: The Witness of Jesus’ Manifestation to his followers and to the early church-Topic: John’s Witness of Jesus- Outline-The Revelation of Jesus, Declaration of Jesus and Purpose and conclusion.

Number Systems

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Mona-Lisa Roberts
  • Number of views: 9396
Number Systems
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Technology education
Topic: Binary
Description: The teacher will ask the students what are the number systems that they are aware of. The teacher will also ask the students what is the number systems used by humans. After the students has brainstormed this the teacher and students
Content Outline
• Number System
? Types of Numbers
? Binary
? Denary
1. The teacher will demonstrate how to convert from decimal/base10 to binary/base2. Spcial mention will be made to the remainder section and the direction that the answer should be read to arrive at the correct answer. Several examples will be done by students called up to the board the teacher will provide guidance where necessary.
2. After fully exploring how he conversion from Base 10 to Base 2 is done, the teacher will ask the students how they think the number is converted back to Base 10. The teacher will listen to the student’s ideas.
3. The teacher will then put one example on the board how this conversion is done. The students will make write down the conversion. The students will be given several questions to do on their own.
4. Students will be given many classwork activities to concertize the concepts.
5. The teacher will mark their books and make corrections where necessary.

Mis Vacaciones de Verano

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Kerry-Ann Bell Fearon
  • Number of views: 10052
Mis Vacaciones de Verano
Students’ age range: 16-18
Main subject: Foreign languages
Topic: Mis Vacaciones de Verano
Description: ENGAGEMENT: The teacher will greet the students in Spanish and then instruct them to listen to a Spanish song about the summer holiday. The song is entitled “Verano y Sol”. Students will be encouraged to dance and sing along with the song.
-The students will say what the song is about, as they respond to the question, “De qué se trata esta canción?”
-The teacher will proceed to ask students general questions about the summer vacation, using the present tense. Eg. ¿Cuándo son las vacaciones de verano?, Normalmente, ¿qué hace la gente durante las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Normalmente, qué haces tú durante las vacaciones de verano?, /Por lo general, ¿cómo pasas las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Te gustan las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Por qué?, ¿Qué prefieres?, ¿Las vacaciones de verano o La Navidad?, ¿Por qué?, ¿Qué te gusta más de las vacaciones de verano?, ¿Qué piensas de las vacaciones de verano en Jamaica?

EXPLORATION: The teacher will give students a template of a concept map. Individually or in groups, they will explore different expressions in Spanish that can be used to talk about their last summer vacation. In the first box, they will jot down adjectives that can be used to describe the vacation. In box 2, they will jot down places where they spent the holiday. In box 3, they will jot down persons with whom they spent the holiday. In box 4, they will jot down activities done in the holiday and in box 5, they will jot down things they liked/disliked most about the holiday.
EXPLANATION: Using the think-pair-share technique, the students will share their findings. At this point corrections, clarifications, explanations and justifications will be made by both students and teacher (NB.The teacher will visit each group). The teacher may also give additional expressions.
a) The students will use the information found in the exploration stage to talk about how they spent the recent summer vacation, using both the preterite and imperfect tenses. The teacher will write down five questions to guide the students. N.B. Each question relates to one of the boxes on the concept map. The teacher will allow students to pass around a ball and whoever has the ball when she says “paren”, will stand and talk about how he/she spent the holiday, using the questions along with the information on their concept maps.

The Root of Conflict

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Katie Minnis
  • Number of views: 9290
The Root of Conflict
Students’ age range: 12-14
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Internal and External Conflict
Description: FIRST SESSION. Teacher will display four photos that depict the four types of conflict- a person in a storm, persons involved in a fender bender, character looking at a poor grade with a confused look on her face and finally. Discussion on what is happening in each photo. The word conflict and its definition is written on the board. Volunteers are asked to explain how each picture depicts a conflict and the party or parties involved in the conflict. The words internal and external conflict are written on the board. Discussion on how the conflicts discussed earlier were internal and external. Students watch the video clip of the Lion King. In small groups, they are asked to identify the conflict, parties involved and how the conflict is resolved. A representative from each small group present their thoughts on the conflict.
SECOND SESSION. Students placed in four groups and given a a piece of paper with a type of conflict to role play. Students role play the conflicts after which classmates discuss the conflict. Class reads the short story, Brer Bouki and Brer Rabbi and the Sperrit House as teacher asks the students to make note of what they think may be evidence of conflicts in the story.

Analyzing Poetry using Critical Thinking Skills

  • 25 May 2018
  • Posted by: Marshalee Laing
  • Number of views: 8035
Analyzing Poetry  using Critical Thinking Skills
Students’ age range: 14-16
Main subject: Language arts and literature
Topic: Themes for English B by Langston Huges
Description: Students were asked to :
1. Read the poem prior to being taught as well as do a research on the author Langston Huges
2. Identify the image of Langston Hughes during delivery of the lesson and share information found about him as a result of their research.
3. Teacher will review the poem in the form of whole group discussion
4. Students guided by teacher will share their opinion on at least one literary device coming from the poem